Willi Studer

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Willi Studer
Organizational Coach

Willi Studer is an organizational coach based in the Lake Geneva region. Deeply rooted in the Swiss Alpine area, having grown up and studied in the greater Zurich region, he later lived for 7 years in Paris. Willi is a Swiss and French citizen. He has more than 20 years’ experience in organizational development and transformational change. People who know his work call him an engineer of the human, providing real and rapid help. He is the Swiss Partner of Denison Consulting and has worked together with its founder Dan Deniison for many times, he is also Partner of The Fearless Organization (Amy Edmondson) and Associate of The Development Edge (Robert Kegan). Finally, he acts as a proud Ambassador of the global Inner Development Goals initiative (IDGs). Willi is a spouse and father; he loves skiing, plays table tennis, and he enjoys reading books on a wide range of topics from history, through sustainability, to the exploration of countries and people; finally, he loves receiving inspiration from art. Willi Studer supports the Foundation as a consultant for the Inner Development Goals.