Ebony Walden

Ebony Walden
Ebony Walden
Trainer, Facilitator, Urban planner, Community facilitator
Ebony Walden Consulting

Ebony Walden is an urban planner, consultant and facilitator with over a decade of experience working to transform communities. She is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Ebony Walden Consulting (EWC), an urban strategy firm based in Richmond, Virginia. At EWC, she works with organizations in the housing and community development arena to design and facilitate workshops, training programmes, strategic plans and community engagement processes that explore race, equity and the creation of just and inclusive communities. In addition to her work at EWC, Ebony is an adjunct professor at Virginia Commonwealth University where she teaches a class on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the City. Ebony is member of the faculty for the Community Trustbuilding Fellowship.