Achim Wennmann

Dr. Achim Wennmann is an expert on the economic perspectives of violent conflict, peace mediation and peacebuilding with years of experience in conflict response: peace processes, conflict prevention, and violence reduction. He is Senior Researcher at the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva where he specialises in state fragility and hybrid political orders, the private sector in complex markets, natural resource management in fragile states and armed groups and conflict financing. His current work is focused on negotiated exits from criminal violence, sustaining peace in the city and conflict prevention in the context of large-scale business investments. He is the Executive Coordinator of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, a multi-purpose network that connects peacebuilding actors in Geneva and worldwide and acts as co-facilitator of the Technical Working Group on the Confluence of Urban Safety and Peacebuilding in collaboration with the United Nations Office at Geneva and UNHSP. [His published works include The Political Economy of Peacemaking (Routledge 2011) and Ending Wars, Consolidating Peace (Routledge 2010). Most recently he published Urban Safety and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Sustaining Peace in the City (Routledge 2018), which consolidates research and provides ideas for dealing with the increasing risk of conflict and insecurity in cities.]