Laurent Munyandilikirwa

Laurent Munyandilikirwa is a human right defender, engaged for non violence, peace and human dignity. Laurent was a lawyer and served the Rwandan League for promotion and defense of human rights (Liprodhor) as the chairman and The League of human rights for the Great Lakes (LDGL) as the vice chairman in 2012. As such and individually he was involved for the freedom of expression and of association in Rwanda. He is also involved in the IOFC activities since 2003 and active member of farmers dialogue in Rwanda for the regional promotion of the dialogue of farmers with support of Initiatives of Change. Member of the Rwandan diaspora civil society and coordinator of the Observatory of Human Rights in Rwanda based in Paris , he is focusing on research on the roots causes of the continuous violation of human rights in Rwanda. He is also focusing on how a diaspora community can participate, without violence and exclusion, in reaching an inclusive development of the human security in the great lakes region.