Weaving Our Narratives 2023: Explore the Power of your Story

A Creative Leadership course

29 August - 22 September 2023

Weaving Our Narratives (WON) is a one-month online course developed by the Creative Leadership team, focused on the theme of sharing stories.

Inspired by the Initiatives of Change practice of sharing impactful life experiences, referred to as a ‘human library’, we aim to equip every individual with the power and opportunity to connect to the core of their story, and have their voice heard.

The programme will be guided by the overall journey of rooting, reframing and rising.


Conversation discussion



To inspire inner transformation and authentic liberation through genuine connection and sharing — one story at a time.



To co-create a space that is safe enough for rethinking the different narratives we hold about ourselves and the world, thereby encouraging self-discovery and co-existence.



  1. To co-create a guide with participants on storytelling based on a wide range of techniques.
  2. To build a diverse community of storytellers and create partnerships.
  3. To create a space for feedback.
  4. To offer guided self-reflection activities.
  5. To establish common rules and guidelines with experienced facilitators.
  6. To encourage and embody vulnerability, starting with the team members.


workshop group interaction conversation meeting



The structure of each session will follow a set pattern, with every session being split into two one-hour sections, designed to model storytelling, before giving the opportunity to explore one’s inner world.



  • Input - The stories, direction and activities we are providing
  • Check in – A space for everyone to check-in and share how they are feeling before the group begins.
  • Story – To set the tone, one of us shares a story at the beginning related to the day’s theme
  • Activity – A combination of teaching and an activity designed to enhance our understanding of the given theme.



  • Output  - The space for participants to share and reflect their own stories
  • Reflection – Take quiet time to prepare an answer or story to a set question or theme relating to the given theme and activity.
  • Sharing – A space for all participants to come together in small, guided groups to openly share their personal stories based on the topics provided in the reflection space.
  • Tools - Tools are shared after each session to allow participants to continue their personal journey of reflection both during and beyond the course.



  • People from various backgrounds who want to explore their personal histories and hone their storytelling abilities.
  • People who are enthusiastic about using storytelling to encourage empathy, comprehension, and constructive change.
  • People who are eager to connect with and form a community with other storytellers.
  • We will be inviting up to 40 participants.



The course will have eight sessions, two per week on Tuesdays and Fridays at the time of 18:00 - 20:00 CET:

  • Tuesday - 29 August - Reconnecting with self
  • Friday - 1 September - The river of life
  • Tuesday - 5 September - Moving beyond barriers
  • Friday - 8 September - Courage and vulnerability
  • Tuesday - 12 September - Re-imagining responsibility
  • Friday - 15 September - Re-writing narratives
  • Tuesday - 19 September - Authenticity and liberation
  • Friday - 22 September - Going forth



The course will have a cost of CHF 25. This can be refunded at the latest one week before the course begins. Due to the diverse nature of people attending IofC, if individuals have issues with paying this cost please email us directly at CreativeLeadership@Cauxforum.org

This cost includes a digital certificate on successful completion of the course.



Short Statement

Reconnecting with Self

We will begin the story-sharing journey by exploring the various aspects of our own identity. Participants will be invited to tune into themselves and begin to question who they are, unfurling the many layers often covering what lies at the core. This will form the foundation for understanding and sharing our stories.

The River of Life


The theme of identity will be taken further by considering the major events of their lives, creating an expressive artwork showing the ‘river’ of their life. Through this, participants become acquainted with the major aspects of themselves, reflecting and discovering their own journey.

Moving beyond barriers

This session signals the beginning of the transition process to changing how we view ourselves and our own stories. By taking pictures of our immediate surroundings, we can learn to re-conceptualise and see our lives in a different light. Instead of focusing on changing the situation, we aim to change our perception to see a path forward.

Courage and Vulnerability


In this session, we take the next courageous step forward in the process of becoming our authentic selves. By giving ourselves the space to be vulnerable, seeking to overcome shame and the fear of judgement, we allow ourselves total freedom to express our individual emotions and sense of self.

Reimagining Responsibility


We transition from viewing our lives as a product of others’ intervention to the ownership of our story. By seeking to take responsibility for our path forward, overcoming any victimhood mindset, we realise we have a role in our own stories, not playing mere bystanders. By considering the choices we have already made, we inform the question ‘who could I be?’

Rewriting Narratives


After looking at who we were, who we are now, and who we could be, we empower ourselves to re-write our own narratives. Participants realise the freedom they always possessed to choose the stories and personas they wish to embody, enabling them to craft compelling and alternative stories and possibilities.

Authenticity and Liberation


As we enter the rising stage of the process, having developed confidence and self-knowledge through engaging with the transformative process, participants will be closer to expressing their authentic selves truthfully, reclaiming agency over their own narratives. “People who are truly authentic are not afraid to be themselves.”

Going Forth


As the course comes to a close, participants celebrate the journey they have come on as well as the friendships formed and the personal growth gained. We look hopefully toward the future, honouring the stories they have shared and heard, and reflecting on how they want to carry their stories into the world.



Registrations now closed!!



#creativeleadership #weavingournarratives

past conferences

organizing team

Sidra Raslan 2023

Sidra Raslan

Daniel Clements

Daniel Clements

Hajar Bichri

Hajar Bichri

Manuela Garay

Manuela Garay

Nuhu CL 2022

Nuhu Abdulmalik

Ines Mokdadi 2024

Ines Mokdadi

Viviane Straub

Viviane Straub

Ahmed Abdelsalam

Ahmed Abdelsalam

Steven Lin

Steven Lin

Hani Abou Fadel.jpg

Hani Abou Fadel

Asmaa Sleem

Asmaa Sleem

Maruee Pahuja

Maruee Pahuja

Sinda Arfaoui

Sinda Arfaoui

Jonas Truneh

Jonas Truneh

Yara Farhat

Yara Farahat


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