World NGO Day: Civic Space, Democracy and Artificial Intelligence: how do they intersect?

11:00 - 13:00 CET

27 February 2024


The Conference of INGOs is hosting an event to celebrate the 10th edition of World NGO Day on 27 February in Strasbourg and online on the theme "Civic Space, Democracy and Artificial Intelligence: how do they intersect?".

The list of guest speakers for this 2 hour event will include the founder of the World NGO Day, Marcis Skadmanis, and a representative of Microsoft Philantropy to discuss one of the great challenges of our time, namely the potential impact of artificial intelligence on democracy and human rights.

This is a major theme for civil society as well as for the Council of Europe which is currently in the final stages of preparing a convention on artificial intelligence.

The event will be interactive, with English-French interpretation and participants will have the opportunity to comment and ask questions.


 Date and time: 27 February 2024, 11.00 – 13.00 CET

Place: Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Palais, Room 11 & Online on Zoom

 Link to the PROGRAMME

 Connect online by using this ZOOM LINK  (Meeting ID: 677 6290 8261 / Access code: 709908)

  In-person participation: Please contact swiftly the Secretariat at : CONTACT NGO Unit


                                        REGISTER NOW



Council of Europe, credit: IofC International


The Council of Europe was founded in 1949 in response to the horrors of the first part of the 20th century and focuses on human rights, democratic governance and the rule of law. Initiatives of Change is a member of one of its three advisory bodies, the Conference of International NGOs (CINGO).  

As an international non-governmental organization and a part of the desire to inspire change at all levels, Initiatives of Change has held participatory status at the Council of Europe (CoE) since 2005.

The registration to the Council of Europe, along with the registration for the UN Economic and Social Council, was carried along by the former president of IofC International and the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, Cornelio Sommaruga, who was crucial in preparing the IofC representatives' arrival in Strasbourg.


Christoph Spreng

Christoph Spreng, Switzerland, has been representing Initiatives of Change at the Council of Europe since 2006 and in his role has been entrusted a large variety of specific assignments. He is Vice-President of CINGO and the coordinator of the INGO Dialogue Toolkit Hub. In June 2017 he was appointed INGO Special Advisor for Human Rights and Business and has been representing CINGO at the CoE North-South Centre since 2018.

At the occasion of 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, Christoph Spreng has helped his colleagues to organise this 10th edition of World NGO Day as their contribution as representatives from and in Europe to a global event that wants to treasure the civic space and show its potential at a time when this space is so challenged.




Interested in more events on the role of Europe to promote and strengthen democracy? Find out more about the Caux Democracy Forum (14 - 19 July 2024), a four-day residential forum at the Caux Palace, Switzerland, designed to promote and enhance democratic governance, human rights, and sustainable economic development.



Graphic top: Council of Europe