Simren Cornut

Simren Cornut
Simren Cornut

Simren Cornut holds a Master's degree in contemporary history from UNIL and is now an archivist in the private sector. He trained with various university and cantonal archive services, and this year is completing a Master in Advanced Studies in archival science at the University of Bern.

This dual perspective of historian and archivist allows him to treat an archiv such as that of the Caux Palace and its rich history, while taking into consideration its access and future valorization. Understanding this heritage, recognizing it and knowing how to highlight it is indeed essential to enlighten the present and forge links between past, present and future generations.

Very attached to the Riviera, Simren lives at the Domaine de La Doges, on the heights of La Tour-de-Peilz, where he leads guided tours and develops a cultural program which brings to life this listed historic monument, seat of the Swiss Heritage association, Vaud section.