15-19 July 2024


The Caux Democracy Forum, taking place in Caux, Switzerland from 15 to 19 July 2024, aspires to inspire, equip, and connect individuals, groups, and organisations in the pursuit of stronger democracies and human rights across Europe and the world.

The Caux Democracy Forum is organised by Caux Initiatives of Change in partnership with Initiatives of Change International, The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and OHCHR, as well as other partners (see full list below), and in partnership with the Geneva Diplomatic Club for the Opening Ceremony.


How can democracy be revitalised across Europe and the world?

Democracy is retreating across the world, and millions are denied the freedoms that they struggled to achieve. Much of the world is separating into camps. Conflict grows and cooperation shrinks, setting back global efforts to combat climate change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. And even in democracy’s heartlands, citizens see the disconnect between democratic ideals and their practice, and lose faith.

If democracy is to be revitalised, we need to bridge this disconnect. This Forum will focus on this challenge – how to imbue our nations with the values of democracy such as integrity, accountability, transparency and inclusiveness of all, majorities and minorities. Democracy can only thrive where these values motivate families and workplaces as well as politics and government.

The Forum will hear from people who are working to make these values the bedrock of policy and practice in governance, business, industry, education, the media and the environment. They have started in their own lives, and are confronting corruption and injustice, building trust across social divides, healing wounded relationships, developing inclusive economic approaches – the underlying work which enables trust and cooperation to grow, and democracy to thrive.

Each of us has a unique role in revitalising democracy. The Forum will offer the space to explore that role, and to develop joint initiatives. It will launch a three-year programme, in partnership with like-minded organisations, which aims to revitalise democracy and help turn back the authoritarian tide.

Discover the Caux Democracy Programme 2024 - 2026


The Caux Palace (photo: HATCH)

About the Event

The Caux Democracy Forum is part of a three-year programme running until 2026 which includes the Geneva Democracy Dialogues in May and October, regional events, and the Caux Democracy Forum from 8-12 July, 2025 and from 22 - 26 June, 2026.

This four-day residential forum will look at what we can do to contribute to revitalise democracy across Europe and the world. It is designed to enhance democratic governance, human rights and sustainable economic development.

Challenges will be explored through 3 different workstreams (see below), plenaries, community groups and workshops.

The event has been designed to allow participants the time to gain some perspective, retreat from the bustling routine and find a space that allows for silent reflection, creative collaboration and the exchange of ideas.


Quiet time, reflection


What Practical Outcomes are Envisioned?

The Caux Democracy Forum aims to facilitate interaction among participants, providing inspiration, tools, courage, and effective strategies for enabling, facilitating, and encouraging the capabilities and attitudes considered necessary to strengthen democracy across the world.

The Forum will:

  • Bring people together around collective exploration and action.
  • Provide first-hand experiences of a wide range of people active in the key selected issues.
  • Learn, innovate, prototype, practice and share application of tools.
  • Create opportunities to support further activities within the Caux Democracy Programme and organisations.
  • Ally with partner organisations
  • Share stories, arts, event designs and presentations.


Who is attending the Caux Democracy Forum?

Over 200 people are expected to participate in the full residential program and 300 for the Opening Ceremony

The Forum will commence and conclude with the voices of those most impacted, positively and negatively, from civil society. We will also hear from representatives of people’s movements, NGOs, governmental bodies, media, United Nations agencies, and unconventional actors. Speakers will be chosen based on their relevant personal experiences.

Departing from conventional protocols, the Caux Forum provides participants with an opportunity for interaction regardless of seniority.

Our sponsoring initiatives will ensure the Caux Democracy Forum to be an inclusive event, bringing together creative and innovative minds from all regions of the world.

We will continue to update this page with information on speakers and workshops in the weeks to come.


Caux Palace Adrien Giovannelli


The Venue: The Caux Palace (near Montreux)

The Caux Democracy Forum takes place in our centre for dialogue - the Caux Palace, a former Belle Époque Grand Hotel nestled in the mountains 1000m above sea level. With its breathtaking view over the Léman and the Alps, it provides a unique and inspiring setting.


Caux Forum 2023 Opening Gerald Pillay stage theatre



15 July: Opening Ceremony

  • Time: 16:00 à 17:45 CEST
  • Venue: Caux Palace, Switzerland

In collaboration with the Geneva Diplomatic Club, the opening ceremony of the Caux Democracy Forum will take place at the Caux Palace on 15 July from 16:00 CEST, followed by a reception and concert organised with the support of the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation.

With an expected in-person attendance of three hundred people, the event will also be streamed online.

If you only wish to attend the Opening Ceremony, please make sure to secure your place by kindly filling out the online registration form.   



15-19 July: Full Residential Caux Democracy Forum

The full residential Caux Democracy Forum, including the Opening Ceremony, will take place at the Caux Palace and starts with the Opening Ceremony at the Caux Palace on Monday, 15 July at 16:00 CEST.

Attendees who have booked the full Forum packages (15 - 19 July) are asked to check in from 15:00 CEST on the 15 July. For participants who arrive early on 15 July and would like to drop off their luggage at the Caux Palace before official check-in times a luggage room will be available.

Details on the specific workstreams can be found below.



Workshop inspire


The event is articulated around three workstreams (detailed below) set as priorities to feed into existing ongoing agendas and processes, from local to global. 

  • Workstream 1: Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness and Restitution
  • Workstream 2: People-centred Economics - Human Rights and Responsibilities
  • Workstream 3: Civil Society fostering Dialogue – From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action


Each participant is invited to select and follow one of the three workstreams for the duration of the forum with two dedicated workshops per day. Plenaries, community groups, the evening programme and other activities bring all participants together.


Each of the workstreams will discuss cross-cutting issues:

  • Narratives used - “Words matter”
  • Equity – “Double Standards”
  • Needed capabilities and attitudes - “Inner Development”


Caux Democracy Forum graphic



About the Workstream

Healthy democracy relies on robust relationships, yet lingering wounds from the past often obstruct progress, affecting multiple aspects of life. This workstream delves into the imperative of healing broken relationships and fostering forgiveness and restitution.

New energy, vision and calling can emerge from each step taken to repair a relationship. Trust can grow again, and with it the cooperation needed to answer the challenges we face from the personal to the global.

We will hear from outstanding peacemakers and explore the approaches, skills and tools needed to heal the wounds of the past – and the present.


Target Audience

This workstream is particularly relevant for anyone active in conflict resolution and peacebuilding as well as students and their faculties focused on conflict resolution, peacebuilding and international relations.


Objectives of this Workstream

Through the IofC experiential approaches of storytelling, sharing and reflection, this workstream is designed to inspire, equip, and connect participants: inspiring them through interactions with outstanding peacemakers, equipping them with knowledge shared by both speakers and participants, and fostering connections through the exchange of experiences and approaches among peers.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Engage with grass-roots peacemakers and learn from their approaches, skills and tools.
  • Reflect on personal experiences of healing past and recent wounds.
  • Reflect on present needs for healing in and around them.
  • Expand understanding of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘restitution’ and their critical importance.
  • Reflect on why healing relationships is fundamental to a healthy democratic life at all levels.


Workstream Programme

On each afternoon there will be 2 x 75-minute sessions.

In the FIRST SESSION, presenters will share their experiences and the initiatives for reconciliation that they have taken in a wide variety of contexts, followed by questions and answers.

In the SECOND SESSION, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Discuss in small groups their take-aways from the first session
  • Present their own peacemaking initiatives
  • Reflect on next steps
  • Share their learnings with the whole group.

The presenters will be present for consultation throughout the whole Caux Democracy Forum.


Please note that this workstream are still subject to change.


  • When: 16 July  (14:30 - 16:00 & 17:00 - 18:30)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


DR PETER SHAMBROOK, Independant Scholar & Historical Consultant, Balfour Project

Peter Shambrook is an independent scholar and historical consultant to the Balfour Project, which works to advance equal rights for all in Palestine/Israel. He holds a PhD in modern Middle Eastern history from the University of Cambridge. Author of French Imperialism in Syria, 1927-1936 and Policy of Deceit. Britain and Palestine, 1914-1939  He lives in Durham, UK.




ASSAAD CHAFTARI, Founder of Fighters for Peace

Assaad Chaftari from Lebanon took an active part in the Lebanese civil war where he worked in the security and intelligence services of the Christian Lebanese Forces (LF). In 1985 he co-negotiated the Tripartite Agreement on behalf of the LF and co-created the WAED - National Secular Democratic party in 1990. When he met Initiatives of Change, he experienced a change of heart and wrote a public letter of repentance and apology to his victims in February 2000. In 2012 he co-created Fighters for Peace, an NGO of ex-civil war fighters from all denominations working together for civil peace, healing and immunising against violence. In 2016 he wrote an autobiography with the title The truth even with a trembling voice. Assaad has a long experience in public speaking, training and organising dialogues, conferences and mediation. Since 2016 he is a member of the Global Peace Builders Network. He is also a council member of Initiatives of Change International.

  • When: 17 July  (14:30 - 16:00 & 17:00 - 18:30)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


Jo Berry 2024

JO BERRY, Founder of Building Bridges for Peace and Public Speaker

Jo Berry, an inspiring speaker and founder of the charity Building Bridges for Peace, emerged from a profound personal tragedy to become a global advocate for reconciliation. In 1984, her father fell victim to an IRA bomb, igniting a journey that led her to engage with the ex-combatant who planted the bomb, Patrick Magee. Their unprecedented relationship, documented in the BBC's "Facing the Enemy" and featured in films like "Beyond Right and Wrong" and "The Bomb," encapsulates Jo's belief in unbounded empathy as the key to transforming conflict. Jo's impactful message of hope resonates in international conferences and seminars on reconciliation, conflict resolution, and sustainable peace. She has shared her insights worldwide, from Lebanon to South Korea, contributing to panels, radio, and TV discussions. Her work has become a vital resource in peace studies and conflict transformation education globally. As a TEDx speaker and Visiting Fellow at the University of Nottingham, Jo's influence extends beyond speeches. She has crafted workshops on conflict resolution, difficult conversations, and navigating uncertainty, both in-person and virtually. Jo Berry's journey exemplifies the power of empathy in overcoming deep divisions and fostering understanding.

Patrick Magee 2024

DR PATRICK MAGEE, Author and Public Speaker

Dr Patrick Magee was released from prison in 1999 under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. Shortly after his release, he completed a PhD examining the representation of Irish Republicans in ‘Troubles’ fiction. For 27 years he was a committed member of the IRA. In November 2000 he agreed to meet Jo Berry, whose father had been killed along with four others in the IRA’s attack on the Grand Hotel, Brighton in 1984. Since then they have met on more than 200 occasions, in Ireland, the UK and overseas. Although Pat carries the burden of knowing he had caused Jo profound hurt, they continue to explore their common humanity, recognising that war robs combatants of what it is to be human, of an essential capacity to empathise and to see the world through the eyes of others. Patrick Magee's memoir 'Where Grieving Begins - Building Bridges after the Brighton Bomb' was published by Pluto Press in 2021. 


  • When: 18 July  (14:30 - 16:00 & 17:00 - 18:30)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


REV DR JAMES MOVEL WUYE, Pentecoastal Pastor and Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria

Rev Dr. James Movel Wuye is a Pentecostal Pastor with Assemblies of God Northern Nigeria (AGNN), and Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria. During the 1980s and 1990s he was involved in Christian activities targeted at protecting the Church from ethno-religious violence. He served in various committees for peace and reconciliation in Kaduna State, national and international level and was a member of the African Union (AU) Interfaith Committee. He is Assistant District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God Northern Nigeria (AGNN), Secretary-General of the North-Western States of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), and also a member of the National Executive Council of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). His peacebuilding effort has earned him numerous awards, including the Peace Activist Award of the Tanenbaum Center of Interreligious Understanding. He is the subject of several documentary films, like The Imam and the Pastor; a moving story of forgiveness and a case-study of a successful grass-roots initiative to rebuild communities torn apart by conflict.


Iman Ashafa

IMAM DR MUHAMMAD NURAYN ASHAFACo-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria

Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa is the Co-executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria, a faith-based non-governmental organisation he co-founded in 1995, working to end violent clashes between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. His work has spread beyond Nigeria to Ghana, Burundi, Chad and Kenya, among some other countries in Africa, and he has featured in documentary films promoting forgiveness and reconciliation. Imam Ashafa's work has earned him numerous honours and awards. Imam Ashafa took an active role in several  documentary films, like Belief, a seven-part documentary series hosted by Oprah Winfrey. Iman Ashafa is the Ambassador of the Golden Rule of the United Religions Initiative (URI) and presently an Advisor on the Community Initiatives to Promote Peace (CIPP) programme, a USAID funded project under the lead of the Mercy Corps. He is recognized as one of the 500 Islamic influential figures around the world for his efforts in development in line with his peacebuilding efforts across the globe.


Please note that these workstreams are still subject to change. 




Peter Riddell cropped

PETER RIDDELL, Convenor, Agenda for Reconciliation, Initiatives of Change UK

Peter Riddell (UK) is Convenor of Initiatives of Change UK’s Agenda for Reconciliation programme which supports refugees who wish to contribute to rebuilding their countries of origin. He has spent several decades with IofC organizing trustbuilding programmes between people of different faiths based on shared moral and spiritual values, in particular with people who have suffered due to Britain’s imperial legacy. He is a founder member of several organizations including British-Arab Exchanges and the Balfour Project.



Amina Dikedi

AMINA DIKEDI-AJAKAIYE, Immediate past-president of Creators of Peace International

Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye (Nigeria/UK) has been actively involved in the work of the Initiatives of Change (IofC) since 1982. Originally a teacher, Amina decided to change her profession and run a fashion business in Lagos. While involved in her profession, Amina remained involved with IofC volunteer work. In 2000, as a member of the IofC International Coordination Group, Amina and others ran international pan-African ethical leadership programmes across Africa. In 2013, Amina was contracted as Project Leader to support the South Sudan Initiative for Peace and National Reconciliation. From 1994 to 2013 Amina served as International Coordinator to the Creators of Peace (CoP).  She has been a Board member of IofC Nigeria since 2012 and a member of the IofC African Coordination Group (ACG) 2007 – 2010. She has worked with the Agenda for Reconciliation programme for over 10 years, served as convenor of the ACG and was President of Creators of Peace International. Through her work and her caring approach, Amina has earned the respect, trust and friendship of a large network of individuals throughout Africa and many countries beyond, from Presidents, and politicians, senior civil servants, traditional leaders, educators, business people and ordinary citizens.


Daya Bhagwandas 2024

DAYA BHAGWANDAS, Founding Director Neuro Network 

Daya Bhagwandas works in the field of neurosciences and brain development with adults and children. A passionate social entrepreneur, her approach focuses on transformation linking brain development and achieving human potential. Her neuroeducation programme, Achieving Brain Competency (ABC), has been rolled out in schools in many countries. Daya`s work experience includes rehabilitating child soldiers and more recently at-risk youths in Malaysia. In Australia she was Assistant Director at Gymbaroo the country’s largest Early Childhood Development programme with 65 centres. Daya is editor of book Tomorrow`s Children. She is also an internationally certified Yoga Master and lives in Melbourne, Australia. 


United Nations Human Rights Office

This workstream is hosted by Initiatives of Change and the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner.



About the Workstream

This workstream will focus on how we can enable our economies to flourish and create just, inclusive societies. Democracy is untenable amidst abject poverty, and it is easily undermined amidst extremes of rich and poor.

As well as productivity and financial sustainability, our economic frameworks need to prioritize human rights, social justice and sustainable development within our countries and in our dealings with others. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals will enable democracy to grow in countries where at present it is weak or non-existent.

Initiatives of Change and the UN Human Rights Office are devoted to this progress. Initiatives of Change focuses on the integrity and cooperation in government, business, industry and agriculture which enables a thriving economy. The Human Rights Office works for laws which ensure that the wealth generated is equitably distributed. Each approach complements the other.

This workstream will hear from people of expertise and experience who are grappling with these challenges.


Workstream 2: People-centred Economics

  • When: 16 July (14:30 - 16:00)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the workshop

Democracy flourishes on a just and equitable economic base. This session will examine how business can create satisfying work and wealth, improve social conditions, and help reduce the rich-poor gap within and between nations..


About the speaker

Mark Goyler

MARK GOYDER, Founder Director of Tomorrow’s Company

Marc Goyder is the Founder and Director of Tomorrow's Company, a London-based think-tank focusing on rediscovering the human purposes of business.





Antoine Jaulmes

ANTOINE JAULMES, Consultant in business ethics, corporate management and corporate social responsibility

Antoine Jaulmes is a graduate engineer from Mines ParisTech. He worked for 35 years at Peugeot SA, where he held several management positions, including eight years as Director of the global platform for commercial vehicles and cooperation projects.With a long experience in industrial and R&D management positions, he is now a consultant in business ethics, corporate management and corporate social responsibility, and he also leads the Initiatives of Change Business & Economy Programme. Since his youth he has been concerned about the tragedy of extreme poverty in the world and by the prospect of planetary exhaustion in the face of world population growth. He now works to help business leaders take all their stakeholders, near and far, into account and to steer their companies towards serving humanity’s needs. He chaired the board of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation from 2012 to 2018.

  • When: 17 July(17:00 - 18:30)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the workshop

Democracy depends on media which tells the truth. Journalists and others who are devoted to developing a media of integrity will outline the challenges, and will discuss how media consumers can help.


About the speaker


Richard Werly is the France and Europe correspondent for Blick, Switzerland's largest newspaper. He appears frequently in TV news programmes in France and Switzerland, and has been awarded the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Republic. He is also senior strategic advisor to the Swiss Diplo Foundation, which aims to improve global governance and international policy development, especially by increasing the power of small and developing states to influence their own futures.


Caroline Vuillmin

CAROLINE VUILLEMIN, General Director Fondation Hirondelle

Caroline Vuillemin has been General Director of Fondation Hirondelle since 1 January , 2017. Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organisation founded in 1995, which provides information to populations facing crises, empowering them to take action in their daily lives and as citizens. Her career reflects a commitment to international development in the field of good governance, democratic participation and access to information. She joined Fondation Hirondelle in December 2003. Committed to helping public-interest media, including radio, meet the economic, governance and technological transformation challenges they face, she is a board member of the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD). Prior to Fondation Hirondelle, she worked for the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), where she took part in numerous electoral observation missions in Africa. Caroline holds a bachelor's degree from the Institut d'études politiques de Lyon, complemented by a degree in international relations from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.


Sarah Noble

SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.



  • When: 17 July (14:30 - 16:00)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the workshop

Corruption undermines democracy. This session will hear of initiatives in Asia, Africa and Europe which have proved effective against corrupt practices. It will explore how these approaches and others could be applied to confront current corruption.


About the speakers

Sylvia Valentin

SYLVIA VALENTIN, Advocacy Officer Terre des Hommes Switzerland & Board Member Coalition for Corporate Responsibility

Sylvia Valentin works in the department for development politics of terre des hommes schweiz where one of her focuses is corporate social responsibility. She mainly works on the illegal resource exploitation in Western Sahara and supports the Sahrawi people in their struggle for self-determination. She is also board member of the Coalition for Corporate Responsibility in Switzerland. The background of her PhD analyzing the work of NGOs working on freedom of the media lead her to support Reporter Without Borders Switzerland as board member for ten years.




FARAI MAGUWU, Executive Director, Centre for Natural Resource Governance, Zimbabwe

Farai Maguwu founded the Centre for Natural Resource Governance to improve governance of natural resources in Zimbabwe. He has done extensive research and documentation on human rights abuses and illicit trade in diamonds. In 2011 Human Rights Watch honoured him with the Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism.


LIU REN JOU, Initiator of Clean Election Campaign in Taiwan

Liu Ren Jou works for Initiatives of Change in Taiwan and was the initiator of the Clean Election Campaign in Taiwan.


  • When: 17 July (17:00 - 18:30)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the workshop

Throughout history people have migrated, and this will probably increase in the coming years. Will the reaction from wealthy countries be xenophobic, or can there be a better approach? This workshop will explore initiatives which are enabling migrants to benefit both the country to which they come, and their country of origin.


About the speakers

Muna Ismail

DR MUNA ISMAIL, Programme Manager Refugees as Re-Builders™, IofC UK

Dr Muna Ismail is the Programme Manager and team leader for Refugees as Re-Builders™ of Initiatives of Change UK. She is a plant scientist by training and an environmentalist interested in the ecosystem restoration of degraded arid land for sustainable livelihood regeneration. A former refugee herself, Muna’s vision has guided the development of the Refugees as Re-builders™ training programme since 2016. Muna completed her doctoral research at King’s College London and subsequently held visiting postdoc research at the School of Pharmacy, University College London and the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Muna is interested in arid land wild crops domestication and rural community land regeneration for food security in the Horn of Africa for sustainable livelihood. Muna is Founder of The Yeheb Project charity focused on regeneration and domestication of the yeheb plant, a hardy droughtresistant legume that is a source of food to both humans and livestock in the Horn of Africa.


Alhamiss Dicko

ALHAMISS DICKO, President GEN-émergent, Mauritania

Alhamiss Dicko is the President of the GEN-émergent association in Mauritania. Alhamiss is developing new opportunities for refugees in Africa.





  • When: 18 July (14:30 - 16:00)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the workshop

Some nations are under attack with the aim of destroying their existence as democracies. We will hear from people in Ukraine and other conflict situations who are working to maintain a functioning society and economy. The workstream will explore how to support them.


About the speakers

Angela Staravoytova

ANGELA STARAVOYTOVA and colleagues from Ukraine

Angela Starovoytova is passionate about building connections between people and communities. Her expertise is in using non-formal education and participatory facilitation methods to create a safe and trusting environment where individuals and groups can find personal transformation and changed  relationships. Angela has 20 years of international experience organizing and running workshops/conferences/long-term programmes on such themes as ethical leadership, conflict-resolution, trust- and peacebuilding and critical thinking. She is one of the founders of Foundations for Freedom/Initiatives of Change (Ukraine), and has worked in Ukraine, UK, Switzerland, Germany and Uganda. 

  • When: 18 July, (17:00 - 18:30)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the workshop

Global warming calls for a transformation in our economies. This workshop will hear of economic initiatives which are pioneering this transformation, improving the environment and the wellbeing of citizens. Much more is needed, and this workshop will discuss how to support such initiatives locally and more widely.


About the speakers

SIDRA RASLAN, Creative Leadership & HP Amplify Impact Partner Sustainability Programme

Sidra Raslan from Syria is the Co-coordinating manager of Creative Leadership, a Caux Initiatives of Change initiative for young leaders that organises programmes focused on reconceptualizing leadership through dialogue and storytelling. Sidra also volunteers on topics of refugees rights and inclusion, inner development, and youth empowerment. Sidra holds a masters degree in environmental, economic and social sustainability from UAB and works at HP on their partner sustainability programme.


Irina Fedorenko

DR IRINA FEDORENKO-AULA, Researcher, Serial Green Tech Entrepreneur

Dr Irina Fedorenko-Aula is a researcher and a serial green tech entrepreneur working on nature-based solutions. She is a steering group member at Initiatives of Land Lives and Peace, a programme of IofC International. She previously served as a Managing Director of Caux Dialogue on Environment and Security.  Irina co-founded the first tree-planting drone company and ran ecosystem restoration projects in Asia and Africa. She is a co-founder at Flying Forests that uses technology to empower local communities and Vlinder that develops Social Blue Carbon projects. Irina is an expert on carbon sequestration, having obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Oxford as a recipient of the Weidenfeld-Hoffman Trust Scholarship. In Oxford, she mentors young climate activists and entrepreneurs, who want to work on the interplay of people, technology and sustainability. 


Alan Channer

DR ALAN CHANNER, Film Director, Environment and Peace Specialist

Dr Alan Channer is a specialist in the nexus between environment and peace. He has carried out research in agricultural ecology in Tuvalu, Malawi and China and worked in peacebuilding in Cambodia, Kenya, Nigeria and Chad. He has served as a consultant for the United Nations Development Programme, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Transparency International, the Global EverGreening Alliance, World Agroforestry and the World Council of Churches. He was director of the award-winning documentary film ‘The Imam and the Pastor’ and a runner-up for the Bremen International Peace Prize. He has been inspired by growing up within the ethos of Initiatives of Change.



Aili Channer

AILI CHANNER, Researcher & Writer

Aili Channer is a researcher and writer interested in thinking historically and philosophically about the cultural patterns that have led to our contemporary ecological crises and how to create societal renewal. This interest took her to Bhutan to learn how this country puts its economy at the service of human wellbeing and the natural world. More recently, she has been working for Earthrise, Al Jazeera’s environmental solutions series. She is a graduate of the University of Oxford.






John Bond

JOHN BOND, Journalist & Author, Initiatives of Change

John Bond lives in Oxford, England, and has worked with Initiatives of Change in over 30 countries. For five years he coordinated the Caux Forum for Human Security. Previously he was the Secretary of Australia’s National Sorry Day Committee, which enlisted a million Australians in initiatives to overcome the harm done to Aboriginal Australians by cruel and misguided past policies. For this he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. He is also a writer. His most-recent book, a biography of Professor Jerzy Zubrzycki, known as 'the father of Australian multiculturalism', has been published in English and Polish.


Sarah Noble

SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.


    When: 14 - 18 July (14:30 - 16:00 & 17:00 - 18:15)
  • Where: to be announced
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: to be announced


About the Workstream

The social tensions in our societies have their root causes in violations of human rights, discrimination and poverty. These factors have repeatedly been the focus of the Conference of INGOs at the Council of Europe, where Initiatives of Change holds Participatory Status. These challenging situations can be addressed by dialogue, which enables all parties to collaborate in finding mutually acceptable solutions, and to share responsibility for their implementation.

This workstream draws on the INGO Dialogue Methodology.  This enables all stakeholders to respond to a blocked or polarized situation that requires sustained and carefully thought-through approaches.

It builds social cohesion, good democratic governance and a human rights-based approach to diversity issues.


Target Audience

This workstream invites changemakers wishing to bring constructive change in a challenging situation that they care about and wanting an enabling experience leading to action.

Objectives of this Workstream

This workstream is designed to enable each participant to leave with a guide to action according to their own sense of need and commitment, enriched by three afternoons of learning from each other based on the matrix, “Identify your own course of action”. 


Workstream Programme

Each afternoon there will be two 90-minute workshops following the INGO Dialogue Methodology. Participants will engage in thematic presentations, small group conversations, personal reflection and story-telling, culminating in a summary sharing session.

The structure of the afternoon workshops comprises three key components aligned to the cross-cutting issues:

  • Exploring Cornerstones and Values for progress while avoiding double standards;
  • Unpacking the methodology of INGO Dialogues, harmonizing the inner and outer development;
  • Identifying your own course of action, recognizing that words and deeds matter.

The INGO Dialogue Toolkit booklet will be available upon arrival at the Caux Democracy Forum for those who register for this workstream.  Each of its eight elements ends with a set of Action Points, to be used in the situation when and where dialogues are being initiated. It also provides dialogue initiators with a variety of useful references and links.

Please note that these workstreams are still subject to change. Stay tuned for the detailed programme coming soon.


Workstream 3: Civil Society Fostering Dialogue





Christoph Spreng

CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO

Christoph Spreng, Switzerland, has been representing Initiatives of Change at the Council of Europe since 2006 and in his role has been entrusted a large variety of specific assignments. He was Vice-President of CINGO until April 2024 and was asked to continue his work at CINGO as Advisor to the Standing Comittee. Christoph is also the coordinator of the INGO Dialogue Toolkit Hub. In June 2017 he was appointed INGO Special Advisor for Human Rights and Business and has been representing CINGO at the CoE North-South Centre since 2018.

At the occasion of 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, Christoph Spreng has helped his colleagues to organise this 10th edition of World NGO Day as their contribution as representatives from and in Europe to a global event that wants to treasure the civic space and show its potential at a time when this space is so challenged.


Laurie Johnston

DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

Dr Laurie Johnston is Professor of Theology at Emmanuel College in Boston where she teaches courses on social ethics. She is the author or editor of works on peacebuilding, reconciliation, and just war theory and most recently edited a journal issue on the thought of Jacques Maritain and contemporary challenges to democracy. She also serves as the Executive Vice President of the Sant'Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue. She first visited Caux in 1999.


Creators of Peace

Facilitated by Creators of Peace and Women on the Front Line


  • Time: 16 - 18 July - 17:00 to 18:30  
  • Where: Salon du Lac   
  • Participants: 30 people 


About the workshop

Do you have a vision for a democracy for yourself, your community and your nation. Can we learn from past conflicts and from the conflicts that we are experiencing today. This workshop is designed for individuals who are passionate about creating positive change.  

We will work with visioning a manifesto for a democratic society, integrating art expression, nature-inspired creativity, and open discussion over three days. We will be inviting you to bring your personal experiences and perspectives to the workshop to envision this manifesto for Democracy and Change. 

This workshop is delivered over 3 days - please sign up for all three sessions. 


 About the organisers


Elizabeth Laskar

ELIZABETH LASKAR, Programme Manager Creators of Peace IofC UK, Facilitator & Trainer

Elizabeth Laskar is a Creators of Peace facilitator and trainer, and a mindfulness practitioner. Since 2021, she has been part-time programme manager with Initiatives of Change UK and joint National Coordinator of Creators of Peace UK. From 2004 to 2014, she advocated for justice in the sustainable fashion sector. She holds a master's in shelter and disaster, led the Oxford Human Rights Festival (2019-2021), and volunteers as Treasurer of the Oxford Fair Trade Coalition. She loves cooking and hospitality.


Rukmini Iyer

RUKMINI IYER, Founder of Exult! Solutions

Rukmini Iyer is the founder of Exult! Solutions and integrates leadership development, organisational transformation, and peacebuilding. With over 23 years of experience, she emphasises ecocentrism, dialogue, and conscious leadership. She is a Creators of Peace facilitator and also leads governance on the CoP International Committee and has master's degrees in Organisational Psychology and Business Management. Rukmini has received multiple awards, including the Soularize Award (2023) and Vital Voices Visionaries Fellow (2022). Her interests include nature art, space fiction, and philosophy.


Miranda Shaw

MIRANDA SHAW, Programme Manager Initiatives of Change UK

Miranda Shaw has been a programme manager with Initiatives of Change UK since 2021 and is a facilitator and trainer with Creators of Peace. She currently volunteers as Treasurer for Creators of Peace International. She has been involved with Creators of Peace since 2011 and been one of the UK National Coordinators since 2016. She graduated with a degree in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford in 2009 and since then has been involved in climate and housing activism, personal development work, catering large community events, and supporting activists fighting illegal deportations from the UK. She has taught the violin and managed a community cafe until 2021. She loves to dance and spends as much time as possible reading and gardening. 


Jane Namurye

JANE NAMURYE, Facilitator, UK/South Sudan

Jane Namurye from the UK/South Sudan is a facilitator is passionate about peace and reconciliation work. She iskeen in reaching out to women and enable them to become peacemakers in their own contexts. Her international and local involvement in pursuit for peace has enabled her to connect and network with many peace loving women in her country South Sudan and internationally.



KEREN LEWIS, Artist & Art Psychotherapist

Keren Lewis is an Artist and Art Psychotherapist and member of Women on the Front Line, an initiative which supports women living and working in conflict environments. She has co-led retreats and training in South Sudan, DRC, Melanesia and India with a particular emphasis on enabling creative and therapeutic spaces. Keren has most recently been working as an Art Psychotherapist with homeless women and vulnerable children in London, all of whom have experienced complex trauma.

Previously Keren worked as part of the Community of St. Anselm at Lambeth Palace, a global community of young people, running art workshops, co-leading retreats and providing spiritual accompaniment. Alongside this, she worked as a multi disciplinary Artist in residence, providing contemplative work for their exhibition space in her mediums of printmaking, painting and fibre art. Keren also worked alongside refugee women at the British Red Cross's Destitution Centre in East London establishing a retreat and making space.

Keren's wider background includes a decade in international development; including reconciliation projects in Israel/Palestinian Territories and Southern Nigeria, rapid recovery programming in South Sudan supporting local communities to build on existing local systems for implementing projects, as well as seeking opportunities to provide creative classes and projects for local children.



Iryna Mushkina

IRRYNA MUSHIKINA, Translator & Coordinator Foundations for Freedom

Iryna Mushkina is originally from Ukraine. She has 2 master's degrees in economics and English Business Translation, 2 children and loves nature and playing piano. In 2008 Iryna became a coordinator at Foundations for Freedom. After finishing The Trainer for Trainers and Ethical Leadership Courses, she became a trainer and facilitator of F4F courses for Eastern Europe. In 2010-2011 Iryna was a coordinator of Interns Programme in Caux. She was a board member of Foundations for Freedom, and now co-running an IofC community house in Sheffield. Currently, Iryna is a trained Peace Circles facilitator and planning to run this program for Ukrainian refugees in the UK.


Angela Staravoytova

ANGELA STARAVOYTOVA, Facilitator & Coach, Foundations for Freedom

Angela Starovoytova is passionate about building connections between people and communities.  Her expertise are in non-formal education and participatory facilitation methods in creating safe and trusting environment to inspire personal transformation and change of relationships between individuals and groups. Angela has 20 years of international experience organizing and running workshops/conferences/long-term programs on ethical leadership, conflict-resolution, trust- and peace-building, critical thinking, etc. Angela is one of the founders of an International NGO Foundations for Freedom/Initiatives of Change (Ukraine) and has worked in Ukraine, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Uganda, etc. She is currently involved mainly with the 'Network of dialogue facilitators', using non-violent approach in running dialogues, trainings, forums and other events on conflict-resolution, participatory facilitation, peace-building and social cohesion. Angela is an invited expert in some projects with UNDP, IOM, GIZ, IREX, OSCE, etc. both in Ukraine and abroad, a certified trainer in non-violent communication by the Center of NVC and a mediator.


Collaborating Organisations

Association of Mothers and Wives of Defenders of Ukraine

Our Mission: We, women from the families of soldiers of the Russian-Ukrainian war, united for the sake of helping each other and developing an active, nationally conscious civil society capable of controlling the actions of the authorities and actively influencing the development of Ukraine as a peaceful, sovereign, democratic State


Initiatives of Change UK and Initiatives of Change International
Initiatives of Change UK is part of a global movement of people who are changing the world for the better, starting with themselves. Active in over 60 countries, including the UK, we inspire, equip and connect people to address world needs. We bring together people who come from diverse backgrounds, all with one aim – to build trust across the world’s divides.
https://iofc.org.uk/ & https://iofc.org/en


Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
Caux Initiatives of Change's vision is a just, peaceful and sustainable world in which people act from a sense of global interdependence and responsibility. https://www.iofc.ch/


Creators of Peace International and Creators of Peace UK
Creators of Peace International is a global network working to build resilient and hospitable communities one person at a time. We offer a guide to group discussions around the grand narratives that shape our lives to explore a new story of our shared humanity.  Our values and our work are directly aligned with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Creators of Peace UK are funded by Initiatives of Change UK and align their work with Creators of Peace Internationals methodology.
Creators of Peace UK: https://iofc.org.uk/initiatives/creators-of-peace/
Creators of Peace International: https://www.creatorsofpeace.org/


Women on the Front Line
Women on the Frontline (WFL) is a unique ministry within the Anglican Communion. The ministry, established nearly six years ago and led by Caroline Welby - also known as “Mama Canterbury” - supports women in provinces and dioceses across the Communion and sometimes women leaders from other denominations. WFL recognizes that in any violent conflict, women are often the first to notice the beginning of any tension, whether it is with self, family, church, community or the wider community and naturally defuse the tension, make peace and bring about reconciliation. WFL values the importance of equipping and training women as key actors in reconciliation and any other peace process.

Caux Palace Terrace Sunset TIP 2019



Speakers & Contributors

15 July - Opening Ceremony



Jacqueline Coté

JACQUELINE COTÉ, President Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Jacqueline Coté was the Director of Public Relations and previously Head of Communications at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva from 2009 to 2021. In that role she was instrumental in building the new campus of the Institute, the Maison de la Paix, as a vibrant centre of conferences and seminars, thus solidifying the reputation and outreach of the Institute in International Geneva and beyond. Prior to that Ms Coté was the Permanent Representative to the UN of the International Chamber of Commerce and also served as Senior Advisor Advocacy & Partnerships to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.  In the early part of her career, Ms Coté practiced as an international lawyer in Canada and Switzerland and held management positions with multinational companies SGS and DuPont. Ms Coté believes that the global agenda can best be tackled by linking the public, private and non-profit sectors, and that dialogue and empathy are essential tools to achieve the sustainable development goals.  She recently trained as a mediator at Harvard Law School and joined the board of several associations to continue her engagement with International Geneva. Ms Coté has Swiss, Canadian and British nationalities, is a member of the Bar of Quebec and has two grown-up children who share her passion about tackling today’s global challenges in their areas of work.


Raymond Loretan

RAYMOND LORETAN, Chairman Geneva Diplomatic Club

A former Swiss Ambassador to Singapore and Consul General in New York, Raymond Loretan is a political entrepreneur who, after leaving the Foreign Office in 2006, became Chairman and Director of several companies and foundations in fields as diverse as health, the hotel industry, chemicals, watchmaking and documentary cinema. He has been President of the Geneva Diplomatic Club since 2016, with the priority of decompartmentalising the worlds of diplomacy, economics, politics, academia and culture.  


Ambassador Thomas Guerber

AMBASSADOR THOMAS GUERBER, Deputy State Secretary, Head of UN Division

Ambassador Thomas Guerber was appointed Head of the UN Division of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in March 2022 and took up this role in August 2022. In January 2023 he was appointed to Deputy State Secretary. Previously, he was the Director of DCAF - Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, from 1 July 2016 to July 2022. From 2010 to 2013, Ambassador Guerber was Switzerland’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. From 2007 to 2010, he worked as a Counsellor for financial, budgetary, and institutional issues at Switzerland’s Permanent Mission in New York. He was also posted in London and Copenhagen and held various other functions within the FDFA’s Middle East and North Africa Division and Human Security Division, including Head of Section for Peace Policy and Human Security. He entered the Swiss diplomatic service in 1997. Thomas Guerber holds an LL.M. degree in public international law and international economic law from the University of Berne, a master’s degree in European integration and economics from Institute for European Global Studies (Basel) and a master’s degree in history and literature from the University of Basel. Thomas Guerber was born in Bangkok in 1967. He is married and has two sons. Apart from his mother tongue German, he is fluent in English and French.


Nada Al Nashif

NADA AL-NASHIF, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights

Appointed United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights effective February 2020, Nada Al-Nashif has over 30 years of experience within the United Nations as an economist and development practitioner. Previously, Ms. Al-Nashif served as Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO (Paris), as Assistant Director-General & Regional Director of the International Labour Organization's Regional Office for Arab States (Beirut) and at the United Nations Development Programme in various headquarters (New York) and field assignments. She holds a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Balliol, Oxford University and a Master's in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University.


Andrius Krivas

AMBASSADOR ANDRIUS KRIVAS, Chair of the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies, Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the Council of Europe

Ambassador Andrius Krivas is a Lithuanian diplomat. He is the Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the Council of Europe, where he is Chair of the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies from May to November 2024. He studied International Relations and was head of the International Relations Department at the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania. From 2001 to 2003 he worked as an adviser at the integration unit of the Security Policy Department of the MFA, and later as an adviser at the Lithuanian Embassy to the United States.
From 2007 - 2008, Andrius Krivas was head of the NATO division of the Security Policy Department of the MFA, then seconded to the KAM, where he was director of the Department of International Relations and Operations. He became the secretary of the ministry in 2008, and later worked as the chief adviser of the ministry. From 2010 to 2013, he was adviser to the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the OSCE and worked as deputy minister of the MFA in 2013 - 2016. Since 1 August 2016  he was the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the United Nations Bureau and other international organisations in Geneva.


Maruee Paruja

MARUEE PAHUJA, Expressive Arts Therapy Facilitator & Strategist, Visual Artist & Eye-care Practitioner

Maruee Pahuja, an impassioned Expressive Arts Therapy facilitator and strategist, visual artist, and eye-care practitioner, is dedicated to enriching lives through the power of arts and science. As an Expressive Arts Consultant with Caux Initiatives of Change, she contributes strategic insights to foster robust dialogues in peacebuilding using arts-based approaches. Additionally, she serves as a core team member of Creative Leadership, driving content creation and strategy. Currently, she is designing a programme/project on Conscious Art with the School of Conscious Politics and is building on a pilot program in arts-based coaching with Step Ahead Berlin, one of the leading institutes in Expressive Arts, alongside the assistant dean of the European Graduate School. At Natasha Eye Care and Research Centre, she holds the role of Head of Optometry and Specialty Contact Lens Consultant. Here, she leads and trains teams of optometrists and optometry interns, spearheads social media strategies, and delivers exceptional clinical care, specialising in innovative approaches with specialty contact lenses. Maruee's journey is marked by pioneering efforts in developing arts-based therapeutic interventions and leading workshops that inspire profound transformation. From crafting curriculums to strategizing content that incites action, Maruee navigates the complexities of human emotions and societal needs with unwavering creativity and compassion.


Jonas Truneh

JONAS TRUNEH, Project Development Officer at Triangle

Jonas Truneh's journey with Caux began in 2017 during the Just Governance for Human Security conference, marking the start of his deep connection to Initiatives of Change's principles. His subsequent involvement in the Caux Scholars Program in 2018 solidified his commitment. In 2019, Jonas immersed himself in leadership principles at the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme, further cementing his dedication. Now, as a founding member of the Creative Leadership team, he continues to contribute to Caux's mission. Based in Beirut, Jonas serves as a project development officer at Triangle, a social enterprise acting as both a think tank and an international development consultancy. Leveraging his expertise in program development and project management, Jonas spearheads strategic initiatives, drawing from his rich international background. He holds an MSc in International Public Policy from University College London and a BA degree with First-Class Honours in Religion, Politics, and Society from King’s College London.


SIDRA RASLAN, Creative Leadership & HP Amplify Impact Partner Sustainability Programme

Sidra Raslan from Syria is the Co-coordinating manager of Creative Leadership, a Caux Initiatives of Change initiative for young leaders that organises programmes focused on reconceptualizing leadership through dialogue and storytelling. Sidra also volunteers on topics of refugees rights and inclusion, inner development, and youth empowerment. Sidra holds a masters degree in environmental, economic and social sustainability from UAB and works at HP on their partner sustainability programme.



Rajmohan Gandhi

PROF. RAJMOHAN GANDHI, Historian, Biographer and former Member of India’s Parliament  

Rajmohan Gandhi is a historian, biographer and former President of Initiatives of Change International. He was born in 1935 and has worked as a journalist, writer, politician and professor of political science. Rajmohan Gandhi is unique in that he is both one of Mahatma Gandhi's grandsons and a grandson of C. Rajagopalachari, an Indian National Congress leader and the only Indian to have served as Governor General of India (from 1948 to 1950). Like Gandhi and Rajagopalachari, Rajmohan Gandhi is committed, including in politics, to a peaceful democracy with integrity and respect for the dignity of every individual. He is the author of numerous works on the figures of the struggle for Indian independence, the drama of the partition of India and the relations between Hindus and Muslims.



IGNACIO PACKER, Executive Director Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Ignacio Packer was appointed as Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation in May 2023. Until March 2023, he served as Executive Director of ICVA, the global consortium of humanitarian NGOs. ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice. Ignacio has over 30 years of experience in humanitarian work and development issues. He served a five-year term as Secretary General of the Terre des Hommes International Federation, and previously worked for the Terre des Hommes Foundation, the Swiss Tropical Institute, the European Association for Development and Health, Medecins Sans Frontieres, KPMG and the European Bank for Latin America. He is an expert on human rights and social issues. He has been strongly engaged in global advocacy on protection frameworks for migrants and refugees with a particular focus on children and youth. Passionate for long-distance challenges, he is also an enthusiastic ultra-trail runner.


Sarah Noble

SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.


16 July


ASSAAD CHAFTARI, Co-Founder of Fighters for Peace

Assaad Chaftari from Lebanon took an active part in the Lebanese civil war where he worked in the security and intelligence services of the Christian Lebanese Forces (LF). In 1985 he co-negotiated the Tripartite Agreement on behalf of the LF and co-created the WAED - National Secular Democratic party in 1990. When he met Initiatives of Change, he experienced a change of heart and wrote a public letter of repentance and apology to his victims in February 2000. In 2012 he co-created Fighters for Peace, an NGO of ex-civil war fighters from all denominations working together for civil peace, healing and immunising against violence. In 2016 he wrote an autobiography with the title The truth even with a trembling voice. Assaad has a long experience in public speaking, training and organising dialogues, conferences and mediation. Since 2016 he is a member of the Global Peace Builders Network. He is also a council member of Initiatives of Change International.


DR. PETER SHAMBROOK, Independant Scholar & Historical Consultant, Balfour Project

Peter Shambrook is an independent scholar and historical consultant to the Balfour Project, which works to advance equal rights for all in Palestine/Israel. He holds a PhD in modern Middle Eastern history from the University of Cambridge. Author of French Imperialism in Syria, 1927-1936 and Policy of Deceit - Britain and Palestine, 1914-1939. He lives in Durham, UK.




Angela Staravoytova

ANGELA STARAVOYTOVA and colleagues from Ukraine

Angela Starovoytova is passionate about building connections between people and communities. Her expertise is in using non-formal education and participatory facilitation methods to create a safe and trusting environment where individuals and groups can find personal transformation and changed  relationships. Angela has 20 years of international experience organizing and running workshops/conferences/long-term programmes on such themes as ethical leadership, conflict-resolution, trust- and peacebuilding and critical thinking. She is one of the founders of Foundations for Freedom/Initiatives of Change (Ukraine), and has worked in Ukraine, UK, Switzerland, Germany and Uganda. 


REV DR. JAMES MOVEL WUYE, Pentecoastal Pastor and Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria

Rev Dr. James Movel Wuye is a Pentecostal Pastor with Assemblies of God Northern Nigeria (AGNN), and Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria. During the 1980s and 1990s he was involved in Christian activities targeted at protecting the Church from ethno-religious violence. He served in various committees for peace and reconciliation in Kaduna State, national and international level and was a member of the African Union (AU) Interfaith Committee. He is Assistant District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God Northern Nigeria (AGNN), Secretary-General of the North-Western States of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), and also a member of the National Executive Council of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). His peacebuilding effort has earned him numerous awards, including the Peace Activist Award of the Tanenbaum Center of Interreligious Understanding. He is the subject of several documentary films, like The Imam and the Pastor; a moving story of forgiveness and a case-study of a successful grass-roots initiative to rebuild communities torn apart by conflict.


Iman Ashafa

IMAM DR. MUHAMMAD NURAYN ASHAFACo-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria

Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa is the Co-executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre in Kaduna, Nigeria, a faith-based non-governmental organisation he co-founded in 1995, working to end violent clashes between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. His work has spread beyond Nigeria to Ghana, Burundi, Chad and Kenya, among some other countries in Africa, and he has featured in documentary films promoting forgiveness and reconciliation. Imam Ashafa's work has earned him numerous honours and awards. Imam Ashafa took an active role in several  documentary films, like Belief, a seven-part documentary series hosted by Oprah Winfrey. Iman Ashafa is the Ambassador of the Golden Rule of the United Religions Initiative (URI) and presently an Advisor on the Community Initiatives to Promote Peace (CIPP) programme, a USAID funded project under the lead of the Mercy Corps. He is recognized as one of the 500 Islamic influential figures around the world for his efforts in development in line with his peacebuilding efforts across the globe.


Amina Dikedi

AMINA DIKEDI-AJAKAIYE, Immediate past-president of Creators of Peace International

Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye (Nigeria/UK) has been actively involved in the work of the Initiatives of Change (IofC) since 1982. Originally a teacher, Amina decided to change her profession and run a fashion business in Lagos. While involved in her profession, Amina remained involved with IofC volunteer work. In 2000, as a member of the IofC International Coordination Group, Amina and others ran international pan-African ethical leadership programmes across Africa. In 2013, Amina was contracted as Project Leader to support the South Sudan Initiative for Peace and National Reconciliation. From 1994 to 2013 Amina served as International Coordinator to the Creators of Peace (CoP).  She has been a Board member of IofC Nigeria since 2012 and a member of the IofC African Coordination Group (ACG) 2007 – 2010. She has worked with the Agenda for Reconciliation programme for over 10 years, served as convenor of the ACG and was President of Creators of Peace International. Through her work and her caring approach, Amina has earned the respect, trust and friendship of a large network of individuals throughout Africa and many countries beyond, from Presidents, and politicians, senior civil servants, traditional leaders, educators, business people and ordinary citizens.


Nada Al Nashif

NADA AL-NASHIF, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights

Appointed United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights effective February 2020, Nada Al-Nashif has over 30 years of experience within the United Nations as an economist and development practitioner. Previously, Ms. Al-Nashif served as Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO (Paris), as Assistant Director-General & Regional Director of the International Labour Organization's Regional Office for Arab States (Beirut) and at the United Nations Development Programme in various headquarters (New York) and field assignments. She holds a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Balliol, Oxford University and a Master's in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University.




Sylvia Valentin

SYLVIA VALENTIN, Advocacy Officer Terre des Hommes Switzerland & Board Member Coalition for Corporate Responsibility

Sylvia Valentin works in the department for development politics of terre des hommes schweiz where one of her focuses is corporate social responsibility. She mainly works on the illegal resource exploitation in Western Sahara and supports the Sahrawi people in their struggle for self-determination. She is also board member of the Coalition for Corporate Responsibility in Switzerland. The background of her PhD analyzing the work of NGOs working on freedom of the media lead her to support Reporter Without Borders Switzerland as board member for ten years.


Lewis Cardinal

LEWIS CARDINAL, Educator, Storyholder, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue, Canada

Lewis Cardinal comes from the Woodland Cree people in northern Alberta, Canada. His long track record of public service includes founding Board Member of Alberta Aboriginal Arts, Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Commission for Human Rights and Justice, and Trustee of the Parliament of World Religions. He has received QE II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for Public Service, the IndSpire Award for Public Service, the Province of Alberta’s Centennial Medal for his work in Human Rights and Diversity, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Grant MacEwan University, and an Honorary Degree of “Doctor of Sacred Letters” from the University of Alberta.


Corinne Momal-Vanian

CORINNE MOMAL-VANIAN, Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation

Corinne Momal-Vanian is the Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation. Previously, she worked in various senior positions and a variety of countries for the United Nations, most recently as Director of Conference Management at the United Nations Office at Geneva (2015-2020) and Director of Information (2010-2015).

Ms. Momal-Vanian served as Special Assistant to Kofi Annan in 2005 and 2006, traveling with him to some 20 countries as he worked to resolve crises, defuse tensions, highlight the plight of communities and individuals suffering from discrimination and abuses, build international cooperation and strengthen support for development and justice. She worked for a total of six years in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, after serving in two regional economic and social commissions of the United Nations.

Passionate about justice, gender equality, inclusion, innovation and learning, Ms. Momal-Vanian chaired the Steering Group of the International Gender Champions from 2016 to 2019 and was a co-organiser of the three editions of TEDxPlaceDesNations.


Todd Howland

TODD HOWLAND, Chief of the Development, Economic, and Social Rights Branch of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Todd Howland is Chief of the Development, Economic, and Social Rights Branch of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. He oversees the work of the Office on cultural rights, social security rights, the rights of people with disabilities, minorities, women, older people, migrants and others. He has worked for human rights in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Colombia and elsewhere, and has been a Professor of Human Rights Law.




Peter Riddell cropped

PETER RIDDELL, Convenor, Agenda for Reconciliation, Initiatives of Change UK

Peter Riddell (UK) is Convenor of Initiatives of Change UK’s Agenda for Reconciliation programme which supports refugees who wish to contribute to rebuilding their countries of origin. He has spent several decades with IofC organizing trustbuilding programmes between people of different faiths based on shared moral and spiritual values, in particular with people who have suffered due to Britain’s imperial legacy. He is a founder member of several organizations including British-Arab Exchanges and the Balfour Project.



Daya Bhagwandas 2024

DAYA BHAGWANDAS, Founding Director Neuro Network 

Daya Bhagwandas works in the field of neurosciences and brain development with adults and children. A passionate social entrepreneur, her approach focuses on transformation linking brain development and achieving human potential. Her neuroeducation programme, Achieving Brain Competency (ABC), has been rolled out in schools in many countries. Daya`s work experience includes rehabilitating child soldiers and more recently at-risk youths in Malaysia. In Australia she was Assistant Director at Gymbaroo the country’s largest Early Childhood Development programme with 65 centres. Daya is editor of book Tomorrow`s Children. She is also an internationally certified Yoga Master and lives in Melbourne, Australia. 




Martin Bogomilov

MARTIN BOGOMILOV PENOV (Bulgaria), Development Consultant & Political Activist, Vice-President of the Young European Federalists

Martin Bogomilov Penov is an international development consultant and political activist focusing on youth policy and democracy at the European level, particularly in Eastern Europe. He grew up in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria and went on to study political science and international relations at the University of Manchester. During his time in the UK, he helped revive the Young European Movement UK, serving as its Vice-President and International Officer between 2020 and 2023 and campaigning for a closer relationship with the EU. As part of the board of YEM UK, he represented the organisation in a number of international conferences and worked closely with the EU Delegation to the UK on youth topics, as well as launched a charity campaign for Ukraine. Later in 2023 he was elected Vice-President of the Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) where he currently leads the organisation's work on the rule of law, democracy, the war in Ukraine and the Eastern Partnership. Now back in Bulgaria, Martin is actively campaigning against corruption and advocating for a more transparent and democratic future for the country's youth, having participated in his first parliamentary election at the age of 23 as part of "Yes, Bulgaria!". Martin is also a Young European Ambassador for the EU Neighbours East programme and has written about politics in Bulgaria and the wider region for a number of media outlets.


Mursal Kharoti

MURSAL KHAROTI (UK/Afghanistan), Mental Health Activist

Mursal Kharoti is a British-Afghan dedicated to advancing mental health services and infrastructure in conflict-affected nations. Her unique perspective is informed by her family's humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, her academic background in Psychology as well as her passion for social ethics and creative writing. She is currently focusing on technological solutions for war trauma sufferers and the formation of community-based women's collectives in Kenya, focusing on whole-person development. Mursal's work aligns with core democratic principles and promotes the universal values of compassion and mutual understanding. Her humanistic worldview drives her dedication to fostering inclusive and equitable solutions particularly within education, mental health, and gender equality.


Veronica Hong

VERONICA TING-HSIN HONG (Taiwan), Coach and Facilitator

Veronica Hong is on a mission to foster an inclusive, inspiring, and loving world where people lead fulfilling lives as their authentic selves, in harmony with all beings and nature. Drawing on her unique blend of cross-cultural experiences, interdisciplinary background, and a varied career in multiple sectors, she excels at bridging cultures and disciplines and illuminating fresh possibilities. She hosts playful and regenerative spaces for exploration, deep connection, and co-creation, empowering individuals and teams to become creators for positive change. 



Myroslav Marynovych

PROF MYROSLAV MARYNOVYCH (Ukraine), President of the Institute of Religion and Society, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv/Ukraine, Educator & Human Rights Activist

Myroslav Marynovych is the President of the Institute of Religion and Society at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine, and a Rector’s Adviser. He has organised and participated in multiple ecumenical meetings and those in the field of inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogues. He was a founding member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group and a prisoner of conscience (1977–1987). Myroslav headed the Amnesty International structures in Ukraine (1991–1996) and is the former president of the Ukrainian Center of the PEN International (2010–2014). He is the Honorary President of the Ukrainian PEN-Center, a member of the “First December” Initiative (since 2011) and of the Nestor Group of Ukrainian intellectuals (since 2012).  Myroslav Marynovych is a promoter of inter-ethnic and inter-religious reconciliation and cooperation. His personal experience of imprisonment was summarised in his memoirs The Universe behind Barbed Wire: Memoirs of a Soviet Ukrainian Dissident (2021).


HON. JACQUELINE NYIBOL BENJAMIN, Member of Parliament South Sudan

Hon. Jacqueline Nyibol Benjamin is a notable South Sudanese politician, serving as a Member of Parliament in the Transitional National Legislative Assembly since 2019. She holds the position of Secretary of Planning and Economic Affairs in the SPLM National Secretariat HQ. Previously, she was the Deputy Secretary for Administration and Finance in the SPLM since May 2017 and has served as a board member of the National Revenue Authority. Her earlier roles include Town Mayor of Aweil Municipal Council, Director General of the State Ministry of Social Development, and Minister of Information and Postal Service in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. She began her political career as the Deputy Chairperson for the Finance Committee at the State Legislative Assembly. Hon. Benjamin holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Mumbai University, a Master’s in Gender Analysis in Economics from Makerere University, and a Master’s in Security Management from Egerton University. Her extensive experience and educational background make her a vital figure in South Sudan’s political landscape.


Nathalie Chavanne

NATHALIE CHAVANNE O'NEILL (France), Member of Board of Directors Initiatives of Change France

Nathalie Chavanne O'Neill has had a long association with Initiatives of France, from her student days in Paris and England to her husband's involvement in links with the Arab world and French-speaking African countries. In France, she spent many years taking part in peace education programmes in secondary schools. She has also co-facilitated dialogue forums to help different cultural communities live together better in times of great tension. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Initiatives of Change France. 




HON LEE JU-YOUNG (South Korea), Politician

Hon Lee Ju-Young from South Korea is the former deputy speaker of South Korea’s National Assembly, former Minister of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and a five-term National Assembly member.




Veronica Alcocer


Verónica  Alcócer García's dedication and commitment have been fundamental in the social work of her husband, Gustavo Petro, throughout his political career. She has played a crucial role in the promotion and development of social initiatives, positively impacting Colombian children. During her time as First Lady of Bogotá, Verónica Alcocer García dedicated her efforts to strengthening education and the integral well-being of children, youth and women. She used tools such as music to create safe environments and promote the integral development of these groups, reflecting her commitment to building a more just and inclusive society. Currently, as First Lady of the Republic of Colombia, she works tirelessly for national reconciliation, considering art, culture and active listening processes as tools to transform the social fabric, to promote unity and peaceful coexistence. From this vision, her lines of action are oriented towards the training and productive process of people deprived of liberty; access to drinking water as a right that promotes social justice; the integral wellbeing of children and the elderly, and the strengthening of women as agents of change, through artistic expressions and the customs of each territory. In addition, she has led her work in collaboration with the private sector and international cooperation to carry out fundamental alliances that unite communities and promote respect, identity and equality in the country.




Lewis Cardinal

LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue, Canada

Lewis Cardinal comes from the Woodland Cree people in northern Alberta, Canada. His long track record of public service includes founding Board Member of Alberta Aboriginal Arts, Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Commission for Human Rights and Justice, and Trustee of the Parliament of World Religions. He has received QE II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for Public Service, the IndSpire Award for Public Service, the Province of Alberta’s Centennial Medal for his work in Human Rights and Diversity, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Grant MacEwan University, and an Honorary Degree of “Doctor of Sacred Letters” from the University of Alberta.




Jo Berry 2024

JO BERRY, Founder of Building Bridges for Peace and Public Speaker

Jo Berry, an inspiring speaker and founder of the charity Building Bridges for Peace, emerged from a profound personal tragedy to become a global advocate for reconciliation. In 1984, her father fell victim to an IRA bomb, igniting a journey that led her to engage with the ex-combatant who planted the bomb, Patrick Magee. Their unprecedented relationship, documented in the BBC's "Facing the Enemy" and featured in films like "Beyond Right and Wrong" and "The Bomb," encapsulates Jo's belief in unbounded empathy as the key to transforming conflict. Jo's impactful message of hope resonates in international conferences and seminars on reconciliation, conflict resolution, and sustainable peace. She has shared her insights worldwide, from Lebanon to South Korea, contributing to panels, radio, and TV discussions. Her work has become a vital resource in peace studies and conflict transformation education globally. As a TEDx speaker and Visiting Fellow at the University of Nottingham, Jo's influence extends beyond speeches. She has crafted workshops on conflict resolution, difficult conversations, and navigating uncertainty, both in-person and virtually. Jo Berry's journey exemplifies the power of empathy in overcoming deep divisions and fostering understanding.


Patrick Magee 2024

DR PATRICK MAGEE, Author and Public Speaker

Dr Patrick Magee was released from prison in 1999 under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. Shortly after his release, he completed a PhD examining the representation of Irish Republicans in ‘Troubles’ fiction. For 27 years he was a committed member of the IRA. In November 2000 he agreed to meet Jo Berry, whose father had been killed along with four others in the IRA’s attack on the Grand Hotel, Brighton in 1984. Since then they have met on more than 200 occasions, in Ireland, the UK and overseas. Although Pat carries the burden of knowing he had caused Jo profound hurt, they continue to explore their common humanity, recognising that war robs combatants of what it is to be human, of an essential capacity to empathise and to see the world through the eyes of others. Patrick Magee's memoir 'Where Grieving Begins - Building Bridges after the Brighton Bomb' was published by Pluto Press in 2021. 


Muna Ismail

DR. MUNA ISMAIL, Programme Manager Refugees as Re-Builders™, IofC UK

Dr Muna Ismail is the Programme Manager and team leader for Refugees as Re-Builders™ of Initiatives of Change UK. She is a plant scientist by training and an environmentalist interested in the ecosystem restoration of degraded arid land for sustainable livelihood regeneration. A former refugee herself, Muna’s vision has guided the development of the Refugees as Re-builders™ training programme since 2016. Muna completed her doctoral research at King’s College London and subsequently held visiting postdoc research at the School of Pharmacy, University College London and the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Muna is interested in arid land wild crops domestication and rural community land regeneration for food security in the Horn of Africa for sustainable livelihood. Muna is Founder of The Yeheb Project charity focused on regeneration and domestication of the yeheb plant, a hardy droughtresistant legume that is a source of food to both humans and livestock in the Horn of Africa.


Alhamiss Dicko

ALHAMISS DICKO, President GEN-émergent, Mauritania

Alhamiss Dicko is the President of the GEN-émergent association in Mauritania. Alhamiss is developing new opportunities for refugees in Africa.






Angela Staravoytova

ANGELA STARAVOYTOVA, Facilitator & Coach, Foundations for Freedom

Angela Starovoytova is passionate about building connections between people and communities. Her expertise is in using non-formal education and participatory facilitation methods to create a safe and trusting environment where individuals and groups can find personal transformation and changed  relationships. Angela has 20 years of international experience organizing and running workshops/conferences/long-term programmes on such themes as ethical leadership, conflict-resolution, trust- and peacebuilding and critical thinking. She is one of the founders of Foundations for Freedom/Initiatives of Change (Ukraine), and has worked in Ukraine, UK, Switzerland, Germany and Uganda. 


RICHARD WERLY, Journalist - France & Europe correspondant for Blick

Richard Werly is the France and Europe correspondent for Blick, Switzerland's largest newspaper. He appears frequently in TV news programmes in France and Switzerland, and has been awarded the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Republic. He is also senior strategic advisor to the Swiss Diplo Foundation, which aims to improve global governance and international policy development, especially by increasing the power of small and developing states to influence their own futures.



Caroline Vuillmin

CAROLINE VUILLEMIN, General Director Fondation Hirondelle

Caroline Vuillemin has been General Director of Fondation Hirondelle since 1 January , 2017. Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organisation founded in 1995, which provides information to populations facing crises, empowering them to take action in their daily lives and as citizens. Her career reflects a commitment to international development in the field of good governance, democratic participation and access to information. She joined Fondation Hirondelle in December 2003. Committed to helping public-interest media, including radio, meet the economic, governance and technological transformation challenges they face, she is a board member of the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD). Prior to Fondation Hirondelle, she worked for the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), where she took part in numerous electoral observation missions in Africa. Caroline holds a bachelor's degree from the Institut d'études politiques de Lyon, complemented by a degree in international relations from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.


Sarah Noble

SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.


Mark Goyler

MARK GOYDER, Founder Director of Tomorrow’s Company

Marc Goyder is the Founder and Director of Tomorrow's Company, a London-based think-tank focusing on rediscovering the human purposes of business.






Antoine Jaulmes

ANTOINE JAULMES, Consultant in business ethics, corporate management and corporate social responsibility

Antoine Jaulmes is a graduate engineer from Mines ParisTech. He worked for 35 years at Peugeot SA, where he held several management positions, including eight years as Director of the global platform for commercial vehicles and cooperation projects.With a long experience in industrial and R&D management positions, he is now a consultant in business ethics, corporate management and corporate social responsibility, and he also leads the Initiatives of Change Business & Economy Programme. Since his youth he has been concerned about the tragedy of extreme poverty in the world and by the prospect of planetary exhaustion in the face of world population growth. He now works to help business leaders take all their stakeholders, near and far, into account and to steer their companies towards serving humanity’s needs. He chaired the board of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation from 2012 to 2018.


SIDRA RASLAN, Creative Leadership & HP Amplify Impact Partner Sustainability Programme

Sidra Raslan from Syria is the Co-coordinating manager of Creative Leadership, a Caux Initiatives of Change initiative for young leaders that organises programmes focused on reconceptualizing leadership through dialogue and storytelling. Sidra also volunteers on topics of refugees rights and inclusion, inner development, and youth empowerment. Sidra holds a masters degree in environmental, economic and social sustainability from UAB and works at HP on their partner sustainability programme.


Irina Fedorenko

DR IRINA FEDORENKO-AULA, Researcher, Serial Green Tech Entrepreneur

Dr Irina Fedorenko-Aula is a researcher and a serial green tech entrepreneur working on nature-based solutions. She is a steering group member at Initiatives of Land Lives and Peace, a programme of IofC International. She previously served as a Managing Director of Caux Dialogue on Environment and Security.  Irina co-founded the first tree-planting drone company and ran ecosystem restoration projects in Asia and Africa. She is a co-founder at Flying Forests that uses technology to empower local communities and Vlinder that develops Social Blue Carbon projects. Irina is an expert on carbon sequestration, having obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Oxford as a recipient of the Weidenfeld-Hoffman Trust Scholarship. In Oxford, she mentors young climate activists and entrepreneurs, who want to work on the interplay of people, technology and sustainability. 


Christoph Spreng

CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO

Christoph Spreng, Switzerland, has been representing Initiatives of Change at the Council of Europe since 2006 and in his role has been entrusted a large variety of specific assignments. He was Vice-President of CINGO until April 2024 and was asked to continue his work at CINGO as Advisor to the Standing Comittee. Christoph is also the coordinator of the INGO Dialogue Toolkit Hub. In June 2017 he was appointed INGO Special Advisor for Human Rights and Business and has been representing CINGO at the CoE North-South Centre since 2018.

At the occasion of 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, Christoph Spreng has helped his colleagues to organise this 10th edition of World NGO Day as their contribution as representatives from and in Europe to a global event that wants to treasure the civic space and show its potential at a time when this space is so challenged.


Laurie Johnston

DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

Dr Laurie Johnston is Professor of Theology at Emmanuel College in Boston where she teaches courses on social ethics. She is the author or editor of works on peacebuilding, reconciliation, and just war theory and most recently edited a journal issue on the thought of Jacques Maritain and contemporary challenges to democracy. She also serves as the Executive Vice President of the Sant'Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue. She first visited Caux in 1999.



Elizabeth Laskar


ELIZABETH LASKAR, Programme Manager Creators of Peace IofC UK, Facilitator & Trainer

Elizabeth Laskar is a Creators of Peace facilitator and trainer, and a mindfulness practitioner. Since 2021, she has been part-time programme manager with Initiatives of Change UK and joint National Coordinator of Creators of Peace UK. From 2004 to 2014, she advocated for justice in the sustainable fashion sector. She holds a master's in shelter and disaster, led the Oxford Human Rights Festival (2019-2021), and volunteers as Treasurer of the Oxford Fair Trade Coalition. She loves cooking and hospitality.


Rukmini Iyer

RUKMINI IYER, Founder of Exult! Solutions

Rukmini Iyer is the founder of Exult! Solutions and integrates leadership development, organisational transformation, and peacebuilding. With over 23 years of experience, she emphasises ecocentrism, dialogue, and conscious leadership. She is a Creators of Peace facilitator and also leads governance on the CoP International Committee and has master's degrees in Organisational Psychology and Business Management. Rukmini has received multiple awards, including the Soularize Award (2023) and Vital Voices Visionaries Fellow (2022). Her interests include nature art, space fiction, and philosophy.


Miranda Shaw

MIRANDA SHAW, Programme Manager Initiatives of Change UK

Miranda Shaw has been a programme manager with Initiatives of Change UK since 2021 and is a facilitator and trainer with Creators of Peace. She currently volunteers as Treasurer for Creators of Peace International. She has been involved with Creators of Peace since 2011 and been one of the UK National Coordinators since 2016. She graduated with a degree in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford in 2009 and since then has been involved in climate and housing activism, personal development work, catering large community events, and supporting activists fighting illegal deportations from the UK. She has taught the violin and managed a community cafe until 2021. She loves to dance and spends as much time as possible reading and gardening. 


Jane Namurye

JANE NAMURYE, Facilitator, UK/South Sudan

Jane Namurye from the UK/South Sudan is a facilitator is passionate about peace and reconciliation work. She iskeen in reaching out to women and enable them to become peacemakers in their own contexts. Her international and local involvement in pursuit for peace has enabled her to connect and network with many peace loving women in her country South Sudan and internationally.



KEREN LEWIS, Artist & Art Psychotherapist

Keren Lewis is an Artist and Art Psychotherapist and member of Women on the Front Line, an initiative which supports women living and working in conflict environments. She has co-led retreats and training in South Sudan, DRC, Melanesia and India with a particular emphasis on enabling creative and therapeutic spaces. Keren has most recently been working as an Art Psychotherapist with homeless women and vulnerable children in London, all of whom have experienced complex trauma.

Previously Keren worked as part of the Community of St. Anselm at Lambeth Palace, a global community of young people, running art workshops, co-leading retreats and providing spiritual accompaniment. Alongside this, she worked as a multi disciplinary Artist in residence, providing contemplative work for their exhibition space in her mediums of printmaking, painting and fibre art. Keren also worked alongside refugee women at the British Red Cross's Destitution Centre in East London establishing a retreat and making space.

Keren's wider background includes a decade in international development; including reconciliation projects in Israel/Palestinian Territories and Southern Nigeria, rapid recovery programming in South Sudan supporting local communities to build on existing local systems for implementing projects, as well as seeking opportunities to provide creative classes and projects for local children.





Jean-Marc Vignoli is a musician and lives in France. After training as both a violinist and an engineer, and a long career in industry, he (re)discovered the path to his own creative expression. For the last ten years or so, he has been living and sharing the mysteries of sound, improvisation and creativity and has also recorded several CDs. Jean-Marc Vignoli describes himself as a 'tailor-made' violinist. The music he plays is inspired by the message, the mood and the moment in which it takes place. Having become aware of the therapeutic dimension of music, he has turned his attention to the dimension of sound that soothes, relieves and harmonises, helping to transform and heal the human being in intimate contact with nature. 


Nola Kin (credit: Andrin Fretz

NOLA KIN, Musician and Singer

Nola Kin is all about embracing her inner chaos and staying true to herself. The Zurich-based singer-songwriter brings raw energy to her performances. With a powerful voice and a unique guitar style, backed by a band that can range from four to seven members, including horn sections, she creates an electrifying atmosphere on stage. Nola Kin is an overthinker with a brain that does wild things, which mostly inspired her latest EP, „Mayhem“. Inspired by artists like Blake Mills, Bon Iver, and Dijon, her music blends Indie folk, soul, country, and Americana into a lush sound with attitude. For Nola Kin, music is therapy—a way to let go and be herself. From the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival to venues in Copenhagen, Nola Kin's performances have left audiences captivated. She is currently nominated for the "Artist Award" at the Swiss Music Awards, an honor reserved for exceptional musicians. This concert is organised with the support of the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation. (photo: Andrin Fretz)


Hyung Joon Won


Hyung Joon Won is a South Korean violinist trained at the Juilliard School. In 1990, he performed at the World Economic Forum which celebrated the 1990 reunification of East and West Germany. This inspired him to think of music as a medium of reconciliation. In 2009, with the hope of creating a joint North and South Korea orchestra, he founded the Lindenbaum Festival Orchestra. Since 2009, he is planning to hold a joint orchestra concert between the Koreas. Hyung believes that eventually, his dreams will come true. His relentless efforts towards making his dream a reality is captured in the documentary film named “9 at 38”.

17 July, 20:00 - 20:30, Caux Palace Theatre 




Patrick Chappatte, credit: Matthieu Zellweger
Chappatte cartoon exhibition CDF 2024


Press cartoons have become a recognised genre: inevitably subjective, they are artistic and journalistic representations of current events and reflect the artistic creativity of their creator, who uses drawing, typography and graphics to express his or her interpretation of the news in all its forms. The drawings on display at the Caux Palace showcase the wide range of Patrick Chappatte's artistic creativity. Patrick Chappatte was born in Pakistan in 1967 to a mother of Lebanese origin and a Swiss father. Published in the world's leading newspapers, he quickly made a name for himself with his incisive and caustic take on current affairs in Europe and around the world. He has worked for Le Temps, the NZZ, Der Spiegel, Le Canard enchaîné and The New York Times. He chairs the Freedom Cartoonist Foundation, inspired by Plantu and Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan, and is involved in a number of initiatives to promote peace and democracy around the world. The cartoons displayed at the Caux Palace reveal the full complexity of press cartoons and, more particularly, the humour and art of Patrick Chappatte! (photo: Matthieu Zellweger/cartoon: P. Chappatte)

  • 15 - 27 July: Main Hall (4th floor), Caux Palace 


Sylvie Esquerré


Sylvie Esquerré's motto is: "Life is not as it is portrayed ... it is as you colour it!" After teaching mathematics, Sylvie Esquerré has been passionately devoting herself for over 10 years to wood and stoneware sculpture, two materials she often likes to combine. Various training courses with internationally-renowned ceramists such as Alberto Bustos, Stuart Williamson for modelling, Patrick Buté for research into high-temperature glazes and Anne Le Hénaff for raku have enabled her to develop her knowledge and practices, and choose her own artistic approach. She is particularly passionate about creating pieces that explore both organic and abstract forms, as well as original textures and finishes. In the future she hopes to continue perfecting her skills, to persevere in her experiments with oxides, enamels, engobes and terra sigillata, and to develop her communication skills to be able to better share her passion and her values.

  • 9 July - 27 July: Salle Belle Epoque (4th floor)



Action-Parrainages and l'association suisse PAIRES work hand in hand to promote encounters and the creation of links between people seeking refuge in Switzerland and people from the host society. When paths cross, friendships are forged and life paths can change. In 2016 and 2017, in response to the growing influx of refugees, projects were launched to link people who had been living in Switzerland for a long time with families, young people, men and women in exile. The aim was to get to know each other, overcome prejudices, support new arrivals in their integration and start to build together this part of the country that we share, be it for a short or a long time.
Action-Parrainages and PAIRES (Projet pour l'Aide à l'Inclusion des Réfugiés-e-s en Suisse) have similar goals and are working together to achieve them. As a tribute to how far they have come, the travelling exhibition "Faire la PAIRES", organised with the support of Fonds lausannois pour l’intégration, unveils some of these pairs - people who have known each other for 3 years, 3 months or... 3 days.

  • 9 July - 27 July: Belle Epoque (4th floor)


Interaction group connection young people hand




The organisation will leverage the expertise and diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds of members within the Initiatives of Change network, as well as strengthen and cultivate partnerships.

Partnership lies at the heart of the Caux Foundation's endeavors, with a commitment to fostering a collaborative and cooperative mindset that permeates Caux's culture, strategies, and operations.


The Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights Office (OHCHR) works for the protection of all human rights for all people; to help empower people to realise their rights; and to assist those responsible for upholding such rights in ensuring that they are implemented. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights exercises principal responsibility for UN human rights activities and is mandated to respond to serious violations of human rights and to undertake preventive action. The office was established by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 December 1993 in the wake of the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights.


The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) represents Switzerland abroad. The FDFA protects Switzerland’s interests abroad and implements the Federal Council’s foreign policy. This involves fostering and expanding relations with neighbouring states and the EU. The FDFA also wants to improve its services for Swiss living abroad by modernising its technology.


The Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation is a Swiss private charitable foundation with its center for dialogue, the Caux Palace, in Caux, above Montreux, Switzerland. The Caux Palace has become a historic venue bringing together a diverse range of people to address the world’s political, economic and societal challenges together. Caux Initiatives of Change mission is to provide a safe and privileged space to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organisations from around the globe to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security. 


Initiatives of Change International is a voluntary, donation- and grant-funded nonprofit association of national legal bodies (national teams) and international programmes. Registered in Caux, Switzerland, they coordinate the world-wide Initiatives of Change people’s movement, uniting a community of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own.

Initiatives of Change International have special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC), participatory status at the Council of Europe as well as a seat at the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).



The Geneva Diplomatic Club is recognised as the official Club of International Geneva by the Swiss Confederation, the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the City of Geneva and the United Nations Office at Geneva. Its mission is to bring the international community together, stimulate links and exchanges, and contribute to the development of relations with the host state. Its 850 members are representative of the diversity of players in International Geneva (diplomats, international civil servants, directors of non-governmental organisations, Swiss personalities and businessmen).

Please find our full partner list including our co-creating and supporting partners below.


people, community, terrace, Caux Palace, sunset


Participation Rates

Full Package with accommodation from 15 -19 July, 2024, including the Opening Ceremony.

  • All inclusive | Accommodation in single occupancy room: CHF 660.-/person
  • All inclusive | Accommodation in shared occupancy room: CHF 540.-/person
  • Children from 6-14 | Accommodation shared with parents: CHF 280.-/person
  • Children from 0-5 | Accommodation shared with parents: CHF.- 0/person


Event Package without accommodation

Full event package but accommodation not included: CHF 320;-/person


Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony Caux Democracy Forum | Includes dinner and concert. No accommodation: CHF 70.-/person

If you wish to attend only the Opening Ceremony of the Caux Democracy Forum (including dinner & concert), please register with the separate registration form.


Solidarity Fund

We have created a fund aimed at fostering true diversity of participants by providing support to those from the Global South or those facing economic challenges. Every contribution helps and we appreciate any additional amount you are able to give when paying via the registration form.


Prices mentioned, for single or shared accommodation, include :

  • Accommodation in either shared or single room at the Caux Palace
  • Participation in the Caux Democracy Forum
  • Materials provided during the event
  • Interpretation service and technical equipment
  • Coffee and tea breaks as well as refreshments
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • VAT & City taxes

The package for participants without accommodation does not include breakfast nor the City Tax.



The Caux Democracy Forum starts with the Opening Ceremony at the Caux Palace on Monday, 15 July at 16:00 CEST.

Attendees are asked to check in from 14:00pm on the 15 July. For participants who arrive early on 15 July and would like to drop off their luggage at the Caux Palace before official check-in times a luggage room will be available.

On the day of departure (19 July), the Forum will end after lunch. For organisational reasons and to prepare our spaces for other events will kindly request all participants to check out by 10:00 CEST on the day of departure and to leave the site by 14:00 CEST.





For further information, please get in touch BY EMAIL.





Initiatives of Change (IofC) is a world-wide movement of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own. Many of the world’s problems – and their solutions – are rooted in human nature. Fear, hate, greed and indifference perpetuate injustice, poverty, conflict and environmental destruction. Yet it is also in human nature to be compassionate, courageous and creative. People can live the change they wish to see. Each person has something unique to contribute to building a just, peaceful and sustainable world. IofC focuses on the vital link between personal change and global change, and aims to inspire, support and equip people to play their part in building a better society.

At their centre for peacebuilding and dialogue, the Caux Palace, the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation prioritizes environmental responsibility and is committed to conscious handling of CO2 emissions, ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly experience.

We also uphold a zero-tolerance policy to foster a safe and respectful environment for all attendees, actively working to prevent and address any inappropriate behavior during our events.




#CauxForum #CauxDemocracy

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Forging a network of problem-solvers to build a secure and sustainable future

The Summer Academy on Climate, Land and Security 2021 brought together 29 participants from 20 countries. From Egypt and Senegal to the United States and Thailand, zoom windows opened for six hours ev...

Salima Mahamoudou 21 July 2021 FDFA workshop CDES 2021

Remaking a world in peril

The Caux Dialogue on Environment and Security (CDES) 2021 ran online from 20 July until 30 July, for the second consecutive year, comprising three open plenaries and seven workshops. This year’s discu...

CL 2021 Hope square

A Journey from Uncertainty to Possibility

2021’s Creative Leadership conference took participants on a six-day journey ‘From Uncertainty to Possibility’. Between 25 to 31 July around 150 online participants living in over 50 countries engaged...

FDFA Baobabcowherd-1 Noah Elhardt through WikiCommons square with logos

A pathway to peace and prosperity in West and Central Africa

In the context of their partnership, Initiatives of Change Switzerland (IofC) and the Peace and Human Rights division of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs organised a webinar on the them...



CDF banner logos


Welcome at the Caux Democracy Forum in Caux (15 - 19 July 2024). 

Please note that the announced times are based on CEST time and that this programme might be subject to change.

You can find detailed information on the event and our speakers & artists here:

Opening Ceremony Caux Democracy Forum - 15 July 2024, 16:00 CEST

Full-residential Caux Democracy Forum - 15 - 19 July 2024

Download the programme (overview)



Monday, 15 July

16:00 - 17:30
Caux Palace Main Hall
OPENING CEREMONY: Revitalising democracy - towards inclusive and peaceful societies across Europe and the world 


In collaboration with the Geneva Diplomatic Club, the opening ceremony of the Caux Democracy Forum will take place at the Caux Palace on 15 July at 16:00 CEST, followed by a reception and concert organised with the support of the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation.

If you're not planning to attend the entire four-day residential forum, you can still register for the opening ceremony. To secure your place, we kindly ask you to fill out the online registration form.

  • Cost for Day Guests: CHF 70.-/person (including reception & concert). Please note that If you have registered for the full-residential forum (15 - 19 July) the Opening Ceremony is included in your package and that you don't have to register separately.





  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violonist



  • Ignacio Packer, Executive Director Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation



  • Jacqueline Coté, President Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
  • Raymond Loretan, Chairman Geneva Diplomatic Club



Ambassador Thomas Guerber, Deputy State Secretary, Head of UN Division



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violonist



  • Nada Al-Nashif, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights




  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violonist



  • Ambassador Andrius Krivas, Chair of the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies, Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the Council of Europe



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violonist



Three youth from three continents sharing testimonies of their day-to-day life and what democracy means for them

  • Maruee Pahuja (India), Expressive Arts Therapy Facilitator & Strategist, Visual Artist & Eye-care Practitioner
  • Jonas Truneh (UK), Project Development Officer at Triangle
  • Sidra Raslan (Syria), Creative Leadership & HP Amplify Impact Partner Sustainability Programme



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violonist



  • Prof. Rajmohan Gandhi, Historian, Biographer and former Member of India’s Parliament  



  • Sarah Noble, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violonist


More information on our speakers and artists


17:30 - 18:00

16:00 - 13:00 (27 July)
Main Hall
EXPOSITION "About Democracy..." - Political Cartoons by Patrick Chappatte

18:00 - 18:45
Caux Palace Theatre

With the support of the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation


19:00 - 20:00
RECEPTION: Buffet-style dinner

20:00 - 21:30


  • Between 20:00 and 22:00: SUNSET NETWORKING (Sunset at 21:20). 
  • Between 20:00 - 21:15: Possibility for HISTORICAL GUIDED TOURS of the Caux Palace (mainly for guests of the Diplomatic Club)

Tuesday, 16 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall



8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

9:00 - 9:15
Main Hall

Practical information for your stay in Caux

9:15 - 10:30
Main Hall



  • PETER RIDDELL, Convenor, Agenda for Reconciliation, Initiatives of Change UK
  • DAYA BHAGWANDAS, Social Entrepreneur, Neuro Educator and Yoga Master





  • ASSAAD CHAFTARI, Co-Founder of Fighters for Peace
  • DR. PETER SHAMBROOK, Independant Scholar & Historical Consultant, Balfour Project
  • ANGELA STARAVOYTOVA, Peacebuilder & Facilitator, Foundations for Freedom, Ukraine
  • REV DR. JAMES MOVEL WUYE, Pentecoastal Pastor and Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria
  • IMAM DR. MUHAMMAD NURAYN ASHAFA, Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria
  • AMINA DIKEDI-AJAKAIYE, Immediate past-president of Creators of Peace International
  • NADA AL-NASHIF, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights


10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)


Workstream 1: Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness & Restitution



  • ASSAAD CHAFTARI, Co-Founder of Fighters for Peace (Lebanon)
  • DR. PETER SHAMBROOK, Independant Scholar & Historical Consultant, Balfour Project (UK)


Workstream 2: People-centred Economics: Creating common wealth


  • MARK GOYDER, Founder Director of Tomorrow’s Company (UK)



Workstream 3: Civil Society fostering Dialogue: From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action

Exploring cornerstones and values for progress while avoiding double standards (Part 1)


  • CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO
  • DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

16:00 - 17/00

17:00 - 18:30
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)


Workstream 1: Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness & Restitution


Interactive breakout rooms, getting to know each other and sharing discoveries


Workstream 2: People-centred Economics: Developing a media of integrity


  • RICHARD WERLY, Journalist (Switzerland)
  • CAROLINE VUILLEMIN, General Director Fondation Hirondelle


Workstream 2: Civil Society fostering Dialogue: From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action

Exploring cornerstones and values for progress while avoiding double standards (Part 2)


  • CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO
  • DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

18:30 - 19:30
Dining Room

20:00 - 21:30
Main Hall


A special preview of a new documentary film

The title of the film refers to the journey of a young woman whose father, a British government minister, was killed in an explosion in 1984, and the Irish Republican Army member who planted the bomb.

The two people mentioned above, Jo Berry and Dr Patrick Magee, together with the director of the film, Dr Imad Karam, Executive Director of IofC International and a Palestinian from Gaza, will be present and will answer questions after the film.

Wednesday, 17 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

9:00 - 10:30
Main Hall

The struggle for democracy and human rights demands courage and commitment. We will hear from people active in this struggle.  It will offer all a chance to understand the challenge and to discover how each of us can contribute.




  • JOHN BOND, Journalist & Author, Initiatives of Change
  • SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation




  • SYLVIA VALENTIN, Advocacy Officer Terre des Hommes Switzerland & Board Member Coalition for Corporate Responsibility
  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Educator, Storyholder, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue, Canada
  • CORINNE MOMAL-VALIAN, Executive Director Kofi Annan Foundation
  • TODD HOWLAND, Chief of the Development, Economic, and Social Rights Branch of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)


Workstream 1: Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness & Restitution



  • JO BERRY, Founder of Building Bridges for Peace and Public Speaker
  • DR PATRICK MAGEE, Author and Public Speaker


Workstream 2: People-centred Economics: Defeating Corruption


  • FARAI MAGUWU, Executive Director, Centre for Natural Resource Governance, Zimbabwe


Workstream 3: Civil Society fostering Dialogue: From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action

Unpacking the methodology of INGO Dialogues, harmonizing the inner and outer development (Part 1)


  • CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO
  • DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

16:00 - 17:00

17:00 - 18:30
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)


Workstream 1: Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness & Restitution


Interactive breakout rooms, getting to know each other and sharing discoveries


Workstream 2: People-centred Economics: Refugees for global solution: rebuilding communities and country of origin


  • DR MUNA ISMAIL, Programme Manager Refugees as Re-Builders™, IofC UK
  • ALHAMISS DICKO, President GEN-émergent, Mauritania
  • RIANNE TEN VEEN, Consultant/ Freelancer in training, dialogue, environment and project management


Workstream 3: Civil Society fostering Dialogue: From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action

Unpacking the methodology of INGO Dialogues, harmonizing the inner and outer development (Part 2)


  • CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO
  • DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

18:30 - 19:30
Dining Room

20:30 - 21:30
Main Hall

20:00 - 20:30
Main Hall


HYONG JOON WON (South Korea), Artistic Director, Lindenbaum Festival Orchestra

Thursday, 18 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

9:00 - 10:30
Main Hall




  • IGNACIO PACKER, Executive Director, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
  • SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation




  • MARTIN BOGOMILOV PENOV (Bulgaria), Vice-President of the Young European Federalists
  • MURSAL KHAROTI (Afghanistan/UK), Mental Health Activist
  • VERONICA TING-HSIN HONG (Taiwan), Coach, Changemaker & Social Entrepreneur
  • PROF MYROSLAV MARYNOVYCH (Ukraine), Educator & Human Rights Activist
  • HON. JACQUELINE NYIBOL BENJAMIN, Member of Parliament South Sudan
  • NATHALIE CHAVANNE (France), Member of Board of Directors Initiatives of Change France
  • HON LEE JU-YOUNG (South Korea), former deputy speaker of South Korea’s National Assembly, former Minister of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, five-term National Assembly member
  • VERONICA ALCOCER GARCIA (Colombia), First Lady of Colombia


10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)


Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness & Restitution



  • REV DR. JAMES MOVEL WUYE, Pentecoastal Pastor and Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria
  • IMAM DR. MUHAMMAD NURAYN ASHAFA, Co-Executive Director of the Interfaith Mediation Centre Kaduna, Nigeria


Workstream 2: People-centred Economics: Defending democracies under attack


  • ANGELA STARAVOYTOVA and colleagues from Ukraine


Workstream 3: Civil Society fostering Dialogue: From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action

Identifying your own course of action, recognizing that words and deeds matter (Part 1)


  • CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO
  • DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

16:00 - 17:00

17:00 - 18:30
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)


Workstream 1: Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness & Restitution


Interactive breakout rooms, getting to know each other and sharing discoveries


People-centred Economics: A climate-change economy


  • SIDRA RASLAN, Creative Leadership & HP Partner Sustainability Programme


Workstream 3: Civil Society fostering Dialogue: From Polarization to Participation, A Guide to Action

Identifying your own course of action, recognizing that words and deeds matter (Part 2)


  • CHRISTOPH SPRENG, Advisor to the Standing Comittee CINGO
  • DR LAURIE JOHNSTON, Professor of Theology, Emmanuel College, Boston/USA

18:30 - 19:30
Dining Room

20:00 - 21:30
Main Hall

Friday, 19 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

Before 10:00 -

On the day of departure, the forum will end after lunch. For organisational reasons and to prepare our spaces for other events, we kindly request all participants to check out of their rooms by 10:00 CEST on the day of departure and to leave the site by 14:00 CEST.

Please note that a luggage room will be at your disposal until your departure after lunch.

9:00 - 10:30
Rooms to be announced

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Main Hall

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

From 13:30 - 14:00

On the day of departure, the forum will end after lunch. For organisational reasons and to prepare the Caux Palace for the following event, we kindly request all participants to check out of their rooms by 10:00 CEST on the day of departure and to leave the site by 14:00 CEST.

Please note that a luggage room will be at your disposal until your departure after lunch.

Download the programme overview

CDF Daily programme 9 July