09-13 July 2024


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The Caux IDG Forum, taking place in Caux, Switzerland from 9 to 13 July 2024, aspires to inspire, equip, and connect individuals, groups, and organisations in the pursuit of constructing a just, peaceful, and sustainable world aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Caux IDG Forum is co-organised by Caux Initiatives of Change and the Inner Development Goals Foundation in partnership with Initiatives of Change International, co-creating partners and support partners (see full list below).





About the event

Leveraging the Inner Development Goals Framework and Initiatives of Change methodologies honed over 75 years, the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum provides a platform for participants from diverse backgrounds to collectively address contemporary challenges. Embraced within an atmosphere of trust, care, solidarity, and respect, the Caux IDG Forum encourages open and deep discussions, fostering self-reflection on how personal transformation can initiate broader and collective change.

In alignment with the workstreams, the Caux IDG Forum facilitates a unique convergence of the SDGs and IDGs, addressing challenges that demand inner capacities in our complex world.

Participation in the Caux IDG Forum entails unlocking individual and collective potential, urging reflection on roles, exploration of resources, and a connection with responsibilities as change-makers—believing that every individual can contribute significantly. It involves actively embodying the Inner Development Goals Framework in daily practices. The interaction between participants will help many find inspiration, tools, courage and effective strategies for their efforts and may lead to the launch of initiatives beyond the Caux IDG Forum.


The Inner Development Goals Framework

Rooted in interdisciplinary research, the IDG Framework consists of 5 dimensions with 23 skills of human inner growth and development. The framework is an attempt to simplify a complex field of inner development into a framework that helps to develop, identify, understand, integrate and communicate the inner skills needed for sustainable development.

IDG Framework skills
The 5 dimensions of the IDG Framework

The Inner Development Goals Framework was developed through the belief that there is a pressing need to increase our collective abilities to face and effectively work with complex challenges. It is based on the conviction that without a foundational shift in human values and leadership capacities, external solutions to our global challenges may be limited, too slow or short-lived.

The framework offers an essential roadmap that can assist us in navigating and developing our inner lives to catalyse outer change.

Discover the full framework


Main Hall audience summer Caux Palace (credit HATCH 2023)


What practical outcomes are envisioned?

  • Bring people together around collective exploration and action.
  • First-hand experiences of a wide range of people active in the key selected issues.
  • Learn, innovate, prototype, practice and share application of tools.
  • Create opportunities to support further activities within the IDG Hubs and organisations.
  • Ally with partner organisations to scale the development of IDG.
  • Share stories, arts, event designs and presentations.


Who is attending the Caux IDG Forum?

We expect some 200 participants and speakers drawn from the Inner Development Goals and Initiatives of Change communities, civil society, government, youth movements, academia and business.

Participating in the Caux IDG Forum is about unlocking ones potential: it encourages individuals, groups and organizations to reflect on their roles, explore their resources, and connect with their responsibilities as changemakers, on the basis that everyone can make a difference. It is about putting in practice the Inner Development Goals Framework.

The Caux IDG Forum programme has been designed to allow participants the time to gain some perspective, retreat from the bustling routine and find a space that allows for silent reflection, creative collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

The Caux IDG Forum is on invitation only. Participants wishing to attend the forum should apply for an invitation via our online applications form. As spaces are limited, we strongly encourage you to apply early to secure your invitation. If your application is successful we will send you a link to register for the event within 14 days. 


Caux Palace Adrien Giovannelli


The Venue: The Caux Palace (near Montreux) & Maison de la Paix (Geneva)

The Caux IDG Forum takes place in our centre for dialogue - the Caux Palace, a former Belle Époque Grand Hotel nestled in the mountains 1000m above sea level.  With its breathtaking view over the Léman and the Alps, it provides a unique and inspiring setting.

The Opening Ceremony will take place in Geneva on 9 July at the Maison de la Paix, close to the UN Palais des Nations. This provides the opportunity to inform and create awareness amongst the diplomatic, political, economic and academic worlds of International Geneva. In addition to the event being broadcast online, we also expect three hundred participants to attend the Opening Ceremony in person.

Registration for the Caux IDG Forum includes attendance of the Opening Ceremony in Geneva. If you are unable to attend the full forum, it is possible to register for the Opening Ceremony separately here.


CDLS 2018 audience


Programme Overview

9 July: Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony for the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum will be held this year in the heart of International Geneva at the Maison de la Paix.  

Bringing together 200 participants and distinguished speakers drawn from the Inner Development Goals and Initiatives of Change communities, civil society, government, youth movements, academia and business, the ceremony promises to be a vibrant convergence of ideas and perspectives.   

Following the ceremony, attendees will have the opportunity to network and engage further during a coffee break.  

Transport will be arranged to take registered participants from Geneva to the Caux Palace for the full residential four-day event. More information will be communicated on this nearer the date.

If you only wish to attend the Opening Ceremony, please make sure to secure your place by kindly filling out the online registration form here.    


9-13 July: Full residential Caux IDG Forum

The full residential Caux IDG Forum will take place at the Caux Palace. The Caux IDG Forum is on invitation only. Participants wishing to attend the forum should apply for an invitation via our online applications form. As spaces are limited, we strongly encourage you to apply early to secure your invitation. If your application is successful we will send you a link to register for the event within 14 days. 


Caux Forum 2023 Summer Academy workshop group


Workstreams & Workshops


The Caux IDG Forum is organized into 4 designated workstreams (see below). Each participant is invited to select and follow one of the four workstreams for the duration of the Forum with two dedicated workshops per day. Plenaries, community groups, the evening programme and other activities bring all participants together.

We welcome applications from individuals and organisations interested in becoming Workshop Organisers. Further information on the Workstream Organiser Applications and Responsibilities can be found here: Information regarding the call for applications for workshop organisersPlease note that applications for the Workshop Organisers are now closed!

We will continue to update this page with information on speakers and workshops in the weeks to come.


Workstream 1: Conscious Food Systems

Regenerative agriculture calls for regenerative mindsets and cultures.

How can we change systems that negatively impact people and the planet, especially in the way we produce and consume food?


SDG 2, "Zero Hunger" targets ending hunger, ensuring food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture by 2030. It advocates holistic food systems that are environmentally friendly, socially fair, and economically viable to align with broader global sustainability goals, emphasizing the need for conscious and sustainable practices in food production and consumption.



Nadene Canning

NADENE CANNING (Canada), Coach and Facilitator

After 20 years managing large projects in industry, sustainable development, and technology in 45 countries, Nadene Canning created a boutique consulting agency. Today her strategic foresight and laser focus supports leaders to navigate strategic imperatives that accelerate possibility and impact. In 2012 the book she wrote La force le l’Équilibre - Vie familiale, vie professionnelle which led to a decade of teaching and consulting on leadership, management, systems thinking, change and negotiation. In 2019 Nadene was one of 400 facilitators selected from 10’000 applicants to train with Dr Brené Brown and believes that the four skills sets of building courage in the Dare to Lead™ program is at the cutting edge of leadership thinking. Nadene is part of the IDG Global Coordination Team and a member of the core team of the IDG Lemanic Network. For the past 2 years Nadene has had the privilege to design and co-host monthly IDG Global Practitioner Network sessions, bringing together many of the 700 practitioners to learn, share their challenges, be inspired, and make sustainable impact. 


Ignacio Packer 2024

IGNACIO PACKER (Switzerland), Executive Director Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation 

Ignacio Packer is Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, a Swiss private charitable foundation with the mission to provide a safe and privileged space to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organizations from around the globe to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security. Ignacio has over 30 years of experience in humanitarian work and development issues. He is an expert on human rights and social issues and has been strongly engaged in global advocacy on protection frameworks for migrants and refugees with a particular focus on children and youth.


Charlotte Dufour

CHARLOTTE DUFOUR (France), Conscious Food Systems Alliance 

Charlotte Dufour works for the Conscious Food Systems Alliance and has been working on food systems and nutrition for over two decades, with NGOs (Action Contre la Faim, Groupe URD), with the UN FAO for 12 years, and with various organisations as a consultant since 2017 (SUN Secretariat; 4SD/Food Systems Summit Dialogue Support Team). She worked primarily in Afghanistan and sub-Saharan Africa, before working at global level. She is also an instructor of Ananda Yoga and meditation and co-founded the NGO Listening Inspires. She presently lives in Burgundy, France, where she and her husband are creating a retreat center.



Workstream 2: A more climate-friendly lifestyle

Foster a sustainable world through personal development.

How can we achieve a more integrated approach to sustainability by connecting inner and outer dimensions to facilitate collective system transformation?

SDG 13 Climate Action

SDG 13, "Climate Action" strives for urgent measures against climate change, emphasizing awareness, capacity building, and practical steps to mitigate and adapt. It promotes climate-friendly lifestyles, reducing emissions, and sustainable practices, urging individuals, communities, and businesses to embrace behaviors that foster a lower carbon footprint and enhance climate resilience.



Siddharth Sing

SIDDHARTH SINGH (India), Director of the Initiatives of Change centre Asia Plateau

Siddharth Singh is the Director of the Initiatives of Change centre Asia Plateau in Panchgani, India. He is a facilitator, coach, designer and traveler. In 2001, Siddharth co-founded ‘Paradigms Unlimited’, a business leadership-consulting firm, committed to working with people to create personal and organisational transformation. His personal vision is to see a world that works for everyone and not just a privileged few and hopes to use his life working towards this idea. He believes he is a student of life and nature, and believes that most of the important lessons lie in how nature works.



Ignacio Packer 2024

IGNACIO PACKER (Switzerland), Executive Director Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation 

Ignacio Packer is Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, a Swiss private charitable foundation with the mission to provide a safe and privileged space to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organizations from around the globe to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security. Ignacio has over 30 years of experience in humanitarian work and development issues. He is an expert on human rights and social issues and has been strongly engaged in global advocacy on protection frameworks for migrants and refugees with a particular focus on children and youth.



Workstream 3: Cultivating Peaceful Societies: Embracing Conscience, Peace and Love

Building peaceful societies requires a collective commitment to conscience, peace, and love.

How can we collectively foster cultures of peace grounded in conscience and love?

SDG 16 Peace, Justice, Strong Institutions

Promoting a culture of peace, conscience, and love aligns with various SDGs, notably SDG 16, "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions." SDG 16 aims for inclusive societies, justice for all, and effective institutions. Target 16.7 specifically emphasizes fostering a culture of peace and non-violence through responsive, inclusive decision-making and robust institutions. While not explicitly stated, the values of conscience and love are integral to building a peaceful and just society, fostering empathy and understanding for a more harmonious world.



Ines Mokdadi 2024

INES MOKDADI (Tunisia), University Professor of English, ISEAH & Creative Leadership Youth Initiative

Ines Mokdadi is a University Agrégée Professor of English at ISEAH in Tunisia and specializes in Applied Linguistics. Her research focuses on critical discourse analysis and power dynamics. She also works as a freelance translator and interpreter and has served as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Alumna at the University of Notre Dame, USA (2020-2021). In addition to her academic and professional pursuits, Ines is deeply passionate about civic engagement, inclusion, and cross-cultural understanding. She volunteers as the Lead Content Strategist for the Creative Leadership team, dedicating her free time to youth-based causes. Furthermore, she recently expanded her involvement by joining the faculty of IofC UK as a trainer for the Refugees for Re-Builders (RRB) programme, demonstrating her commitment to supporting refugees and promoting community rebuilding efforts on a broader scale.


Roweida Saleh

ROWEIDA SALEH (Lebanon), Educator & Peacebuilder

Roweida Saleh is a Lebanese educator with a wealth of experience in conflict resolution, peace education, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. She is dedicated to building communities rooted in peace and trust. With over 20 years of volunteer and peace education experience, she has fostered dialogue, collaboration, and positive change for a more just world. Roweida is passionate about empowering others to become active peacebuilders to build bridges and nurture a culture of trust.



Sarah Noble no background 2024

SARAH NOBLE (Canada/Switzerland), Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.



Workstream 4: Partnership Accelerator

Co-creating strategies to foster meaningful alliances between various stakeholders by leveraging the leadership principles of the Inner Development Goals to accelerate the implementation of each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG 17 Partnerships

SDG 17, "Partnerships for the Goals" focuses on strengthening global collaboration and support mechanisms to achieve the other 16 Sustainable Development Goals. It underscores the importance of fostering partnerships between governments, the private sector, and civil society to enhance the overall effectiveness of sustainable development initiatives worldwide.



Rafaela IDG

RAFAELA ROLIM (Brazil), Founder of Brazilian Experience & Facilitator

Rafaela Rolim aims to host safe spaces of exchange and learning that inspires people and organisations to co-create a better world. She is the founder of Brazilian Experience, with 18+ years of experience in program design, facilitating international learning journeys and human development projects. Rafaela is a IDG enthusiast and started the IDG Florianópolis HUB - Experiences in Nature. She is currently part of the Global Coordination Team for HUBs and Networks and also launched the first IDG Immersion, called ID-X I Inner Development Experiences.  Rafaela believes in the power of community to foster collaboration towards common goals, creating transformative impact beyond individual capacity. She is currently also the Co-chair of the Sustainability Interest Group of NAFSA (Association of International Educators) and Vice-President of the CANIE (Climate Action Network for International Educators) America´s Chapter.


Sarah Noble no background 2024

SARAH NOBLE (Canada/Switzerland), Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.


Pontus Holmgren

PONTUS HOLMGREN (Sweden), Psychologist, Facilitator and Global Coordinator of the IDG Hubs and Networks

Pontus Holmgren is a licensed psychologist and a trained UrbanTantra breath guide. He is an organsiational transformation facilitator and an actor, conductor and teacher in improvised Playback theatre. Pontus has worked with leadership, teams, cross collaboration  and transformational processes in a multitude of organisations and communities globally since the mid 1990s. Currently focusing on the need for inner development for individuals and for the collective in order deal with the current and future complex challenges of humanity. Pontus has been part of the IDG journey from the start and is a co-coordinator for the global community of Hubs and networks of the Inner Development Goals.


The Caux Inner Development Goals Forum will propose 24 workshops (6 for each workstream).

These workshops will take place exclusively in person at Caux, accommodating 20-30 participants each, with a duration of approximatively 90 minutes.

PLEASE NOTE that the list of workshops below might be subject to change!

Led by practitioners, the workshops emphasize high interactivity, interspersed with moments of silence for introspection, encouraging participants to openly and deeply discuss how personal change catalyzes broader societal impact. The entry points for these workshops revolve around the themes of the work streams, providing a unique space for the convergence of SDGs and IDGs.


Within each workstream, the intention is to cover six cross-cutting themes aligning with SDGs, IDGs, and Initiatives of Change (IofC) Caux Values:

  • Cross-cutting Theme 1 - Conflict Resolution Skills: this theme aims at using practical techniques for navigating and resolving conflicts. 
  • Cross-cutting Theme 2 - Cultural Sensitivity: this theme aims at enhancing participants' understanding of cultural diversity to foster mutual respect regardless of culture-sensitive boundaries.  
  • Cross-cutting Theme 3 - Mindfulness and Conscious Living: this theme takes aim to practice conscious living by making ethical choices daily. 
  • Cross-cutting Theme 4 - Art: This theme takes on fostering artistic expression to express one's thoughts on peace, conscience, and love. 
  • Cross-cutting Theme 5 - Storytelling for Social Change: this theme hinges on storytelling or story sharing to inspire positive change and cultivate empathy and understanding. 
  • Cross-cutting Theme 6 - Global Citizenship Education Workshop: this theme targets education to foster a sense of global citizenship by emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals and communities.  

The interconnectedness of these elements is visually clarified through the following flowchart.

Caux IDG Forum Cross Cutting Themes

Envisaged Tangible Outcomes

  1. Empower the participants to reflect on their roles, leverage resources, and embrace their responsibilities as changemakers, highlighting the universal potential for impactful contributions. 
  2. Incite collective exploration and action by fostering connections among participants.
  3. Capture firsthand experiences from active contributors.
  4. Offer dynamic learning, innovation, prototyping, tool application, and knowledge exchange.
  5. Cultivate opportunities to support additional initiatives within the IDG Hubs and partner organizations.
  6. Forge alliances with partner organisations to amplify the growth of IDG on a broader scale.
  7. Facilitate the exchange of compelling stories, artistic expressions, innovative event designs, and impactful presentations.


WORKSHOPS WORKSTREAM 1: Conscious Food Systems (SDG 2)

Conscious Food Alliance
  • Where: Salon du Lac (2nd floor next to the main dining-room), Caux Palace
  • When: 10 July, 12:30 - 13:30
  • Experience: A guided session in mindful eating led by experienced facilitators
  • Number of participants : 60 
  • Who is this experience for?: Open to all Caux IDG Forum participants


About the workshop

We are excited to invite you to a special mindful eating session taking place at Restaurant Français during lunchtime on 10 July. This unique event, organised by the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, offers an opportunity to engage in a mindful approach to eating while enjoying your meal in a tranquil setting.


What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is a practice that involves paying full attention to the sensory experience of eating, including the taste, texture, aroma, and even the sound of food. It encourages a non-judgmental awareness of the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that arise during meals. By slowing down and savouring each bite, mindful eating cultivates a deeper connection with food and promotes greater enjoyment and satisfaction from eating.

During the session, participants will be guided through various mindfulness exercises designed to enhance awareness and presence while eating. From mindful breathing to mindful chewing, each practice will help attendees develop a deeper appreciation for the food on their plate and the act of nourishing their bodies.

The session will start with a brief introduction to the practice, a 20 min practice, followed by an exchange amongst participants on their experience.



  • Discover the joy of eating with awareness and intention
  • Learn practical techniques to incorporate mindfulness into your daily meals
  • Experience the pleasure of savoring each bite and connecting with your food on a deeper level
  • Cultivate a healthier relationship with food and eating habits


About the organisers

Charlotte Dufour

CHARLOTTE DUFOUR, Practice Advisor to the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, UNDP 

Charlotte Dufour is UNDP's Practice Advisor to the Conscious Food Systems Alliance and has been working on food systems and nutrition for over two decades, with NGOs (Action Contre la Faim, Groupe URD), with the UN FAO for 12 years, and with various organisations as a consultant since 2017 (SUN Secretariat; 4SD/Food Systems Summit Dialogue Support Team). She worked primarily in Afghanistan and sub-Saharan Africa, before working at global level. She is also an instructor of Ananda Yoga and meditation and co-founded the NGO Listening Inspires. She presently lives in Burgundy, France, where she and her husband are creating a retreat centre.



  • Where: Room 400- Foyer du Thêâtre (4th floor)
  • Workshop language: English
  • Number of participants : 25

About the workshop

This workshop will take you on a journey through our inner and outer dimensions related to conscious food.

To begin, we’ll reflect upon our connection with food in our daily lives.

Together, we’ll enjoy a cacao tasting experience. Due its natural properties, cacao stimulates the release of “feel-good” chemicals, allowing people to open their hearts and experience a deeper connection with their essence and nature, in nature.

Let's embody it!


About the organisers

Nadene Canning

NADENE CANNING, Coach and Facilitator

After 20 years working in over 45 countries managing large projects in industry and sustainable development, Nadene Canning created a boutique consulting agency focusing her strategic ability to decipher variables in a creative and analytical way. For over a decade, Nadene has supported executives, business owners and young professionals worldwide, designing strategies to accelerate innovation, performance and impact. At the same time, her passion project involved raising awareness and developing capacity regarding diversity and inclusion in the Swiss workplace.


Manuela Larghi

MANUELA PAGANI LARGHI, Humanist Economist,  Councellor & Change Facilitator

Manuela Pagani Larghi is a lucid dreamer, humanist economist, councelor and change facilitator, working on issues of personal, organisational and systemic transformation. Passionate about Theory U and IDGs, she is interested in topics related to our  relationship with money and the change of mind- and heart-set. Manuela is the founder of U.Lab IDG Hub Ticino and co-founder of Impact Hub Ticino, She also founded a micro-business called Duduum Sagl in 2023 that integrates the material world with the spiritual world through a new symbol and ritual.


Dalilah Hernandez

DALILA HERNÁNDEZ, Leadership Coach

Coming from an indigenous ancestry in Mexico, Dalilah Hernández developed an instinctive relationship with the Earth and the corn cultivated by her grandmother and grandfather from early childhood. In her adult life, while living abroad, she experienced a disconnection from her body and mindful eating. Over the past 10+ years, she has devoted herself to cultivating a sacred relationship and spiritual love-based connection with all forms of life, including food, the Earth, economy and the environment. Dalilah is a leadership coach and technical consultant whose work is based on the art and the science of Human Transformation principles, applied to create vision-driven results. She has coached teams and leaders in the government, private and international sectors in various countries.

Conscious Food Alliance
  • Where: Room 400 - Foyer du Théâtre (4th floor)
  • Workshop language: English
  • Number of participants : 25


About the workshop

In this workshop we will build on the conversation and questions that will have emerged during the plenary to reflect on our personal relationship to food and the food system we are a part of. 

Starting from the foods we love and that are part of our daily lives we will explore the connections with those who produce, process, transport, market and sell the food we eat, as well as with the lands and waters it comes from. This session will be an opportunity to surface the joys, pains, doubts, dilemmas, fears and hopes that are associated with our relationship to food and food systems, and frame the journey of the SDG2 workstream.


About the organisers

Charlotte Dufour

CHARLOTTE DUFOUR, Practice Advisor to the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, UNDP 

Charlotte Dufour has been working on food systems and nutrition for over two decades, with NGOs (Action Contre la Faim, Groupe URD), with the UN FAO for 12 years, and with various organisations as a consultant since 2017 (SUN Secretariat; 4SD/Food Systems Summit Dialogue Support Team). She worked primarily in Afghanistan and sub-Saharan Africa, before working at global level. She is also an instructor of Ananda Yoga and meditation and co-founded the NGO Listening Inspires. She presently lives in Burgundy, France, where she and her husband are creating a retreat center.


Nadene Canning

NADENE CANNING, Coach and Facilitator

After 20 years working in over 45 countries managing large projects in industry and sustainable development, Nadene Canning created a boutique consulting agency focusing her strategic ability to decipher variables in a creative and analytical way. For over a decade, Nadene has supported executives, business owners and young professionals worldwide, designing strategies to accelerate innovation, performance and impact. At the same time, her passion project involved raising awareness and developing capacity regarding diversity and inclusion in the Swiss workplace.


  • Where: Room 400 - Foyer du Théâtre (4th floor)
  • Workshop language: English
  • Number of participants : 25


About the workshop

Deep Roots for Deep Collaboration.

How does our practice of inner development benefit from reconnecting with ancestral/traditional wisdom? How are the healing of colonization and the healing of our food systems connected in the context of the poly-crisis?

Join us for this session of co-inquiry, dialogue, sharing, embodied practice and ritual.


About the organisers

Sarah Queblatin

SARAH QUEBLATIN, Regenerative Design Strategist, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Green Releaf Initiative

Sarah Queblatin is a regenerative design specialist and facilitator weaving collective experiences in peace building, biocultural heritage conservation, environmental education, and humanitarian assistance. Her life-long practice is in restoring and re-storying narratives of place and belonging through cultural memory and imagination.
She founded Living Story Landscapes, harnessing cultural memory and imagination in climate and conflict vulnerable communities using the arts and culture with traditional ecological knowledge and permaculture. Sarah also founded Green Releaf Initiative in the Philippines working with regenerative design in disasters and displacement. She serves as an inner council member for UNDP’s Conscious Food Systems Alliance, advisory council member for Global Ecovillage Network Oceania and Asia, and as founding member for Permaculture for Refugees.
Sarah holds a Merit Diploma from Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute, along with an advanced Permaculture Certificate from Aranya Agriculture Alternatives. She trained in Ecosystem Restoration and Ecovillage Design Education with Gaia Education and as a Regenerative development practitioner through the Regenesis Institute. She holds an advanced certificate in Ecotherapy with the Pacifica Graduate Institute. Sarah is currently developing a training design on bioregional governance for Asia with the Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities project led by a European and Asian consortium of organizations funded by the European Union.


Malte Reshöft

MALTE RESHÖFT, Thematic Advisor Sustainable Food & Inclusive Market System, HEKS/EPER

Malte Reshöft is passionately searching for the conditions of successful communication and deep contact - both to ourselves, to others and to nature. Growing up in a family of farmers, he first decided to study agriculture and then soon discovered his love of permaculture. He later switched to international cooperation and worked in different countries and for various organisations which awakened his passion for transcultural understanding and communication. He has also been practising mindfulness for years, which in turn has opened a door to the inner worlds. Recently, he has become increasingly interested in bringing these different strands of his life together: nature, communication and inner development. He works currently as thematic advisor for Swiss Church Aid – HEKS/EPER.


  • Where: Room 400 - Foyer du Théâtre (4th floor)
  • Workshop language: English (French & German possible)
  • Number of participants : 25 participants


About the workshop

Join us for an engaging 90-minute workshop where we will explore the future of food systems introducing Bill Sharpe's innovative 3 Horizons tool.

This dynamic session is designed to:

  • Analyse the current state of food systems and identify why they are no longer sustainable.
  • Envision a future regenerative food system that benefits both people and the environment.
  • Highlight existing innovations that could drive the future of food systems.

Participants will collaborate through various methods, including small group discussions and individual silent reflection, and exercises to open their imagination.

The workshop culminates in creating a compelling new narrative for the future of food systems. The following Inner Development Goals will be particularly stimulated: inner compass, long term orientation and visioning, sense making, co-creation skills, optimism.

By the end of the session, you'll have highlighted some priorities to promote the envisioned regenerative food system. You'll also reflect on how to change your food consumption habits.

Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to a transformative dialogue about our food future!


About the organisers

Annick Wagner
Hub des possibles

ANNICK WAGNER, Coach, Facilitator & Co-Director Hub des possibles

Annick Wagner combines the analysis of an engineer, the commitment of a manager and the inspiration of a coach. She has over 20 years' experience as a facilitator and leadership trainer. She co-directs a Certificate of Advanced Studies in change management and practices playback theatre. Annick likes to integrate various methodologies and let herself be inspired by what's happening in the moment. She trusts the process!


Chantal Peyer

CHANTAL PEYER, Coach, Policy Adviser & Co-Director Hub des possibles

  • Chantal Peyer is a virtuoso speaker and a listener. Her experience as a policy adviser with non-governmental organisations gives her a deep and incisive insight into the complexity of societal and political systems. She trained at the Institute of Desirable Futures in Paris and, with the "Hub des possibles" that she co-founded, she intends to help people to project themselves towards desirable futures and engage in action.



  • Refugees as Rebuilders IofC UK
    Where: Room 400- Foyer du Thêâtre (4th floor)
  • Workshop language: English
  • Number of participants : 25 people

About the workshop

The workshop will focus on the efforts of communities affected by war and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa to develop and implement methods and practices that enhance food productivity, meet nutrition needs, and improve livelihoods.

The aim is to raise awareness of the disparity and inequality in food production and accessibility in the world.

  • What mindsets need to be changed, and who decides what needs to be changed?
  • Can changing mindsets suffice to bring about meaningful change in a world driven by structural inequalities and power relations?
  • What sort of capabilities can food aid handouts inspire?


To answer these unsettling questions, we will focus on two communities affected by war and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa, in the Somali Region of Ethiopia and Guinea-Bissau. In these two locations, individual and collective efforts to preserve, co-create and bring back ways of growing food crops in harmony with the environment could be an example of transforming traditional mindsets.



In this workshop we want to offer a conscious alternative, locally centred, and stewarded to the global food system. We do so by highlighting how these communities in these two locations safeguard and find ways to try achieving their own food sovereignty.

Together we will expore:

  • Collaborating & Social Skills: this connects strongly with IofC’s heritage of “discovering the other” and “building trust across the world’s divides” to foster understanding 
  • Acting & Driving Change: Taking Focused Action. Meeting Local and Global Needs. This category connects strongly with IofC’s support of individual changemakers who begin projects in their contexts or host forums on topical global concerns, such as human security.
  • Relating - Caring for Others and the World: Starting with Oneself: Personal Responsibility and Integrity. This category connects strongly with the IofC belief that “the change I want to see in the world starts with me.


About the organisers

Muna Ismail

DR MUNA ISMAIL, Programme Manager Refugees as Re-Builders™, IofC UK

Dr Muna Ismail is the Programme Manager and team leader for Refugees as Re-Builders™ of Initiatives of Change UK. She is a plant scientist by training and an environmentalist interested in the ecosystem restoration of degraded arid land for sustainable livelihood regeneration. A former refugee herself, Muna’s vision has guided the development of the Refugees as Re-builders™ training programme since 2016. Muna completed her doctoral research at King’s College London and subsequently held visiting postdoc research at the School of Pharmacy, University College London and the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Muna is interested in arid land wild crops domestication and rural community land regeneration for food security in the Horn of Africa for sustainable livelihood. Muna is Founder of The Yeheb Project charity focused on regeneration and domestication of the yeheb plant, a hardy droughtresistant legume that is a source of food to both humans and livestock in the Horn of Africa.


Claudia Santos

CLÁUDIA SANTOS, Consultant & Independent Researcher

Cláudia Santos is a consultant and independent researcher who has recently earned a PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies from the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) at the University of Lisbon. Her research focused on Guinea-Bissau and examined the degree to which climate and environmental changes influence people’s decisions to migrate or stay put. Her interdisciplinary approach combines political geography, development, migration and disaster studies. She is also a committee member of the Development Geographies Research Group (DevGRG) of the Royal Geography Society. Beyond academia, she is a member of faculty and trainer at the Refugees as Re-Builders™ programme with the Initiatives of Change UK and a disaster/crisis responder with GoCrisis. She currently stands as a nominated expert by the Government of Guinea-Bissau for the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities.

  • Where: Room 400- Foyer du Thêâtre (4th floor)
  • Workshop language: English
  • Number of participants : 25


About the workshop

In this workshop we will build on the insights shared throughout the SDG2 workstream to co-create new narratives for sustainable, equitable and healthy food systems, anchored in our oneness with Nature. We will cultivate our connection with Nature and explore how it can help us reconnect to our self and each other.  Dialogue, visualisations, and artistic inspirations will provide a basis for a creative writing exercise that helps us co-create a new narrative for regenerative and conscious food systems.  


About the organisers

Charlotte Dufour

CHARLOTTE DUFOUR, Practice Advisor to the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, UNDP 

Charlotte Dufour has been working on food systems and nutrition for over two decades, with NGOs (Action Contre la Faim, Groupe URD), with the UN FAO for 12 years, and with various organisations as a consultant since 2017 (SUN Secretariat; 4SD/Food Systems Summit Dialogue Support Team). She worked primarily in Afghanistan and sub-Saharan Africa, before working at global level. She is also an instructor of Ananda Yoga and meditation and co-founded the NGO Listening Inspires. She presently lives in Burgundy, France, where she and her husband are creating a retreat center.



WORKSHOPS WORKSTREAM 2: A more Climate-friendly Lifestyle (SDG 13)

  • Where: Belle Epoque (4th floor)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 25


About the workshop

You cannot solve a problem at the level at which it was created

- Albert Einstein - 

This workshop is a series of three, followed by "Islands of Sanity" (Workstream 3) and "Islands of Integration" (Workstream 4). 

Islands of Coherence means balancing the complexity of advancing in a technological transition whilst maintaining values. This workshop explores radical interconnectedness and complexity and how we can sense into this.

  • What does it mean for the people, the stakeholders and parties that may have never even been considered as stakeholders before? 
  • What does it mean for the wider ecology, also on a social and wellbeing level? 
  • How do we deal with all this complexity?


We start with framing through storytelling: of Maersk and climate science.

We will explore: Inner coherence and building affinity from individual experience. The importance of transitioning from inner coherence to coherence of the community. Understanding how gaps can be opportunities. Blind spots: what is missing? How are we interconnected? How do we build our stories?  

(Note: the term Islands of Coherence was coined by Ilya Prigogine)


About the organisers



ERICA HARPE, Conscious Leadership & Transition Guide, Facilitator and Speaker

Combining a solid international business background (banker and lawyer) with systems and integral awareness, consciousness and new social technologies, Erica Harpe creates contexts for change. Working with clients in transition, leadership programmes and large learning communities alike, she unleashes collective wisdom and wrote the book ‘Reinventing Ourselves’ about it.

Erica has been closely involved with the Inner Development Goals since 2022 as a member of the Global Co-ordination Team. She is the co-founder of IDG The Netherlands and the IDG hub The Hague.


Chris Chapman

CHRIS CHAPMAN, Transformative & Systemic Change Facilitator, Lead Facilitator at Burren College of Art

Chris Chapman is currently working mostly in the fields of education and sustainability, supporting a variety of initiatives in pursuit of large-scale change. He has had a key role in Ireland’s proposed Citizens’ Assembly on the Future of Education – a globally significant step towards helping education respond better to contemporary contexts.

Chris is a deep thinker, used to working with large, diverse groups facing complex challenges and is a member of the Inner Development Goals Global Co-ordination Team.


Matt Law

MATTHEW LAW, Global Operations Director

Matthew Law is an accomplished Global Operations Director with extensive international experience in several industries. Matthew has built and run communities of years of practice, international academies for front line managers, leadership workshops for multi-functional and diverse teams and innovation labs for in house hardware and software development.

Matthew is involved in conscious business leadership. He is a member of the IDG research group and the Inner MBA programme where he recently has been running IDG workshops.      


Helena Wiktor

HELENA WIKTOR, Leadership & Sustainability Consultant, Facilitator

Helena Wiktor helps organisations and leaders to future-proof their business and contribute to sustainable development beyond compliance. By combining inner and outer change, systems thinking, transparency and auditing, she guides leaders through advisory services and leadership programmes. Connected to the Inner Development Goals since 2022, she is a  member of the Global Co-ordination Team, Co-founder of IDG Malmö Business Hub, IDG Göteborg Business Hub & IDG Barcelona Business Hub. Helena is apartner of the EU-funded DigIT Hub Sweden.


Monika Barcikowska

MONICA BARCIKOWSKA, Climate-change Impact Scientist, Leadership Coach, Facilitator

Monika Barcikowska is a climate-change impacts scientist, a feminine leadership coach, and a facilitator of eco-societal transformation. As the founder of the Equiroots Climate Collective association and the IDGs Global Women for Climate Hub, she weaves science and social innovation to create incubator spaces for regenerative initiatives. She fully aligns with her mission of nurturing women into leaders of resilient communities and inclusive climate action. Monika is part of the IDG Global Co-ordination Team.


  • Where: Terrace & Garden
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants : 30


About the workshop

How might we live our lives, shape our work and make our choices in collaboration with nature?
Do we dare to step out of the human world, trespassing beyond our confines to the life we are here to live?

How have we fenced ourselves in? How does culture close us in or shut us out?
In this workshop we will cross the threshold to the wilds and return with treasure, a story or a greater sense of inspiration, clarity and direction. 

This experiential session, inspired by thought leaders including Joanna Macy and Bill Plotkin, will be held outdoors in the beautiful nature around the Caux Palace.

  • Connect to and relate to ourselves as an integral part of nature 
  • Deepen a conversation with the natural world and see it as something to support and guide the direction of our life and work
  • Push boundaries around the sense of what is possible on a personal level and build a greater feeling of freedom and agency in the world
  • Find and connect to others who want to deepen their connection and relationship to the natural word
  • Consider how the feeling of belonging or lack of belonging to the natural world affects the choices humans make and how these choices lead to either the destruction or nurturing of life on earth. 


About the organiser

Amelia Parisian

AMELIA PARISIAN, Director of Programmes Craigberoch Business Decelerator

Whether in wild places or board rooms, Amelia Parisian has spent the past 15 years working with individuals, organisations and communities to create change. This work has included taking teams up mountains, teaching arts, training up community entrepreneurs and improving mental resilience and inspiring change agents in the corporate sector. Her passion lies in enabling humans to bring ideas to life and in changing culture through building creative capacity and connection.

  • Experimental Movement Lab Geneva
    Where: Belle Epoque (4th floor)
  • Main language: English (French facilitation possible if needed)
  • Number of participants : 8 - 45 participants


About the workshop

Feelings do not only get in the way of things, sometimes they might show the way. In this workshop, we will collectively explore the possibility of affective states to inform climate action and fuel transformations inside out. We will embody our emotions, share stories and give space to the non-verbal to find novel ways to orientate together.

The facilitators specialize in movement based and embodied techniques, which have been proven to especially improve prosocial behaviour, group problem solving and synchronization. In the workshop we will alternate between personal and group level practices to lead the participants on a journey of finding surprising, delightful and transformative connections with themselves and others.


About the organisers

Romain Müller

ROMAIN MULLER, Engineer, Dancer & Bodymind Therapist 

Romain Muller is an engineer, dancer and bodymind therapist. He has developed his own movement-based facilitation approach that he had the opportunity to share in different environments, such as art schools (in particular the Royal College of Arts, London), design-thinking workshops (notably in the context of IdeaSquare@CERN, Geneva) and business schools for groups of up to 300 participants. He is the co-founder of the association Experiential Movement Lab Geneva which aims to showcase how movement can teach us more about ourselves as individuals and groups.


Tuuli Utriainen

TUULI UTRIAINEN, Cosmic Collaboration Enabler & Fellow at CERN IdeaSquare

As one of the world experts of design thinking, Tuuli Utriainen has facilitated over 200 teams in SDG-related projects across continents in innovation environments, such as DFGN, Stanford d.school and IdeaSquare@CERN. She is continuously developing and researching new methodologies to enhance aspects of group intelligence and take the team based collaborations to next levels and has incorporated elements from improv theatre, art and movement practices into the process. Tuuli loves bridging worlds bringing together technology and human aspects, future and the past and explicit and implicit dimensions. 

  • Creators of Peace
    Where: 500A 
  • Learning Experience: This workshop isn’t just about learning; it’s about transforming and harnessing inner change for global sustainability.
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 10 - 30 participants


About the workshop

Dive into a transformative experience designed to deepen your connection to sustainability, not just as a concept, but as a personal commitment. This workshop will equip you with the tools to integrate ecological consciousness into every facet of your life.

Why join us? Because change starts within. Through engaging visioning exercises, mindful reflections, and dynamic discussions, you will explore how personal shifts can lead to profound environmental impact. You will develop practical strategies to enhance your daily sustainability practices and pledge actionable commitments towards a greener future.

Expect an interactive session where each activity builds towards empowering you to be a catalyst for climate action. By the end, you willl not only envision a sustainable future but also map out concrete steps to actualize it.

This workshop isn’t just about learning; it is about transforming. Embark on this journey to harness inner change for global sustainability.


About the organisers

Rukmini Iyer

RUKMINI IYER, Founder of Exult! Solutions

Rukmini Iyer is the founder of Exult! Solutions and integrates leadership development, organisational transformation, and peacebuilding. With over 23 years of experience, she emphasises ecocentrism, dialogue, and conscious leadership. She is a Creators of Peace facilitator and also leads governance on the CoP International Committee and has master's degrees in Organisational Psychology and Business Management. Rukmini has received multiple awards, including the Soularize Award (2023) and Vital Voices Visionaries Fellow (2022). Her interests include nature art, space fiction, and philosophy.



Elizabeth Laskar

ELIZABETH LASKAR, Programme Manager Creators of Peace IofC UK, Facilitator & Trainer

Elizabeth Laskar is a Creators of Peace facilitator and trainer, and a mindfulness practitioner. Since 2021, she has been part-time programme manager with Initiatives of Change UK and joint National Coordinator of Creators of Peace UK. From 2004 to 2014, she advocated for justice in the sustainable fashion sector. She holds a master's in shelter and disaster, led the Oxford Human Rights Festival (2019-2021), and volunteers as Treasurer of the Oxford Fair Trade Coalition. She loves cooking and hospitality.



  • Where: Grammont Room
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 20 - 30 participants


About the workshop

The IDGs have been created to give due attention to the inner dimensions of human development, which have been severely neglected to date in view of achieving the SDGs. This makes them an essential contribution to a more holistic perspective on and approach to the necessary systemic change, in other words: to a new, integrated paradigm of politics.

A qualitatively new, integral paradigm of understanding and doing politics goes far beyond politics as usual by systematically incorporating the inner dimensions of individual and societal development –thus taking a much deeper, broader and more long-term horizon.

This workshop introduces the basic principles of integral politics and invites participants into a joint exploration of their relationship with the IDGs framework. It also offers some space for experiencing both through practical examples and exercises. Its aim is to inspire and enthuse participants to contribute to real change both in their local environments and on a larger scale, based on a new, more holistic political vision and culture.


About the organiser

Elke Fein

ELKE FEIN, Co-Founder & Managing Director Intitue for Integral Studies, Director of Center for Integral Politics 

Dr. Elke Fein is a social and political scientist specialized in Russian Studies, political culture, political sociology, adult development and its relevance for politics and society. Her passion is to bring the vision of integral politics both into practical decision-making and political analysis. Elke is also co-founder and managing director of the Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS) and the director of its Center for Integral Politics. She was the initiator and coordinator of the EU-funded Leadership for Transition (LiFT) project (2013-2022) and is the author of “Foundations, Principles and Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics” (2023).

  • EKER HEKS TransformActionLab
    Where: Belle Epoque
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 15 - 25 participants


About the workshop

This interactive workshop will bring you to a place of mindfulness, experimentation, and heartfelt exchange with yourself and others. Together, we will break out of our usual ways of thinking and experiment with another form of intelligence - that of the body. We will explore body postures that symbolise a stuck we feel in our life, related to the climate crisis, and explore emerging future possibilities through movement.  

By individually and collectively paying attention to our “body-knowing”, we discover new directions or fresh insights that can bypass the analytical mind. Social Presencing Theater is an embodied social arts-based change methodology and one of the core methods of Theory U.

No prerequisites needed. Come as you are with an open mind and heart and a willingness to experiment.


About the organisers

Cynthia Illi

CYNTHIA ILLI, Sustainability Coach & Facilitator, TransformAction Lab (HEKS/EPER)

Currently working with youth and organisations, Cynthia Illi sees the need for multi-stakeholder exchanges every day and puts my heart and soul into creating the enabling conditions for such conversations as a facilitator and project developer. Her background in environmental sciences and geography and her experience working as sustainability coach and communication expert are her biggest assets when it comes to helping people maximise their positive impact, which can be multiform, regarding the climate crisis.  


Anna Krebs

ANNA KREBS, Facilitator & Trainer TransformAction Lab (HEKS/EPER)

Anna Krebs's passion is to design safe and creative spaces for dialogue, co-creation and learning. Her goal is to enable meaningful and positive change - in awareness and lifestyle towards more authentic and sustainable relationships between each other and our environment. Anna has worked the past 8 years as a facilitator and trainer with topics such as social innovation, systems change and collaboration between science and politics. Currently her focus lies in supporting people and organisations in navigating the inner and outer levels of change needed for facing the climate crisis.  

  • Where: Main Hall (4th floor)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 25 participants


About the workshop

Having a more climate friendly lifestyle also implies to make choices about where to put our money.

Do you know where your savings are being invested? Do you know if the bank where you deposit your savings is lending money to companies that have an increasing negative impact on environment? If you invest in funds, have you ever asked your account manager about the environmental impact of your investments? Are you willing to consider as return not only the financial return but also the positive environmental and social impact of your investments?

Aligning the use of money with our values might imply unusual trade-offs between money today and impacts in the future. How do you feel about this?


About the organisers

Sofia Santos

SOFIA SANTOS, CEO of Systemic & Economist

Sofia Santos is the CEO at Systemic and an economist specialised in climate and sustainable financing. She has 26 years of experience in banks, companies, NGOs and the public sector. Sofia advises Portuguese organizations on sustainability matters and is a consultant for the Africa region of the United Nations Green Climate Fund. She is also a consultant in Sustainability Finance on various projects for the French Development Agency in Angola and Rwanda. Sofia co-authored seven books and is a university teacher in Portugal and Morocco. She has a PhD on the role of banking in promoting sustainable development. 


Luis Albuquerque

LUIS ALBUQUERQUE, High-School Student

Luis Albuquerque is a high-school student in 7th grade. He likes to play rugby and football, loves traveling and being with his family. Luis wants to be a philanthropist to help African countries to overcome their difficulties, and to accomplish this, he aims to become a business man, buying and selling property and companies.




  • Where: Main Hall
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 25


About the workshop

The scale of the climate crisis impacts us all and further intensifies as our global responses do not meet the required prevention, mitigation and adaptation. However, we all have different emotional and behavioural responses to these challenges, and this may cause difficulties in our relationships. How can we share climate-related facts, opinions and emotions without increasing social polarisation? How can we remain deeply committed to our convictions in the way we express ourselves and behave in the world, while strengthening relationships, not weakening them?

Informed by contemplative and clinical methodologies, this workshop will focus on climate-related emotions and their impacts on our relational interactions. By exploring the somatic, affective, cognitive, and relational dimensions of our experiences, we will address questions like: how does expressing your opinion about a climate-friendly lifestyle affect you and others in this moment? We will then integrate these insights into our daily lives to enhance climate resilience in our relationships and the wider world.

Benefits include fostering equanimity towards climate-related emotions, expressing challenging emotions in relationship-strengthening ways, and enhancing collaboration with those holding different/conflicting views on climate-friendly lifestyles.


About the organisers

Boaz Feldman

BOAZ FELDMAN, Clinical Psychologist, Trainer, Researcher, Founder of NeuroSystemics

Boaz Feldman is a pragmatic visionary, clinical psychologist, trainer, researcher and contemplative acting for worldwide positive change. A depression in his early 20’s led him to ordain as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, where he practised mindfulness meditation intensively for 3 years. He then graduated from the University of Geneva’s Integrative Clinical Psychology Masters, founded NeuroSystemics, a Geneva-based NGO building nervous system resilience through somatic process groupwork, and led a number of psychological first aid and staff welfare programs with International NGO’s in war zones and low-income regions. Boaz studied compassion meditation for conflict resolution at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Affective Sciences (CISA) at the University of Geneva  and will be a research scholar at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education applying personal, relational and collective change methods in real-life contexts for hard-to-reach youth.


Marc Santolini

MARC SANTOLINI, Fellow & Team Leader Learning Planet Institute, Visiting Researcher GeorgiaTech

Marc Santolini is a long-term research fellow and team leader at the Learning Planet Institute (LPI Paris), a visiting researcher at GeorgiaTech, and a former resident of Life Itself, where he has studied how group practices from secular and wisdom traditions can foster group resilience and performance. He obtained his PhD in the Statistical Physics Department of ENS and did a postdoc at the Network Science Institute of Northeastern University and the Division of Network Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His current research with the Interaction Data Lab investigates the networks of collaborative learning and solving in open, self-organised communities that tackle grand challenges, with the aim to foster participatory designs that impact relational well-being.

WORKSHOPS WORKSTREAM 3: Cultivating Peaceful Societies - Embracing Conscience, Peace and Love (SDG 16)

  • Where: Terrace & Garden or French Restaurant (2nd floor)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 20 participants/workshop


About the workshop

Building connection in a disconnected world is becoming ever more challenging. If we are to cultivate peaceful societies we are going to have to start from our inner self. This workshop aims to help participants connect with their inner self and others through the power of music. Engaging in music-based activities can allow our internal state to shift in relation to others enabling us to ‘resonate’ with each other creating a catalyst for social connection and support, breaking down barriers and bridging divides.

The ukulele, with its cheerful sound and ease of learning, serves as a tool for building trust and understanding. No prior musical experience is required. The workshop facilitator ensures inclusivity and active engagement for everyone regardless of their musical ability.


About the organiser

Christopher Malapitan

CHRISTOPHER MALAPITAN, Creative Facilitator & Musician 

Christopher Malapitan (he/him) is a Creative Facilitator and Musician based in Brussels. With many years of experience working in creative industries, he supports communities and teams to explore and unlock what drives them. From big-picture thinking to storytelling, from body movement to collaborative arts-based approaches, he applies a unique blend of innovative processes and practises to his facilitation work.  

  • Where: 300 C (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants: 20 


About the workshop

On this transformative journey across the IDG dimensions you will discover that you can learn a lot from the people you dislike the most. Participants will reflect upon their inner world, their core qualities, their traps, and their shadow sides. These often overlooked aspects are frequently the root of conflict and carry important sources to embracing different perspectives, appreciating diverse cultural backgrounds, and cultivating improved relationships.

Through self-reflection exercises and dialogues in pairs or small groups, participants will increase their self-awareness and gain personal insights and deeper understanding to the untapped potential of a conflict.


About the organiser


CHANTALLE MOERKER, General Manager, Executive Coach, Leadership & Personal Development Trainer Inner Leadership GmbH

Chantalle Moerker (M.Sc. M.Psych.) has many years of experience in management positions in the areas of process improvement and change management. Since 2010, she has worked as a consultant, trainer, and coach, providing workshops, training, and executive coaching for the integral development of senior leaders, management teams and organizational units. She is the owner and managing director of Inner Leadership, a consulting firm based in Zurich, dedicated to enabling and empowering individuals, teams and organizational units to exploit their dormant potential by working from the inside out.

  • Where: 300 D & E (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

Show up as you are, with your dreams and sorrows. You will experience with joy and ease two different approaches to games, which help to understand, embody, and apply the IDGs in the context of sustainable communities and organisations. One focuses on interacting, the other on dialog.

After the playing session during which your wires between head, heart and hands will glow, all participants dive together into a reflection space to share, widen and deepen the insights.

 Together, in 90 min we will: Meet – Play – Reflect


About the organisers

Andrea Klepsch

ANDREA KLEPSCH, Systemic Trainer 

Andrea Klepsch is a pioneer of communicating sustainability and ran successfully her own agency from 1993 – 2023.. For the last 20 years she has worked as a systemic trainer in business contexts. Today she focuses on co-creating good impact by supporting the development of a culture which nourishes the shift towards sustainability in organisations and communities. She is firekeeper at the World Ethic Forum, where she brings in her experiences in kinship, deep ecology, IDGs and communication. She lives close to Munich, Germany.



Bettina Merlin

BETTINA MERLIN, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Heilbronn University

Bettina Merlin is a professor of entrepreneurship at Heilbronn University, Germany. She is head of the master in entrepreneurship and dedicates her energy to improving entrepreneurship education. Her objective is to empower young people to live their own lives and to change the economy to a more sustainable one. Besides teaching she is doing research in the fields of higher education, social entrepreneurship, and responsible management. She is an active part of the IDG community, integrating inner development into higher education.



Barbara Holzner

BARBARA HOLZNER, Transformation Facilitator & Game Designer

Barbara Holzner is a transformation facilitator and game designer. Her mission is to bring people in action through co-creative workshops and impactful projects and to drive sustainable change through systems thinking and simulation. Barbara is an active member of the IDG Munich Community Hub. With her team she designs creative methods and materials to interact with the IDGs and bring them into practice. As a designer, she is passionate about the balance between rapid ideation, open imagination and the love of detail.



Biliana Vassileva

BILIANA VASSILEVA, Instructor Geneva Business School

Biliana Vassileva is an instructor at the Geneva Business School in Switzerland. She designs and delivers learning experiences on Leadership, Innovation, and Change to bachelor and master students.
In addition, Biliana is an independent consultant delivering training to middle and senior managers working for international organizations worldwide. Biliana stretches the professionals she works with while creating a psychologically safe environment induced with purpose and care. In her free time, Biliana enjoys music, nature, and a good laugh.


Ljupka Mitrinovska

LJUPKA MITRINOVSKA, Instructor Personal Mastery, Geneva Business School

Ljupka Mitrinovska teaches Personal Mastery at the Geneva Business School, guiding students in translating personal values and passions into courageous leadership for the new economy. She previously co-created and led an international program named Accelerate2030, supporting entrepreneurs in scaling their impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals. She believes the missing puzzle in current business education programs is the deep inner work, and she is supporting people in bridging this gap between personal development and creating positive external impact through business.


Erno Hannink

ERNO HANNINK, Business Coach, Speaker & Podcast Hoast

Erno Hannink helps leaders with sustainable habits so they become good ancestors. He is the accountability partner for entrepreneurs. His mission is to reduce social and ecological inequality. Erno is the founder of the IDGs HUB Achterhoek where we organize monthly meetups. He actively supports the IDG Learning & Development Network to create materials for the hubs, he is part of the founding team of IDG NL, and team member of the Global Practitioners network.




  • Where: Room 357 (3rd floor - access via Room 300C)
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants: 20 


About the workshop

Inner change is imperative. Current evidence from the field of neuro genesis and neuro plasticity, emphasises that each of us can exercise agency and autonomy to change ourselves and get into the driver’s seat of our life. This workshop will look at how the human brain works and the sense of ‘global citizenship’ that resonates from a deeper understanding of ourselves. 

This session will run on the principles of ‘edu-cate’ to `draw-out`, engaging the deeper self as a foundation towards inner development goals. This process integrates both the knowledge of neuro sciences as well as deep reflection, inner listening and discernment as transformative practices. You will be introduced to the Human Evolutionary Matrix (HEM) as one of the frameworks.

Personal development, leadership, resilience is the outcome of integrating the optimal 'operating systems' within us. This sets the foundations for a life of higher purpose, the basis of good global citizenship and spontaneous recognition of the interconnectedness of all.



This session welcomes individuals wanting to have a paradigm shift in understanding who and how we are wired for change, educators looking for new insights and resources in class rooms, vocational training and corrective institutions. Join us for a journey on the path of wisdom to discover non-linear insights and solutions that rely on deeper engagement with self, as a response to the current complex issues. 


About the organisers

Daya Bhagwandas 2024

DAYA BHAGWANDAS, Founding Director Neuro Network 

Daya Bhagwandas works in the field of neurosciences and brain development with adults and children. A passionate social entrepreneur, her approach focuses on transformation linking brain development and achieving human potential. Her neuroeducation programme, Achieving Brain Competency (ABC), has been rolled out in schools in many countries. Daya`s work experience includes rehabilitating child soldiers and more recently at-risk youths in Malaysia. In Australia she was Assistant Director at Gymbaroo the country’s largest Early Childhood Development programme with 65 centres. Daya is editor of book Tomorrow`s Children. She is also an internationally certified Yoga Master and lives in Melbourne, Australia. 


Margret Lehmann

MARGRET LEHMANN, Mediator & Facilitator, Friends of Caux Association

Margret Lehmann is an independant mediator and facilitator from Switzerland. She is also an active member of the Friends of Caux association, supporting the mission of Caux Initiatives of Change.

  • Where: 500A
  • Main language: English (French translation possible)
  • Number of participants: 15


About the workshop


  1. Your surrounding life is not or no longer the one you want. You would like to change this - but how?
  2. Be your own change agent to empower others, your organisation and society to change.
  3. Don't wait to train yourself to be the change you want to see.
  4. Local impact is powerful enough to make the global beautiful.
  5. Why do we need to change? You can decide now what your existence should look like. 
  6. Become a capacitating leader to implement inclusive excellence for optimisation and zero waste of human resources. 


Let's work together towards well-being and bienvivance in your life and around you in the world. 

This workshops offers a range of practical exercises, introducing innovative concepts of bienvivance and capacitating leadership and exploring pyramids of consciousness elevation. During the workshop, the participants will locate themselves on the pyramid of consciousness elevation, fostering self-awareness.

The core design is built on the concepts of mindfulness, acceptance and commitment exercises, capacitating management exercises, and exercises on "Transformation Art".

This workshop will help you change and put an end to your fears and limiting beliefs in order to become your own change agent.


About the organiser

Bénédicte Gendron

PROF DR BÉNÉDICTE GENDRON, University of Montpellier 3, France

Prof. Dr. Dr. Bénédicte GENDRON, former Vice-President of University Montpellier 3-UM3 France, PhD’s in Economics of Education and Human Resources at Paris School of Economics, PhD’s in Neuropsychology-UM3 & a Post-doc. at UC. Berkeley, USA, received several awards for her innovative concepts of emotional capital, capacitating leadership and bienvivance derived from her economics, education and neuro-psychology backgrounds. She is a mindfulness, ACT and emotional quotient inventory instructor and her research on human development and sustainability is focused on transformative learning, capacitating leadership, inclusive excellence and quality of life through an inner development for outer changes’ approach. An external expert for OECD and the European Commission, she is a member of the World Global Alliance on social and emotional learning and ofthe  Goleman’s Center of Research on emotional intelligence in organisations.

  • Where: 300 C (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants: 20


About the workshop

On this transformative journey across the IDG dimensions you will discover that you can learn a lot from the people you dislike the most. Participants will reflect upon their inner world, their core qualities, their traps, and their shadow sides. These often overlooked aspects are frequently the root of conflict and carry important sources to embracing different perspectives, appreciating diverse cultural backgrounds, and cultivating improved relationships.

Through self-reflection exercises and dialogues in pairs or small groups, participants will increase their self-awareness and gain personal insights and deeper understanding to the untapped potential of a conflict.


About the organiser


CHANTALLE MOERKER, General Manager, Executive Coach, Leadership & Personal Development Trainer Inner Leadership GmbH

Chantalle Moerker (M.Sc. M.Psych.) has many years of experience in management positions in the areas of process improvement and change management. Since 2010, she has worked as a consultant, trainer, and coach, providing workshops, training, and executive coaching for the integral development of senior leaders, management teams and organizational units. She is the owner and managing director of Inner Leadership, a consulting firm based in Zurich, dedicated to enabling and empowering individuals, teams and organizational units to exploit their dormant potential by working from the inside out.

  • Where: 300D & E (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English with French interpretation
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the intersection of artistic expression, elevated states of consciousness, and fostering cultures of peace. Through a series of contemplative and engaging activities and discussions, participants will delve into how creativity and inner peace can be a powerful tools for cultivating peace in society.

By practicing the notion of "Change starts with me", attendees will be invited to access the source of peace within them, express it on canvas, and brainstorm actionable steps for collectively fostering cultures of peace in their countries.


About the organisers

Anne-Catherine Sutermeister

ANNE-CATHERINE SUTERMEISTER, Head of Community Engagement, Arts & Training Programmes for Switzerland, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Anne-Catherine Sutermeister (PhD) has worked in the cultural sector for more than 25 years. She worked in cultural organisations (Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale universitaire, Théâtre du Jorat), in higher education (La Manufacture in Lausanne and HEAD-Geneva), in cultural policy (Canton of Berne, Pro Helvetia Foundation Board, State of Valais), and as a consultant and trainer which gives her a global view of the cultural sector.


VERONIKA PERESEINA, Sustainability Expert/ Visionary/ Educator/ Artpreneur

Veronika Pereseina (PhD) is a passionate business and societal/personal transformation for sustainability advocate with a global profile, with more than 15 years of experience in academia and industry. She is currently combining her expertise in academia/education and entrepreneurship via interdisciplinary research and teaching in the Sustainability Programme at Zayed University. She is also a certified yoga teacher and self-taught conceptual artist, facilitating meditation and creativity workshops.

  • Where: Terrace & Garden OR French Restaurant (2nd floor)
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants : 30 


About the workshop

Join us for this immersive workshop, designed to deepen our inner capacities as individuals and as a community, fostering peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16).
Through guided reflective practices and silent movements, participants will engage in mindful encounters that enhance empathy, compassion, and interconnectedness. Inspired by Joanna Macy’s “work that reconnects,” this workshop explores our shared humanity and the realities impacting our world. We will also engage in regenerative practices involving guided journaling and co-creative collage using elements from nature, co-sensing our experiences and co-designing our journey forward. 
This session will help you: 
  • Develop presence through holistic activities involving mind, body, and spirit. 
  • Foster empathy by recognizing common strengths and shared challenges. 
  • Build trust by creating a safe environment for genuine connection and dialogue. 
  • Inspire action by encouraging a collaborative approach to global challenges with courage and optimism. 
Sense with our mindful hearts workshop offers you the space to reconnect with yourself, others, and nature, making a meaningful and impactful contribution to a world rooted in peace, justice, and strong institutions.


About the organisers

Mona Calvet

MONA CALVET, Psycho-Sociologist and Transformation Facilitator

Mona Calvet is dedicated to fostering inner capacities for collective transformation using various methodologies. With a systemic and regenerative approach, she collaborates with change agents, young leaders, and groups to develop awareness-based inner change, break down silos, and cultivate collective intelligence. Her experience spans 9 years in various professional contexts, interdisciplinary studies in psychology, psycho-social intervention, organisational communication, 300+ hours of continuous training, and a 13+ years personal transformational journey. Mona aims to help people connect to self, others, and the living ecosystem, cultivating the soil needed for regenerative systems change.


Veronica Hong

VERONICA HONG, Coach, Changemaker & Social Entrepreneur

Veronica Hong is passionate about igniting creativity. Drawing on her unique blend of cross-cultural experience and interdisciplinary background in sociology, marketing, and public policy, Veronica is an expert in connecting the dots, illuminating possibilities, and empowering individuals and teams to become creators for positive change. On a mission to foster an inclusive, inspiring, and loving world where people lead fulfilling lives as their authentic selves, she hosts playful and regenerative spaces for exploration, deep connection, and co-creation.

  • Where: Belle Epoque
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

Islands of sanity where good work still got done and where people enjoyed healthy relationships  in the midst of chaotic conditions

- Margaret Wheatley -

Islands of Sanity means getting real with each other, acknowledging diverse perspectives and nourishing the soil within which the seeds of progress can grow

The workshop explores how we collectively respond to crisis and complexity, acknowledging that different people come from different perspectives, that none of us can ever have the full picture and, in any case, that the picture is constantly changing.

The workshop will specifically consider the neuroscience of how we respond to crises, trauma and complexity and how we can develop our collective capacity to respond well and be with ‘what is’.

This workshop is number 2 in a series of 3. The series will be launched by "Islands of Coherence" (Workstream 2), followed by "Islands of Sanity" and will finish with "Islands of Integration" (Workstream 4).

(Note: the term ‘islands of sanity’ was coined by Margaret Wheatley)


About the organisers



ERICA HARPE, Conscious Leadership & Transition Guide, Facilitator and Speaker

Combining a solid international business background (banker and lawyer) with systems and integral awareness, consciousness and new social technologies, Erica Harpe creates contexts for change. Working with clients in transition, leadership programmes and large learning communities alike, she unleashes collective wisdom and wrote the book ‘Reinventing Ourselves’ about it.

Erica has been closely involved with the Inner Development Goals since 2022 as a member of the Global Co-ordination Team. She is the co-founder of IDG The Netherlands and the IDG hub The Hague.


Chris Chapman

CHRIS CHAPMAN, Transformative & Systemic Change Facilitator, Lead Facilitator at Burren College of Art

Chris Chapman is currently working mostly in the fields of education and sustainability, supporting a variety of initiatives in pursuit of large-scale change. He has had a key role in Ireland’s proposed Citizens’ Assembly on the Future of Education – a globally significant step towards helping education respond better to contemporary contexts.

Chris is a deep thinker, used to working with large, diverse groups facing complex challenges and is a member of the Inner Development Goals Global Co-ordination Team.


Matt Law

MATTHEW LAW, Global Operations Director

Matthew Law is an accomplished Global Operations Director with extensive international experience in several industries. Matthew has built and run communities of years of practice, international academies for front line managers, leadership workshops for multi-functional and diverse teams and innovation labs for in house hardware and software development.

Matthew is involved in conscious business leadership. He is a member of the IDG research group and the Inner MBA programme where he recently has been running IDG workshops.      


Wakanyi Hoffman

WAKANYI HOFFMAN, Knowledge Curator, Author & Public Speaker

Wakanyi Hoffman is an indigenous knowledge curator. She uses the African Ubuntu moral framework of values to embed into AI systems universal ethics that bridge cultures and unlock pathways to individual inner development for collective well-being of human and non-human life. Wakanyi spreads her message through keynote speaking and panel discussions. She has authored several children’s books and is currently a research fellow at The New Institute working on conceptions of human flourishing. She considers herself a universal being.  



Jenny Frick

JENNY FRICK, IDG Global Coordination Team Coompanion Sverige, Co-Founder IDG Impact House Hub Halland

Jenny Frick’s mantra is “Let’s create the structure that enables emergence”. With a Master in Business and Administration, many years in traditional business and the gifts of yoga, meditation and embodiment, she holds the tension of opposites. Her superpower is an open heart and her deep knowing that together is the key and that each and every one of us matter. Jenny is part of the IDG Global Coordination Team, Coompanion Sverige, and co-founder of IDG Impact House Hub Halland.              




  • Where: 300D & E (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the intersection of artistic expression, elevated states of consciousness, and fostering cultures of peace. Through a series of contemplative and engaging activities and discussions, participants will delve into how creativity and inner peace can be a powerful tools for cultivating peace in society.

By practicing the notion of "Change starts with me", attendees will be invited to access the source of peace within them, express it on canvas, and brainstorm actionable steps for collectively fostering cultures of peace in their countries.


About the organisers

Anne-Catherine Sutermeister

ANNE-CATHERINE SUTERMEISTER, Head of Community Engagement, Arts & Training Programmes for Switzerland, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Anne-Catherine Sutermeister (PhD) has worked in the cultural sector for more than 25 years. She worked in cultural organisations (Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale universitaire, Théâtre du Jorat), in higher education (La Manufacture in Lausanne and HEAD-Geneva), in cultural policy (Canton of Berne, Pro Helvetia Foundation Board, State of Valais), and as a consultant and trainer which gives her a global view of the cultural sector.


VERONIKA PERESEINA, Sustainability Expert/ Visionary/ Educator/ Artpreneur

Veronika Pereseina (PhD) is a passionate business and societal/personal transformation for sustainability advocate with a global profile, with more than 15 years of experience in academia and industry. She is currently combining her expertise in academia/education and entrepreneurship via interdisciplinary research and teaching in the Sustainability Programme at Zayed University. She is also a certified yoga teacher and self-taught conceptual artist, facilitating meditation and creativity workshops.

  • Where: 300 C (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

Do you experience states of stress, anxiety, or imposter syndrome during your day? Wouldn't it be great if you could live your life from a place of full power, presence, confidence, and ease – even in social interactions, during times of high pressure, and in difficult situations?

Dr. Sanae Tabnaoui and Matthias Schmitt will give you an immersive and life-changing experience around the inner dynamics that shape all your life experiences so that you find ease, joy, and meaning in all situations.

You will be empowered with the tools and frameworks to lead from an expansion state and your best self - daily - while solving the pressing challenges of this time, creating the biggest impact possible in your projects, and being the best version in all social interactions you have.


About the organisers

Sanae Tabnaoui

DR SANAE TABNOUI, Strategic L&D | Bridging Biochemistry and Positive Psychology for Organizational Flourishing

Dr. Sanae Tabnaoui, Ph. D., is an innovative leadership developer on a quest to empower life sciences organisations and leaders to leverage human biochemistry to enhance decision-making, performance, and health, integrating human flourishing. She is the founder of The Flourishing Incubator in Switzerland, pioneering the concept of Leadership Chemistry. Her learning and development approach explores the mechanisms that underpin human biology, stress response, and social behaviour and how these elements influence a leader to make the right decision when it is the hardest thing to do.


Matthias Schmitt

MATTHIAS SCHMITT, Entrepreneur, Conscious Leader Coach, Leadership Speaker

Matthias Schmitt is an experienced entrepreneur, conscious leader coach, and leadership speaker. He co-founded Wealthpilot, a fintech company, leading it to a funding of 18€m and a revenue of over €4m before his exit in 2020. He also co-founded and served as CEO of Skigaudi, Germany's top brand for student winter festivals, until he exited in 2021. After personal challenges, Matthias became an Evolutionary Coach and Leadership Speaker. As “Chief Fulfillment Officer,” he is empowering and elevating founders and conscious leaders to create fulfilling lives based on ease, joy and meaning through his Expansion State programmes.


  • Where: 300 D & E (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the intersection of artistic expression, elevated states of consciousness, and fostering cultures of peace. Through a series of contemplative and engaging activities and discussions, participants will delve into how creativity and inner peace can be a powerful tools for cultivating peace in society.

By practicing the notion of "Change starts with me", attendees will be invited to access the source of peace within them, express it on canvas, and brainstorm actionable steps for collectively fostering cultures of peace in their countries.


About the organisers

Anne-Catherine Sutermeister

ANNE-CATHERINE SUTERMEISTER, Head of Community Engagement, Arts & Training Programmes for Switzerland, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Anne-Catherine Sutermeister (PhD) has worked in the cultural sector for more than 25 years. She worked in cultural organisations (Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale universitaire, Théâtre du Jorat), in higher education (La Manufacture in Lausanne and HEAD-Geneva), in cultural policy (Canton of Berne, Pro Helvetia Foundation Board, State of Valais), and as a consultant and trainer which gives her a global view of the cultural sector.


VERONIKA PERESEINA, Sustainability Expert/ Visionary/ Educator/ Artpreneur

Veronika Pereseina (PhD) is a passionate business and societal/personal transformation for sustainability advocate with a global profile, with more than 15 years of experience in academia and industry. She is currently combining her expertise in academia/education and entrepreneurship via interdisciplinary research and teaching in the Sustainability Programme at Zayed University. She is also a certified yoga teacher and self-taught conceptual artist, facilitating meditation and creativity workshops.

  • Where: 190 (1st floor)
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants: 50 participants


About the workshop

Show up as you are, with your dreams and sorrows. You will experience with joy and ease two different approaches to games, which help to understand, embody, and apply the IDGs in the context of sustainable communities and organisations. One focuses on interacting, the other on dialog.

After the playing session during which your wires between head, heart and hands will glow, all participants dive together into a reflection space to share, widen and deepen the insights.

 Together, in 90 min we will: Meet – Play – Reflect


About the organisers

Andrea Klepsch

ANDREA KLEPSCH, Systemic Trainer 

Andrea Klepsch is a pioneer of communicating sustainability and ran successfully her own agency from 1993 – 2023.. For the last 20 years she has worked as a systemic trainer in business contexts. Today she focuses on co-creating good impact by supporting the development of a culture which nourishes the shift towards sustainability in organisations and communities. She is firekeeper at the World Ethic Forum, where she brings in her experiences in kinship, deep ecology, IDGs and communication. She lives close to Munich, Germany.



Bettina Merlin

BETTINA MERLIN, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Heilbronn University

Bettina Merlin is a professor of entrepreneurship at Heilbronn University, Germany. She is head of the master in entrepreneurship and dedicates her energy to improving entrepreneurship education. Her objective is to empower young people to live their own lives and to change the economy to a more sustainable one. Besides teaching she is doing research in the fields of higher education, social entrepreneurship, and responsible management. She is an active part of the IDG community, integrating inner development into higher education.



Barbara Holzner

BARBARA HOLZNER, Transformation Facilitator & Game Designer

Barbara Holzner is a transformation facilitator and game designer. Her mission is to bring people in action through co-creative workshops and impactful projects and to drive sustainable change through systems thinking and simulation. Barbara is an active member of the IDG Munich Community Hub. With her team she designs creative methods and materials to interact with the IDGs and bring them into practice. As a designer, she is passionate about the balance between rapid ideation, open imagination and the love of detail.



Biliana Vassileva

BILIANA VASSILEVA, Instructor Geneva Business School

Biliana Vassileva is an instructor at the Geneva Business School in Switzerland. She designs and delivers learning experiences on Leadership, Innovation, and Change to bachelor and master students.
In addition, Biliana is an independent consultant delivering training to middle and senior managers working for international organizations worldwide. Biliana stretches the professionals she works with while creating a psychologically safe environment induced with purpose and care. In her free time, Biliana enjoys music, nature, and a good laugh.


Ljupka Mitrinovska

LJUPKA MITRINOVSKA, Instructor Personal Mastery, Geneva Business School

Ljupka Mitrinovska teaches Personal Mastery at the Geneva Business School, guiding students in translating personal values and passions into courageous leadership for the new economy. She previously co-created and led an international program named Accelerate2030, supporting entrepreneurs in scaling their impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals. She believes the missing puzzle in current business education programs is the deep inner work, and she is supporting people in bridging this gap between personal development and creating positive external impact through business.


Erno Hannink

ERNO HANNINK, Business Coach, Speaker & Podcast Hoast

Erno Hannink helps leaders with sustainable habits so they become good ancestors. He is the accountability partner for entrepreneurs. His mission is to reduce social and ecological inequality. Erno is the founder of the IDGs HUB Achterhoek where we organize monthly meetups. He actively supports the IDG Learning & Development Network to create materials for the hubs, he is part of the founding team of IDG NL, and team member of the Global Practitioners network.




  • Where: 300 C (3rd floor)
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

Do you experience states of stress, anxiety, or imposter syndrome during your day? Wouldn't it be great if you could live your life from a place of full power, presence, confidence, and ease – even in social interactions, during times of high pressure, and in difficult situations?

Dr. Sanae Tabnaoui and Matthias Schmitt will give you an immersive and life-changing experience around the inner dynamics that shape all your life experiences so that you find ease, joy, and meaning in all situations.

You will be empowered with the tools and frameworks to lead from an expansion state and your best self - daily - while solving the pressing challenges of this time, creating the biggest impact possible in your projects, and being the best version in all social interactions you have.


About the organisers

Sanae Tabnaoui

DR SANAE TABNOUI, Strategic L&D | Bridging Biochemistry and Positive Psychology for Organizational Flourishing

Dr. Sanae Tabnaoui, Ph. D., is an innovative leadership developer on a quest to empower life sciences organisations and leaders to leverage human biochemistry to enhance decision-making, performance, and health, integrating human flourishing. She is the founder of The Flourishing Incubator in Switzerland, pioneering the concept of Leadership Chemistry. Her learning and development approach explores the mechanisms that underpin human biology, stress response, and social behaviour and how these elements influence a leader to make the right decision when it is the hardest thing to do.


Matthias Schmitt

MATTHIAS SCHMITT, Entrepreneur, Conscious Leader Coach, Leadership Speaker

Matthias Schmitt is an experienced entrepreneur, conscious leader coach, and leadership speaker. He co-founded Wealthpilot, a fintech company, leading it to a funding of 18€m and a revenue of over €4m before his exit in 2020. He also co-founded and served as CEO of Skigaudi, Germany's top brand for student winter festivals, until he exited in 2021. After personal challenges, Matthias became an Evolutionary Coach and Leadership Speaker. As “Chief Fulfillment Officer,” he is empowering and elevating founders and conscious leaders to create fulfilling lives based on ease, joy and meaning through his Expansion State programmes.


  • IofC Netherlands logo
     Where: 357 (3rd floor + acces via Room 300C)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 15


About the workshop

Join us for an inspiring workshop, “Dialogue in Action: Tools for Transformative Conversations” where storytelling meets social change. Led by trained dialogue facilitators Uyên Lu and Shereen Siwpersad of Initiatives of Change Netherlands, this engaging session aims to cultivate peaceful societies and embrace conscience through open dialogue. During this workshop, we will guide you through the foundational principles of open dialogue, based on the lessons learned by Initiatives of Change Netherlands and the principles of Dialoog in Den Haag (Dialogue in the Hague).  

You will learn how open dialogue acts as a catalyst for individual growth and societal change and you will equip yourself with practical strategies and resources to facilitate transformative conversations in your own community. 

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a movement that uses dialogue to drive social change!  


About the organisers

Uyen Lu

UYÊN LU, Communications Specialist, EMDR-trained veteran counsellor and psycho-social therapist, Initiatives of Change Netherlands

Uyên Lu has been with Initiatives of Change Netherlands for 25 years, serving as a volunteer, member of the Supervisory Board, and since 2019, as a dialogue facilitator, communications specialist, and project coordinator. Her interests include the empowerment of women, restorative history, and the power of silence. She runs a women’s empowerment circle at IofC and organized the Faith in Human Rights Festival in 2023. Besides her work at IofC, she is an EMDR-trained veteran counselor and psycho-social therapist with her own practice, and has held multiple board positions aimed at supporting veterans and war traumatized refugees and immigrants. In 2018 she published her autobiography Hidden Resilience about her escape from war-torn Vietnam to the Netherlands. In her spare time, Uyên enjoys gardening, reading, and traveling.  


Shereen Siwpersad

SHEREEN SIWPERSAD, Project Assistant, Communications Specialist, Dialogue Facilitator Initiatives of Change Netherlands

Shereen Siwpersad has been with Initiatives of Change since 2021 as a project assistant, communications specialist, and dialogue facilitator. Her interests include animal rights, sustainability, and restorative history. She has written multiple think pieces for Initiatives of Change on these subjects. Since 2023, she has co-led a women empowerment circle with her colleague Uyên Lu and helped organize the Faith in Human Rights Festival in 2023. Apart from her work at IofC, she is a board member at Haags Verbindende Initiatieven, a like-minded NGO dedicated to justice and peace. With a major in English and Philosophy of Science, she also works as an academic skills teacher in STEM and is pursuing a career as a social entrepreneur. In her spare time, Shereen enjoys birdwatching, reading and writing.


  • Where: 300 C
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

You want to live your life consciously? You would like to create, nurture and fulfill authentic relationships, making an impact in the world with your amazing contributions aligned with your deepest visions? You are curious to explore your unique ways of doing it and what tools you could use? And you want to discuss with others how this all could come together?

Then this workshop is just for you. 


About the organisers

Asel Ormonova

ARIANE HENTSCH, Founder InnerInsights & Coach

Ariane Hentsch was trained in international relations and interreligious dialogue and has been active in that field for about 15 years. Since her teens she has been looking for a deep understanding of the cosmos and discovered that  mystical practices are a powerful route. She now accompanys groups and individuals towards a greater consciousness.




ASEL ORMONOVA, Humanitarian

Asel Ormonova is a humanitarian with 10 years of field experience working on protection for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in different countries, later turned coach working with humanitarians, refugees, women who survived gender-based violence, entrepreneurs transitioning to conscious living, making the impact they want and getting paid well for it.


  • Refugees as Rebuilders IofC UK
    Where: 300 D&E
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

This workshop seeks to deepen the understanding of ethical leadership, and its role in fostering social dialogue and resolving conflict.

It will demonstrate how the Refugees as Re-Builders™’s curriculum works towards SDG 16 and embeds the dimensions of the IDG framework and IofC values.

The workshop aims to provide sustainable solutions for conflicts beyond the current classical techniques used, including negotiations, mediation, dialogue, and reconciliation. It will suggest alternative actions needed for making the above shift, changing the current culture of win-lose to one of win-win.

Focusing particularly on 3 dimensions of the IDG framework (Relating, Collaborating and Acting) the workshop demonstrates how those who engage in the process of conflict resolution by cooperating and working with others, reach sustainable durable solutions.


About the organisers

Amanda Clements

AMANDA CLEMENTS, Refugees as Re-Builders™, IofC UK

Amanda Clements has been part of the Refugees as Re-Builders™ programme team since 2019. Her principal tasks have been to oversee the ongoing development of the RRB Curriculum and to maintain the quality standards for the ILM Assured accreditation which was successfully achieved last year. In September 2023 she became the RRB Programme Coordinator.  This appointment has given her the opportunity to deepen the work by collaborating with colleagues in the wider IofC network and beyond. Amande is passionate about providing an opportunity for refugees to develop and shape RRBTM in ways which are meaningful and relevant to their lives and aspirations. 


Ines Mokdadi 2024

INES MOKDADI (Tunisia), University Professor of English, ISEAH & Creative Leadership Youth Initiative

Ines Mokdadi is a University Agrégée Professor of English at ISEAH in Tunisia and specializes in Applied Linguistics. Her research focuses on critical discourse analysis and power dynamics. She also works as a freelance translator and interpreter and has served as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Alumna at the University of Notre Dame, USA (2020-2021). In addition to her academic and professional pursuits, Ines is deeply passionate about civic engagement, inclusion, and cross-cultural understanding. She volunteers as the Lead Content Strategist for the Creative Leadership team, dedicating her free time to youth-based causes. Furthermore, she recently expanded her involvement by joining the faculty of IofC UK as a trainer for the Refugees for Re-Builders (RRB) programme, demonstrating her commitment to supporting refugees and promoting community rebuilding efforts on a broader scale.


Farid Mohammed Rashid

FARID MOHAMMED RASHID, Lecturer in International Law, University of East London, UK

Farid Mohammed Rashid studied his BA in law (2004), at the University of Aleppo, Syria. In 2010, he completed his LLM in International Law and Criminal Justice at the University of East London, UK. In addition, he was awarded his PhD in December 2016 for a thesis which focused on the role and power of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. His latest publication titled ‘Prosecutorial Discretion in the International Criminal Court Legitimacy and the Politics of Justice’ was published in 2022. He currently works on a new paper, titled ‘The Experience of The Sultanate of Oman in Achieving the Sixth Goal of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs): Water for Sustainable Development’. Farid was a former member at the Business, Human Rights and the Environmental Group, the University of Greenwich. He also worked with the University of East London, teaching international criminal law. He is interested in international law, international humanitarian law, and international human rights laws. Farid joined the Refugees as Re-Builders™ IofC UK programme in 2018 and facilitated the ethical leadership for just governance module. 


Cecilia Sarati

CECILIA SALVATI, Programme Assistant Refugees as Re-Builders™ (RRB), Initiatives of Change United Kingdom

Cecilia Salvati is originally from Milan, Italy, with a strong dedication to enhancing education opportunities for refugees. Cecilia specializes in conflict and conflict prevention strategies, with a focus on gender and ethnic violence. Recently, she graduated from the University of Bristol with an MS in International Development, following a BSc in Politics and Economics from the University of Bath. Currently, Cecilia serves as Programme Assistant for the Refugees as Re-Builders™ (RRB) programme and works with the Communications and Marketing team for IofC UK in London. Her passion for refugee education has driven her to contribute to organisations like Bristol City of Sanctuary and she served as the Regional Representative for Bath with SolidariTee, a student-led charity supporting refugees. In December 2023, Cecilia had the privilege of attending the UNHCR Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, where she gained valuable insights into global refugee advocacy.

  • Where: Salon du Lac
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 20 participants


About the workshop

Building connection in a disconnected world is becoming ever more challenging. If we are to cultivate peaceful societies we are going to have to start from our inner self. This workshop aims to help participants connect with their inner self and others through the power of music. Engaging in music-based activities can allow our internal state to shift in relation to others enabling us to ‘resonate’ with each other creating a catalyst for social connection and support, breaking down barriers and bridging divides.

The ukulele, with its cheerful sound and ease of learning, serves as a tool for building trust and understanding. No prior musical experience is required. The workshop facilitator ensures inclusivity and active engagement for everyone regardless of their musical ability.


About the organiser

Christopher Malapitan

CHRISTOPHER MALAPITAN, Creative Facilitator & Musician 

Christopher Malapitan (he/him) is a Creative Facilitator and Musician based in Brussels. With many years of experience working in creative industries, he supports communities and teams to explore and unlock what drives them. From big-picture thinking to storytelling, from body movement to collaborative arts-based approaches, he applies a unique blend of innovative processes and practises to his facilitation work.  

  • Where: 300C
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

You want to live your life consciously? You would like to create, nurture and fulfill authentic relationships, making an impact in the world with your amazing contributions aligned with your deepest visions? You are curious to explore your unique ways of doing it and what tools you could use? And you want to discuss with others how this all could come together?

Then this workshop is just for you. 


About the organisers

Asel Ormonova

ARIANE HENTSCH, Founder InnerInsights & Coach

Ariane Hentsch was trained in international relations and interreligious dialogue and has been active in that field for about 15 years. Since her teens she has been looking for a deep understanding of the cosmos and discovered that  mystical practices are a powerful route. She now accompanys groups and individuals towards a greater consciousness.




ASEL ORMONOVA, Humanitarian

Asel Ormonova is a humanitarian with 10 years of field experience working on protection for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in different countries, later turned coach working with humanitarians, refugees, women who survived gender-based violence, entrepreneurs transitioning to conscious living, making the impact they want and getting paid well for it.


  • IofC Netherlands logo
    Where: 357 (3rd floor, access via Room 300C 
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 15 participants


About the workshop

Join us for an inspiring workshop, “Dialogue in Action: Tools for Transformative Conversations” where storytelling meets social change. Led by trained dialogue facilitators Uyên Lu and Shereen Siwpersad of Initiatives of Change Netherlands, this engaging session aims to cultivate peaceful societies and embrace conscience through open dialogue. During this workshop, we will guide you through the foundational principles of open dialogue, based on the lessons learned by Initiatives of Change Netherlands and the principles of Dialoog in Den Haag (Dialogue in the Hague).  

You will learn how open dialogue acts as a catalyst for individual growth and societal change and you will equip yourself with practical strategies and resources to facilitate transformative conversations in your own community. 

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a movement that uses dialogue to drive social change!  


About the organisers

Uyen Lu

UYÊN LU, Communications Specialist, EMDR-trained veteran counsellor and psycho-social therapist, Initiatives of Change Netherlands

Uyên Lu has been with Initiatives of Change Netherlands for 25 years, serving as a volunteer, member of the Supervisory Board, and since 2019, as a dialogue facilitator, communications specialist, and project coordinator. Her interests include the empowerment of women, restorative history, and the power of silence. She runs a women’s empowerment circle at IofC and organized the Faith in Human Rights Festival in 2023. Besides her work at IofC, she is an EMDR-trained veteran counselor and psycho-social therapist with her own practice, and has held multiple board positions aimed at supporting veterans and war traumatized refugees and immigrants. In 2018 she published her autobiography Hidden Resilience about her escape from war-torn Vietnam to the Netherlands. In her spare time, Uyên enjoys gardening, reading, and traveling.  


Shereen Siwpersad

SHEREEN SIWPERSAD, Project Assistant, Communications Specialist, Dialogue Facilitator Initiatives of Change Netherlands

Shereen Siwpersad has been with Initiatives of Change since 2021 as a project assistant, communications specialist, and dialogue facilitator. Her interests include animal rights, sustainability, and restorative history. She has written multiple think pieces for Initiatives of Change on these subjects. Since 2023, she has co-led a women empowerment circle with her colleague Uyên Lu and helped organize the Faith in Human Rights Festival in 2023. Apart from her work at IofC, she is a board member at Haags Verbindende Initiatieven, a like-minded NGO dedicated to justice and peace. With a major in English and Philosophy of Science, she also works as an academic skills teacher in STEM and is pursuing a career as a social entrepreneur. In her spare time, Shereen enjoys birdwatching, reading and writing.


  • Where: Salon du Lac
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants: 15 participants


About the workshop


  1. Your surrounding life is not or no longer the one you want. You would like to change this - but how?
  2. Be your own change agent to empower others, your organisation and society to change.
  3. Don't wait to train yourself to be the change you want to see.
  4. Local impact is powerful enough to make the global beautiful.
  5. Why do we need to change? You can decide now what your existence should look like. 
  6. Become a capacitating leader to implement inclusive excellence for optimisation and zero waste of human resources. 


Let's work together towards well-being and bienvivance in your life and around you in the world. 

This workshops offers a range of practical exercises, introducing innovative concepts of bienvivance and capacitating leadership and exploring pyramids of consciousness elevation. During the workshop, the participants will locate themselves on the pyramid of consciousness elevation, fostering self-awareness.

The core design is built on the concepts of mindfulness, acceptance and commitment exercises, capacitating management exercises, and exercises on "Transformation Art".

This workshop will help you change and put an end to your fears and limiting beliefs in order to become your own change agent.


About the organiser

Bénédicte Gendron

PROF DR BÉNÉDICTE GENDRON, University of Montpellier 3, France

Prof. Dr. Dr. Bénédicte GENDRON, former Vice-President of University Montpellier 3-UM3 France, PhD’s in Economics of Education and Human Resources at Paris School of Economics, PhD’s in Neuropsychology-UM3 & a Post-doc. at UC. Berkeley, USA, received several awards for her innovative concepts of emotional capital, capacitating leadership and bienvivance derived from her economics, education and neuro-psychology backgrounds. She is a mindfulness, ACT and emotional quotient inventory instructor and her research on human development and sustainability is focused on transformative learning, capacitating leadership, inclusive excellence and quality of life through an inner development for outer changes’ approach. An external expert for OECD and the European Commission, she is a member of the World Global Alliance on social and emotional learning and ofthe  Goleman’s Center of Research on emotional intelligence in organisations.

  • Refugees as Rebuilders IofC UK
    Where: 300 D&E
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants: 30 participants


About the workshop

This workshop seeks to deepen the understanding of ethical leadership, and its role in fostering social dialogue and resolving conflict.

It will demonstrate how the Refugees as Re-Builders™’s curriculum works towards SDG 16 and embeds the dimensions of the IDG framework and IofC values.

The workshop aims to provide sustainable solutions for conflicts beyond the current classical techniques used, including negotiations, mediation, dialogue, and reconciliation. It will suggest alternative actions needed for making the above shift, changing the current culture of win-lose to one of win-win.

Focusing particularly on 3 dimensions of the IDG framework (Relating, Collaborating and Acting) the workshop demonstrates how those who engage in the process of conflict resolution by cooperating and working with others, reach sustainable durable solutions.


About the organisers

Amanda Clements

AMANDA CLEMENTS, Refugees as Re-Builders™, IofC UK

Amanda Clements has been part of the Refugees as Re-Builders™ programme team since 2019. Her principal tasks have been to oversee the ongoing development of the RRB Curriculum and to maintain the quality standards for the ILM Assured accreditation which was successfully achieved last year. In September 2023 she became the RRB Programme Coordinator.  This appointment has given her the opportunity to deepen the work by collaborating with colleagues in the wider IofC network and beyond. Amande is passionate about providing an opportunity for refugees to develop and shape RRBTM in ways which are meaningful and relevant to their lives and aspirations. 


Ines Mokdadi 2024

INES MOKDADI (Tunisia), University Professor of English, ISEAH & Creative Leadership Youth Initiative

Ines Mokdadi is a University Agrégée Professor of English at ISEAH in Tunisia and specializes in Applied Linguistics. Her research focuses on critical discourse analysis and power dynamics. She also works as a freelance translator and interpreter and has served as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Alumna at the University of Notre Dame, USA (2020-2021). In addition to her academic and professional pursuits, Ines is deeply passionate about civic engagement, inclusion, and cross-cultural understanding. She volunteers as the Lead Content Strategist for the Creative Leadership team, dedicating her free time to youth-based causes. Furthermore, she recently expanded her involvement by joining the faculty of IofC UK as a trainer for the Refugees for Re-Builders (RRB) programme, demonstrating her commitment to supporting refugees and promoting community rebuilding efforts on a broader scale.


Farid Mohammed Rashid

FARID MOHAMMED RASHID, Lecturer in International Law, University of East London, UK

Farid Mohammed Rashid studied his BA in law (2004), at the University of Aleppo, Syria. In 2010, he completed his LLM in International Law and Criminal Justice at the University of East London, UK. In addition, he was awarded his PhD in December 2016 for a thesis which focused on the role and power of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. His latest publication titled ‘Prosecutorial Discretion in the International Criminal Court Legitimacy and the Politics of Justice’ was published in 2022. He currently works on a new paper, titled ‘The Experience of The Sultanate of Oman in Achieving the Sixth Goal of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs): Water for Sustainable Development’. Farid was a former member at the Business, Human Rights and the Environmental Group, the University of Greenwich. He also worked with the University of East London, teaching international criminal law. He is interested in international law, international humanitarian law, and international human rights laws. Farid joined the Refugees as Re-Builders™ IofC UK programme in 2018 and facilitated the ethical leadership for just governance module. 


Cecilia Sarati

CECILIA SALVATI, Programme Assistant Refugees as Re-Builders™ (RRB), Initiatives of Change United Kingdom

Cecilia Salvati is originally from Milan, Italy, with a strong dedication to enhancing education opportunities for refugees. Cecilia specializes in conflict and conflict prevention strategies, with a focus on gender and ethnic violence. Recently, she graduated from the University of Bristol with an MS in International Development, following a BSc in Politics and Economics from the University of Bath. Currently, Cecilia serves as Programme Assistant for the Refugees as Re-Builders™ (RRB) programme and works with the Communications and Marketing team for IofC UK in London. Her passion for refugee education has driven her to contribute to organisations like Bristol City of Sanctuary and she served as the Regional Representative for Bath with SolidariTee, a student-led charity supporting refugees. In December 2023, Cecilia had the privilege of attending the UNHCR Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, where she gained valuable insights into global refugee advocacy.

WORKSHOPS WORKSTREAM 4: Partnership Accelerator (SDG 17)

  • Where: Main Hall (4th floor)
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 50 participants


About the workshop

This workshop immerses participants in role-plays addressing global challenges like environmental sustainability and social justice. Utilizing the IDGs framework, it aims to enhance empathy, SDG knowledge, conflict resolution skills, and collaborative abilities.


About the organisers

Rafaela IDG

RAFAELA ROLIM, Founder of Brazilian Experience & Facilitator

Rafaela Rolim aims to host safe spaces of exchange and learning that inspires people and organisations to co-create a better world. She is the founder of Brazilian Experience, with 18+ years of experience in program design, facilitating international learning journeys and human development projects. Rafaela is a IDG enthusiast and started the IDG Florianópolis HUB - Experiences in Nature. She is currently part of the Global Coordination Team for HUBs and Networks and also launched the first IDG Immersion, called ID-X I Inner Development Experiences.  Rafaela believes in the power of community to foster collaboration towards common goals, creating transformative impact beyond individual capacity. She is currently also the Co-chair of the Sustainability Interest Group of NAFSA (Association of International Educators) and Vice-President of the CANIE (Climate Action Network for International Educators) America´s Chapter.


Laila Martins

LAILA MARTINS, Founder & CEO RegenBeings

Laila Martin's life mission is dedicated to nurturing intersectional sustainable and regenerative practices within businesses, communities, cities, institutions and economies at large. With a solid foundation in International Relations and an MBA focusing on Sustainable Development and Circular Economy, Laila's international experiences across Brazil, the U.S., and Germany have sharpened her skills in crafting processes and solutions for both the Global South and North. For 5+ years, she led large-scale global IT projects at major corporations like DHL. Her notable achievements include leading a programle to develop a global IT infrastructure that enabled the capture, calculation, and analysis of data across 5 regions to assess carbon emissions within the global logistics supply chain. Laila's strategy integrates cutting-edge technology with sustainability principles to drive significant change. Believing in the transformative power of personal growth, Laila utilises the Inner Development Goals framework as a communication tool to assist individuals globally in acquiring the necessary skills to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. She is an advocate for youth empowerment since her AIESEC days, supporting Youth for Ecocide Law and mentoring through Brazil's Youth Climate Leaders (YCL).
Her work is also focused on creating a network among experts in climate, sustainability, urban planning, public policy, impact investing, corporate strategy, regenerative evaluation, and the arts. This effort is aimed at fostering regenerative projects that not only provide livelihoods but also contribute to the emergence of a regenerative economy.

  • Where: Main Hall (4th floor)
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants : 50 participants


About the workshop

At its core, money is neither good nor bad. The intention behind it is what determines its true worth! When our relationship with money is coming from a place of love we can more easily align with greater abundance, new possibilities, and partnerships, allowing us to fulfill our life's purpose and co-create a more significant impact in the world.

Our workshop aims to re-ground ourselves in the sacred energy of money and reimagine how, through the values of conscience and love, it can be used to create a more peaceful and just society, to accelerate partnerships and ensure nobody is left behind.

Through storytelling real life examples and embodiment practices, we will share how a conscious relationship with money has allowed us, as a team, to grow closer together, to ensure everyone could join the event in person and, most importantly, enable a step towards healing prejudices of the past.

Envisaged outcomes include:

  • observe and sense our individual and collective relationship to money
  • practice a money experience "with love"
  • prototype new partnerships habits built on transformative economic transactions


About the organisers

Manuela Larghi

MANUELA PAGANI LARGHI, Humanist Economist,  Councellor & Change Facilitator

Manuela Pagani Larghi is a lucid dreamer, humanist economist, councelor and change facilitator, working on issues of personal, organisational and systemic transformation. Passionate about Theory U and IDGs, she is interested in topics related to our  relationship with money and the change of mind- and heart-set. Manuela is the founder of U.Lab IDG Hub Ticino and co-founder of Impact Hub Ticino, She also founded a micro-business called Duduum Sagl in 2023 that integrates the material world with the spiritual world through a new symbol and ritual.



Dalilah Hernandez

DALILA HERNÁNDEZ, Leadership Coach

Coming from an indigenous ancestry in Mexico, Dalila Hernández developed an instinctive relationship with the Earth and the corn cultivated by her grandmother and grandfather from early childhood. In her adult life, while living abroad, she experienced a disconnection from her body and mindful eating. Over the past 10+ years, she has devoted herself to cultivating a sacred relationship and spiritual love-based connection with all forms of life, including food, the Earth, economy and the environment. Dalilah is a leadership coach and technical consultant whose work is based on the art and the science of Human Transformation principles, applied to create vision-driven results. She has coached teams and leaders in the government, private and international sectors in various countries.


Erno Hannink

ERNO HANNINK, Business Coach, Speaker & Podcast Hoast

Erno Hannink helps leaders with sustainable habits so they become good ancestors. He is the accountability partner for entrepreneurs. His mission is to reduce social and ecological inequality. Erno is the founder of the IDGs HUB Achterhoek where we organize monthly meetups. He actively supports the IDG Learning & Development Network to create materials for the hubs, he is part of the founding team of IDG NL, and team member of the Global Practitioners network.



Praline Ross

DR PRALINE ROSS, Chief Executive Officer, The Africa Wellness Foundation, CEO & Founder Aqua Empowerment Solutions

Dr Praline Ross is the founder of Aqua Empowerment Solutions - a Mindset and Heartset Wellness Practice, specialising in Mindset Coaching, Leadership Development and Organisational Change. She puts Spirituality and the Human element back into business. As a Mindset & Heartset Practitioner, she focuses on thoughts and emotions in controlling behaviour. Praline helps people to become better versions of themselves and provides coping mechanisms for Mental Wellness by using unconventional methods like music, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork to help people to introspect and explore their hidden talents and use them in service to others. She is passionate about leadership, strategy and transformation, encouraging people to be their authentic selves. She is aligned to the Global Inner Development Goals, is exploring healing through music and mindfulness and works with young entrepreneurial minds to create mindful leaders of the future who lead with purpose to help eradicate corruption. She facilitates mindfulness retreats to help people to disconnect to reconnect to the Divine.


Mark Vandeneijnde

MARK VANDENEIJNDE, Co-Founder at BEING at Full Potential

Mark Vandeneijnde’s keen sense of insight and market understanding were the source of many breakthrough initiatives during his 10-year corporate career with a large FMCG company. During this time, he became acutely aware of the challenges organisations were facing in harnessing the full Human Potential of their workforce. With employee engagement at an all-time low, it was clear to him that a significant shift needed to take place in terms of how one looks at an organisation’s most valuable asset – its PEOPLE. The command-and-control paradigm – which had been so effective in driving productivity in the past – needed to evolve into a more inspiring and allowing way of being with each other in organisations. This insight gave birth to BEING at Full Potential, a global assessment, training, and coaching organization committed to unlocking Human Potential by bringing the attention back to the essence of who we are and why we are here.


  • Where: 475 (Belle Epoque - 4th floor)
  • Main language: English (with French translation)
  • Number of participants : 50 participants


About the workshop

Join a unique ceremony that bridges modern measurement developments with ancestral wisdom in an intergenerational, cross-cultural, and multidisciplinary setting.

This workshop aims to enhance partnership building for development, focusing on the inner qualities essential for effective collaboration grounded in shared humanity. Modern paradigms emphasize measurement—"what cannot be measured cannot be improved." In contrast, ancestral wisdom values rituals and ceremonies to connect with the Spirit and pursue "buen vivir," a harmonious way of life.

Participants will experience ancestral wisdom ceremonies led by elders, gaining insights into the pedagogy of ancestrality, "buen vivir" and the essence of the law of origin of territories. They will also learn about current efforts to develop measurement frameworks aligned with the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). This event fosters collaborative efforts to integrate a community that connects ancestral wisdom with modern metrics. Embark on a journey to reconnect with our spiritual roots, drawing innovation and inspiration for the future.


About the organisers

Rodrigo Martinez Romero

RODRIGO MARTINEZ ROMERO, Co-Initiator Spiritual Politics Lab & School of Conscious Politics

Rodrigo Martinez Romero is the co-founder of the Spiritual Politics Lab and the School of Conscious Politics (SCP) where he collaborates with trainers, artists, spiritual leaders, and researchers to test, innovate and experiment with heart-driven political leadership education curriculums. The SCP provides learning spaces to support changemakers to resignify their relationship with politics and the political world, embark on learning journeys to actualise their spiritual and political potential, and unleash sacred activist projects to bring social healing to diverse local contexts. As a lover of questions, Rodrigo aspires to keep growing as a spiritual-driven, social justice, artistic entrepreneur. Rodrigo holds a BA in International Relations from El Colegio de Mexico and an MSc in Leadership and Change Management from the Free University of Amsterdam. 


Grandmother Ejna Jean Fleury

GRANDMOTHER EJNA JEAN FLEURY, Tribal Peace Ambassador Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, Visionary & Ceremonialist

Grandmother Ejna Jean Fleury is an enrolled member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, and is their first Tribal Peace Ambassador. She is a Mystic, Visionary & Ceremonialist. She is the co-founder of Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee and the Wounded Knee Global Ceremonies to heal the multi-generational and multi-lineal effects of massacre, holocaust, and war upon humanity, other species, and our beloved planetary home. Grandmother Ejna has been practicing meditation for more than 40 years and is a certified meditation teacher and spiritual counselor. She is Commissioner at the Global Justice and Healing Commission and International Coordinator of Four Worlds Holistic Health Program for Elders & Leaders. She serves as a minister, healer, priestess, ceremonialist and a pipe carrier in the tradition of While Buffalo Calf Woman.


Maruee no background

MARUEE PAHUJA, Expressive Arts Therapy Facilitator & Strategist, Visual Artist & Eye-care Practitioner

Maruee Pahuja, an impassioned Expressive Arts Therapy facilitator and strategist, visual artist, and eye-care practitioner, is dedicated to enriching lives through the power of arts and science. As an Expressive Arts Consultant with Caux Initiatives of Change, she contributes strategic insights to foster robust dialogues in peacebuilding using arts-based approaches. Additionally, she serves as a core team member of Creative Leadership, driving content creation and strategy. Currently, she is designing a programme/project on Conscious Art with the School of Conscious Politics and is building on a pilot program in arts-based coaching with Step Ahead Berlin, one of the leading institutes in Expressive Arts, alongside the assistant dean of the European Graduate School. At Natasha Eye Care and Research Centre, she holds the role of Head of Optometry and Specialty Contact Lens Consultant. Here, she leads and trains teams of optometrists and optometry interns, spearheads social media strategies, and delivers exceptional clinical care, specialising in innovative approaches with specialty contact lenses. Maruee's journey is marked by pioneering efforts in developing arts-based therapeutic interventions and leading workshops that inspire profound transformation. From crafting curriculums to strategizing content that incites action, Maruee navigates the complexities of human emotions and societal needs with unwavering creativity and compassion.


Darinka Rueda

DARINKA RUEDA, Advocate for inner knowledge and feminie development

Darinka Rueda is pursuing a Master's degree in Public Policy at Universidad Iberoamericana, focusing on integrating consciousness into politics and productive systems through inner knowing and ancestral wisdom. She believes this approach is key to sustainable development and conducts research in social economics and territorial development. Initiated under the direct Sivananda lineage as a yoga siromani, Darinka advocates for inner knowledge and sacred feminine development. As a Mexican and Moon Dancer, she deeply respects ancestral knowledge and traditions. Professionally, she has worked in many international banks, as a PM at Amex and a consultant at Accenture. She holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from IBERO, with additional studies in social entrepreneurship and corporate finance. Darinka's commitment to holistic well-being and diverse skill set make her a passionate advocate for integrating spiritual and ancestral wisdom into modern practices for sustainable development.


Hubert de Leeuw

HUBERT DE LEEUW, CEO of Audax Groep B, Entrepreneur & Historian

Hubert J. W. M. de Leeuw, CEO of Audax Groep B., is a Dutch entrepreneur and historian. Audax, founded by his father Jacques de Leeuw in 1958, is a prominent print media and retail company in the Netherlands and Belgium. Hubert's fascination with the history of New Netherland led him to support the New Netherland Museum and become chairman of the New Amsterdam History Center. Residing in Antwerp, he guides Dutch and Flemish entrepreneurs in the US, following in the footsteps of their merchant ancestors.



Radhika Khanna

RADHIKA KHANNA, Faculty Member at School of Media and Communication, Pondicherry University/India

Radhika Khanna is a faculty in the School of Media and Communication, Pondicherry University, India. Traversing the sunlit path of self-knowledge for over 35 years, she has been a Theatre-in-Education (TIE) facilitator engaging learners in joyful, lifelong learning processes for spiritual and societal development. Creative pedagogies, including films, integral yoga and embodied movement have helped her reflect, connect and contribute to deepening a few sustainable development goals. She has been commended for the Communication for Social Change award by the University of Queensland.


John Bond

JOHN BOND, Journalist & Author, Initiatives of Change

John Bond lives in Oxford, England, and has worked with Initiatives of Change in over 30 countries. For five years he coordinated the Caux Forum for Human Security. Previously he was the Secretary of Australia’s National Sorry Day Committee, which enlisted a million Australians in initiatives to overcome the harm done to Aboriginal Australians by cruel and misguided past policies. For this he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. He is also a writer. His most-recent book, a biography of Professor Jerzy Zubrzycki, known as 'the father of Australian multiculturalism', has been published in English and Polish.


Peter Leong

PETER LEONG, Coach, Facilitator, Consultant

Peter Leong is a coach, facilitator and consultant. He creates safe and sacred spaces to discover and unleash the full human potential of a person. Through self-actualisation and self-realisation he helps others to tap into and express one of the most potent sources of human creativity and innovation at the core of who they are - their unique and authentic self, waiting to reveal itself.



Mark Vandeneijnde

MARK VANDENEIJNDE, Co-Founder at BEING at Full Potential

Mark Vandeneijnde’s keen sense of insight and market understanding were the source of many breakthrough initiatives during his 10-year corporate career with a large FMCG company. During this time, he became acutely aware of the challenges organisations were facing in harnessing the full Human Potential of their workforce. With employee engagement at an all-time low, it was clear to him that a significant shift needed to take place in terms of how one looks at an organisation’s most valuable asset – its people. The command-and-control paradigm – which had been so effective in driving productivity in the past – needed to evolve into a more inspiring and allowing way of being with each other in organisations. This insight gave birth to BEING at Full Potential, a global assessment, training, and coaching organisation committed to unlocking Human Potential by bringing the attention back to the essence of who we are and why we are here.


Anne-Marie Voorhoeve

ANNE-MARIE VOORHOEVE, Co-Founder Living Cities Earth, Strategic Connector, Social Architect The Hague Center for Global Governance

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is the Co-Founder of Living Cities Earth, an organisation uniting hearts and minds to support positive change in 10.000 cities on Earth. She is a strategic connector and social architect at The Hague Center for Global Governance.





  • Where: Main Hall
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 50 participants


About the workshop

3D Mapping is a tool used to bring multiple dimensions and perspectives to seeing and understanding the elements of a system together. In the context of Theory U, this tool can be used at any phase to create visual displays that share projects and engage potential stakeholders.

In the context of the Caux IDG Forum we propose to apply the method based on the current status of the SDGs and future prospects powered by the IDGs. The tool serves as a transformative vehicle to help any system see and sense itself.

By visually representing interconnectedness and interdependencies within systems, 3D mapping fosters a shared understanding among stakeholders, catalysing collaborative action towards common goals. During this mapping process, the entire team will create one— or several, depending on groups size — 3D model(s) of the current reality and of the future that we are trying to create, embodying many of the IDG dimensions and skills, as this is a collaborative tool that requires not only creativity but also collective visioning and sense-making.

Ultimately, 3D mapping empowers the system to recognise its own dynamics, facilitating adaptive strategies and nurturing a dynamic ecosystem of partnerships essential for achieving sustainable development at a global scale.


About the organisers

Rafaela IDG

RAFAELA ROLIM, Founder of Brazilian Experience & Facilitator

Rafaela Rolim aims to host safe spaces of exchange and learning that inspires people and organisations to co-create a better world. She is the founder of Brazilian Experience, with 18+ years of experience in program design, facilitating international learning journeys and human development projects. Rafaela is a IDG enthusiast and started the IDG Florianópolis HUB - Experiences in Nature. She is currently part of the Global Coordination Team for HUBs and Networks and also launched the first IDG Immersion, called ID-X I Inner Development Experiences.  Rafaela believes in the power of community to foster collaboration towards common goals, creating transformative impact beyond individual capacity. She is currently also the Co-chair of the Sustainability Interest Group of NAFSA (Association of International Educators) and Vice-President of the CANIE (Climate Action Network for International Educators) America´s Chapter.


Monica Barrosa

MONICA BARROSO, Senior Researcher & Project Lead Sustainability Innovation Lab, University St Gallen

Monica Barroso (PhD) helps create better businesses and leaders for the world through systemic and transdisciplinary teaching approaches. She is currently Senior Researcher and Project Lead at the Sustainability Innovation Lab (Institute of Technology Management, University of St. Gallen), working on sustainable business models and sustainable leadership. Monica co-founded local IDG hubs in Brazil and Switzerland, supporting business leaders to develop inner skills that will equip them to better lead the sustainability transition from inside out.


  • IofC Lebanon logo
    Where: 500A
  • Main language: English (with French translation)
  • Number of participants : 30 participants


About the workshop

Are you eager to initiate positive change in your community but unsure where to start? Would you like to work on or start initiatives to positively impact your community but don't know which idea would work? Join our "Design Thinking for Social Impact" session and discover the keys to effective social entrepreneurship.

Discover how design thinking principles can be harnessed to identify and tackle social challenges while leveraging storytelling to communicate solutions and inspire action. Learn to empathise with diverse perspectives, generate innovative solutions, and translate ideas into actionable plans.

Whether you're a seasoned peacebuilder or just beginning your journey, this session will equip you with the tools and mindset needed to drive positive change. Let’s explore together practical strategies for translating issues and your ideas into actionable plans, creating a tangible impact in your community. 


About the organisers

Dana Abdel Khalek

DANA ABDEL KHALEK, Initiatives of Change Lebanon

Dana Abdel Khalek works with Initiatives of Change Lebenon and is enthusiastic about being the change she wishes to see in the world. With her diverse background in project management, social entrepreneurship, and peacebuilding, she is always excited to empower individuals with tools for inspiring action. Throughout her career, she has been dedicated to driving positive change, creating opportunities for youth and start-up empowerment through social entrepreneurship programmes, from grassroots initiatives to international campaigns, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of social entrepreneurship in creating opportunities and fostering community empowerment.


Najwa Nammour

NAJWA NAMMOUR, Graphic Designer & Peacebuilder, Initiatives of Change Lebanon

Najwa Nammour is a  graphic designer with a passion for peacebuilding and uses the knowledge she gained from IofC in leadership, conflict resolution, and teambuilding to drive positive change in her communities. She is an active member of IofC Lebanon where she has worked on different projects aligned with IofC's mission of building bridges across the world’s divides. Through design and effective communication, Najwa strives to foster dialogue and collaboration, advancing initiatives toward a more peaceful and inclusive world.


  • Where: Belle Epoque
  • Main language: English
  • Number of participants : 30 participants


About the workshop

If you believe that business is in need of fundamental transformation of values and mindset, then come explore with us the role that education plays in this transformation.

In this workshop we will examine how inner development fostered in business education can initiate broader leadership change in business - which is critical in achieving the SDGs.

Join us in imagining a world where business education is fit for a sustainable future. This workshop is about education that guides people in connecting their inner world with the outer world, in tune with their values, their humanity, and interconnectedness with the rest of the world, and enables them to act out of this place when they create their organisations, strategies and actions.

We will learn from each other's experiences and explore ways to collaborate going forward.


About the organisers

Ljupka Mitrinovska

LJUPKA MITRINOVSKA, Instructor for Personal Mastery, Geneva Business School

Ljupka Mitrinovska teaches Personal Mastery at the Geneva Business School, guiding students in translating personal values and passions into courageous leadership for the new economy. She previously co-created and led an international program named Accelerate2030, supporting entrepreneurs in scaling their impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals. She believes the missing puzzle in current business education programs is the deep inner work, and she is supporting people in bridging this gap between personal development and creating positive external impact through business.


Biliana Vassileva

BILIANA VASSILEVA, Instructor Geneva Business School

Biliana Vassileva is an instructor at the Geneva Business School in Switzerland. She designs and delivers learning experiences on Leadership, Innovation, and Change to bachelor and master students.
In addition, Biliana is an independent consultant delivering training to middle and senior managers working for international organizations worldwide. Biliana stretches the professionals she works with while creating a psychologically safe environment induced with purpose and care. In her free time, Biliana enjoys music, nature, and a good laugh.


Bettina Merlin

BETTINA MERLIN, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Heilbronn University

Bettina Merlin is a professor of entrepreneurship at Heilbronn University, Germany. She is head of the master in entrepreneurship and dedicates her energy to improving entrepreneurship education. Her objective is to empower young people to live their own lives and to change the economy to a more sustainable one. Besides teaching she is doing research in the fields of higher education, social entrepreneurship, and responsible management. She is an active part of the IDG community, integrating inner development into higher education.



Carlos Alvarez

CARLOS ÁLVAREZ PEREIRA, Secretary General, Club of Rome

Carlos Álvarez Pereira promotes a paradigm shift towards equitable wellbeing for all on a healthy planet. He is the Secretary General of The Club of Rome, the global think tank of reference on systemic issues. He has been a researcher at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), and a digital entrepreneur in Spain, Switzerland, France and Germany. He advises the UNESCO Chair of Global Understanding for Sustainability and is a fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.



  • Where: Belle Epoque
  • Main language: English (with French interpretation)
  • Number of participants : 30 participants


About the workshop

Islands of Integration (a term which was coined by Erica Harpe) means cultivating our full potential to enable the more beautiful world we know is possible to come through us!

 It is possible to prepare for the future without knowing what it will be: the primary way to prepare for the unknown is to attend to our relationships.

- Margaret Wheatley - 

We believe the answer to many questions of our time is to be found in our relationships and in the collective field of wisdom. The relationships with self, the other and the world. In other words, it is of vital importance for humanity to unlock our own full potential and that of the collective.

This workshop aims to explore what it means to be human in this time, to awaken and restore our finest human qualities of agency, imagination, consciousness and creativity. To explore what it means to integrate these and be coherent as individuals and as communities / collectives, in a world that is more and more fragmented. To find our meaning and tap into our generativity and collective wisdom where we are.

This workshop is the last in a series of 3, starting with "Islands of Coherence" (Workstream 2) and "Islands of Sanity" (Workstream 3).


About the organisers


ERICA HARPE, Conscious Leadership & Transition Guide, Facilitator and Speaker

Combining a solid international business background (banker and lawyer) with systems and integral awareness, consciousness and new social technologies, Erica Harpe creates contexts for change. Working with clients in transition, leadership programmes and large learning communities alike, she unleashes collective wisdom and wrote the book ‘Reinventing Ourselves’ about it.

Erica has been closely involved with the Inner Development Goals since 2022 as a member of the Global Co-ordination Team. She is the co-founder of IDG The Netherlands and the IDG hub The Hague.


Chris Chapman

CHRIS CHAPMAN, Transformative & Systemic Change Facilitator, Lead Facilitator at Burren College of Art

Chris Chapman is currently working mostly in the fields of education and sustainability, supporting a variety of initiatives in pursuit of large-scale change. He has had a key role in Ireland’s proposed Citizens’ Assembly on the Future of Education – a globally significant step towards helping education respond better to contemporary contexts.

Chris is a deep thinker, used to working with large, diverse groups facing complex challenges and is a member of the Inner Development Goals Global Co-ordination Team.


Matt Law

MATTHEW LAW, Global Operations Director

Matthew Law is an accomplished Global Operations Director with extensive international experience in several industries. Matthew has built and run communities of years of practice, international academies for front line managers, leadership workshops for multi-functional and diverse teams and innovation labs for in house hardware and software development.

Matthew is involved in conscious business leadership. He is a member of the IDG research group and the Inner MBA programme where he recently has been running IDG workshops.      


Isabella Swiderski

ISABELLE SWIDERSKI, Founder of Seven25

Marrying an MA in Design and an MBA, Isabelle Swiderski runs Seven25, the multidisciplinary consultancy she founded in 2007 and Protagoniste Network, Seven25's education arm. Seven25 partners with global impact-driven organizations to move their audiences and stakeholders from knowledge to action through human- and planet-centered design strategy and multimedia storytelling. She is also visiting professor at Parsons The New School and Pratt Institute in New York City.



Jenny Frick

JENNY FRICK, IDG Global Coordination Team Coompanion Sverige, Co-Founder IDG Impact House Hub Halland

Jenny Frick’s mantra is “Let’s create the structure that enables emergence”. With a Master in Business and Administration, many years in traditional business and the gifts of yoga, meditation and embodiment, she holds the tension of opposites. Her superpower is an open heart and her deep knowing that together is the key and that each and every one of us matter. Jenny is part of the IDG Global Coordination Team, Coompanion Sverige, and co-founder of IDG Impact House Hub Halland.              




  • IofC Lebanon logo
    Where: 500A
  • Main language: English 
  • Number of participants : 30 participants


About the workshop

Are you eager to initiate positive change in your community but unsure where to start? Would you like to work on or start initiatives to positively impact your community but don't know which idea would work? Join our "Design Thinking for Social Impact" session and discover the keys to effective social entrepreneurship.

Discover how design thinking principles can be harnessed to identify and tackle social challenges while leveraging storytelling to communicate solutions and inspire action. Learn to empathise with diverse perspectives, generate innovative solutions, and translate ideas into actionable plans.

Whether you're a seasoned peacebuilder or just beginning your journey, this session will equip you with the tools and mindset needed to drive positive change. Let’s explore together practical strategies for translating issues and your ideas into actionable plans, creating a tangible impact in your community. 


About the organisers

Dana Abdel Khalek

DANA ABDEL KHALEK, Initiatives of Change Lebanon

Dana Abdel Khalek works with Initiatives of Change Lebenon and is enthusiastic about being the change she wishes to see in the world. With her diverse background in project management, social entrepreneurship, and peacebuilding, she is always excited to empower individuals with tools for inspiring action. Throughout her career, she has been dedicated to driving positive change, creating opportunities for youth and start-up empowerment through social entrepreneurship programmes, from grassroots initiatives to international campaigns, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of social entrepreneurship in creating opportunities and fostering community empowerment.


Najwa Nammour

NAJWA NAMMOUR, Graphic Designer & Peacebuilder, Initiatives of Change Lebanon

Najwa Nammour is a  graphic designer with a passion for peacebuilding and uses the knowledge she gained from IofC in leadership, conflict resolution, and teambuilding to drive positive change in her communities. She is an active member of IofC Lebanon where she has worked on different projects aligned with IofC's mission of building bridges across the world’s divides. Through design and effective communication, Najwa strives to foster dialogue and collaboration, advancing initiatives toward a more peaceful and inclusive world.


The Caux Palace (photo: HATCH)


Plenary Speakers & Contributors

9 July: Opening Ceremony


TATIANA VALOVAYA, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Tatiana Valovaya is Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva. Ms. Valovaya has brought to the position over 35 years of extensive experience in journalism, diplomacy and government service.  She is currently Member of the Board and Minister in charge of integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) which is responsible for implementing decisions, upholding the EEU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the Union. She began her career with the Government of the Russian Federation in 1989 and served in various capacities, including as the Third and Second Secretary at the Russian Permanent Mission to the European Union in Brussels (1989-1994) and Deputy Director and subsequently Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Russian Federation (1999-2012).  Before joining the Government of the Russian Federation, she worked as a reporter to “The Economic Gazette” in Moscow (1983-1989). Ms. Valovaya graduated from the Department of International Economic Relations of the Moscow Financial Institute, holds a Ph.D and a Doctorate of Economic sciences from the State Financial Academy, Moscow. She has written extensively on international monetary relations, European economic integration and economic cooperation with Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. (photo: UN Geneva)


Christian Guillermet-Fernández

AMBASSADOR CHRISTIAN GUILLERMET-FERNÁNDEZ, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations in Geneva

Ambassador Christian Guillermet-Fernández is the Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations in Geneva. He has been a career diplomat in the Costa Rican foreign service since 1998 and, from April 2020 to June 2023, was appointed as Deputy Minister of Multilateral Affairs. He was Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations in New York (2019-2020), Director General of Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica (2016- 2018), Deputy Director General of Foreign Policy (2015-2016), Deputy Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations in Geneva (2010- 2015), Deputy Permanent Representative and Political Coordinator during Costa Rica's membership in the Security Council at the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations in New York (2008-2009) and Director General of Foreign Policy after working with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva and in Santiago, Chile as Regional Representative a.i. of the High Commissioner (2006-2008). During his diplomatic career, he worked as Chair-Rapporteur of the United Nations Open-ended Working Group on the Right to Peace, among others. In addition, he has collaborated extensively with different universities and think tanks and has written for prestigious peer-reviewed journals worldwide.


Jacqueline Coté

JACQUELINE COTÉ, President Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Jacqueline Coté was the Director of Public Relations and previously Head of Communications at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva from 2009 to 2021. In that role she was instrumental in building the new campus of the Institute, the Maison de la Paix, as a vibrant centre of conferences and seminars, thus solidifying the reputation and outreach of the Institute in International Geneva and beyond. Prior to that Ms Coté was the Permanent Representative to the UN of the International Chamber of Commerce and also served as Senior Advisor Advocacy & Partnerships to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.  In the early part of her career, Ms Coté practiced as an international lawyer in Canada and Switzerland and held management positions with multinational companies SGS and DuPont. Jacqueline Coté believes that the global agenda can best be tackled by linking the public, private and non-profit sectors, and that dialogue and empathy are essential tools to achieve the sustainable development goals.  She recently trained as a mediator at Harvard Law School and joined the board of several associations to continue her engagement with International Geneva. Jacqueline Coté has Swiss, Canadian and British nationalities, is a member of the Bar of Quebec and has two grown-up children who share her passion about tackling today’s global challenges in their areas of work.


Louise Le Gat

LOUISE LE GAT, President of A Purpose-led World

Louise Le Gat is the Founder of A Purpose-Led World And School. As an activist, she is a strong advocate of the new economy that is emerging based on the long term well-being of people and planet. And is part of the purpose-driven movement that is pioneering, experimenting and reshaping how we do business, work and leadership to meet these unprecedented times. As a speaker, educator and catalyst, she supports with her Purpose-Led Method, a new generation of leaders to actualise their purpose - by evolving the world being uniquely themselves and channelling that through their personal purpose, future-fit work and next generation leadership. With 23 years experience in Transformation, Career And Leadership Development, she is a regular Curriculum Designer and Facilitator on Acceleration Programmes, Sustainability Incubators and In-Depth Transformational Initiatives for High Potential Corporate Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs. This has included clients like Nestle, Nespresso, Zurich Foundation, Allen & Overy LLP, Adobe, SAP, Cotty (now Wella) and also working with The Global Fund, Interpeace, The Impact Hub and UNICEF. She is a certified NLP Coach, RAPSI Counsellor and Mediator. Her first career was as a lawyer in a leading Law Firm in the City of London. She was recognised through the ICF Prism Award for outstanding coaching as part of Nestle's external Coaching Faculty.


IGNACIO PACKER, Executive Director, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Ignacio Packer was appointed as Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation in May 2023. Until March 2023, he served as Executive Director of ICVA, the global consortium of humanitarian NGOs. ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice. Ignacio has over 30 years of experience in humanitarian work and development issues. He served a five-year term as Secretary General of the Terre des Hommes International Federation, and previously worked for the Terre des Hommes Foundation, the Swiss Tropical Institute, the European Association for Development and Health, Medecins Sans Frontieres, KPMG and the European Bank for Latin America. He is an expert on human rights and social issues. He has been strongly engaged in global advocacy on protection frameworks for migrants and refugees with a particular focus on children and youth. Passionate for long-distance challenges, he is also an enthusiastic ultra-trail runner.


JAN ARTEM HENRIKSSON, Executive Director Inner Development Goals 

Jan Artem Henriksson is the Executive Director of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) – a global initiative that develops inner abilities, skills and other qualities for people and organizations to contribute to a more sustainable global society. He also initiated ‘MindShift: Growth that Matters’ – a global conference bringing academia, public sector and business together to focus on the link between human growth and sustainable development. In the past, Jan has been a public speaker and adviser for several global organizations and governments, and he also founded two companies: 1) Self Leaders – a Nordic leadership development company that has put 70 000+ people through leadership development programs and, 2) Relate – a relationship building app and thought leader for healthy relationships. Jan is also a faculty member and senior lecturer at Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education and a board member at Ekskaret Foundation.


Rajmohan Gandhi

RAJMOHAN GANDHI, Historian, biographer, former President of Initiatives of Change International

  • Rajmohan Gandhi is a historian, biographer and former President of Initiatives of Change International. He was born in 1935 and has worked as a journalist, writer, politician and professor of political science. Rajmohan Gandhi is unique in that he is both one of Mahatma Gandhi's grandsons and a grandson of C. Rajagopalachari, an Indian National Congress leader and the only Indian to have served as Governor General of India (from 1948 to 1950). Like Gandhi and Rajagopalachari, Rajmohan Gandhi is committed, including in politics, to a peaceful democracy with integrity and respect for the dignity of every individual. He is the author of numerous works on the figures of the struggle for Indian independence, the drama of the partition of India and the relations between Hindus and Muslims.


Daniel Clement

DANIEL CLEMENTS, Teacher & Programme Manager Creative Leadership

Daniel Clements is the Programme Manager of Creative Leadership, an international team born from within the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. Creative Leadership organises conferences and storysharing programmes based on the belief that we first need to change ourselves in order to generate change within society and authentic leadership. He works as a Maths teacher in the UK with a degree in Mathematics and Physics. Daniel is driven by the conviction that the absence of virtues and values is one of the reasons behind the social and moral decline that the world is witnessing.


Asmaa Sleem

ASMAA SLEEM, Educator, Storyteller and Founder of Lifelong Learning Talks

Asmaa Sleem is an Egyptian educator, storyteller, and lifelong learner. She is actively engaged in spreading awareness, fostering inner development, and promoting togetherness. Asmaa is part of the organising team behind the youth-led programme Creative Leadership and is the founder of the Lifelong Learning Talks in Egypt. With postgraduate degrees in teaching methodologies and social sciences, Asmaa focuses on youth empowerment, peacebuilding, and creative leadership. She serves as Vice-President of the Association for World Education (AWE) and has corporate experience in marketing research, notably co-founding and co-leading 'Nielsen Cares' Egypt. Asmaa's work encompasses education, development, CSR, SDGs, and peacebuilding, both locally and internationally, while she pursues further studies in positive psychology and community psychology.


STEVEN LIN, Community Organizer

Steven Lin is passionate about empowering youth to achieve their goals through capacity building, self reflection and soft skill development. Steven has spent the last decade working with various nonprofits to tackle SDG 4 quality education. Some examples include his work with the Alberta Mentorship Program, providing high school students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills or working at the Terra Centre to help teen parents advocate for themselves and for policy and system change. In addition to that, Steven has been engaged with young leaders globally through Creative Leadership as well as Global Shapers to support young professionals in tackling local issues in their community. Steven follows the model of Servant and Authentic leadership in his daily practice. Steven was recognized for his work by Alberta Council for Global Cooperation and named one of Alberta’s Top 30 under 30.


Andrew Stallybrass 2017

ANDREW STALLYBRASS, Caux Palace Historian

Together with his wife Eliane, Andrew Stallybrass has been involved in the work of Initiatives of Change for many years and in many capacities, including conference organisation, the work weeks and communications. His extensive knowledge of the history of the Caux Palace makes him the perfect person for a guided tour through the building and the gardens.





Sarah Noble

SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.


Plenary 10 July - Conscious Food Systems (SDG 2)


Etienne Caudaux

ETIENNE CAUDAUX, Livestock Farmer, Advocate for animal and farmer welfare, Mayor of Première, Switzerland

Etienne Caudaux has been the mayor of Première, a village in the Nord-Jura Vaudois district of Switzerland, for 20 years. A dedicated livestock farmer, he runs the family farm and advocates for animal and farmer welfare, promoting a local, sustainable agriculture model. For over 30 years, he has been active in the Farmers' Dialogue, an international network of farmers under Initiatives of Change, focusing on the connection between personal change and sustainable agricultural development. His leadership and commitment to environmentally respectful farming have made him a respected and inspiring figure in his community.


Khulan Berger

KHULAN BERGER, Regional Director Romandie/Switzerland, MyBluePlanet

Khulan Berger is passionate about environmental stewardship and empowering communities. Her multicultural experiences across Mongolia, Singapore, and Switzerland have shaped her resilient approach and entrepreneurial mindset. Leveraging her expertise in Sustainable Business from Business School Lausanne in Switzerland and her background in Electrical Computer Engineering from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore with certifications in Creating innovation and Design Thinking for Innovation, she realizes her professional career. In her role as Regional Director Romandie at MYBLUEPLANET, she leads a team to co-develop and implement sustainable initiatives such as ClimateLab, ClimateAction4Companies and P3C: Climate Collaboration Catalyst. Furthermore, as National Coordinator for the Climate Reality Project Europe, she forges strategic partnerships towards concrete impact.



Nadene Canning

NADENE CANNING, Coach and Facilitator

After 20 years managing large projects in industry, sustainable development, and technology in 45 countries, Nadene Canning created a boutique consulting agency. Today her strategic foresight and laser focus supports leaders to navigate strategic imperatives that accelerate possibility and impact. In 2012 the book she wrote La force le l’Équilibre - Vie familiale, vie professionnelle which led to a decade of teaching and consulting on leadership, management, systems thinking, change and negotiation. In 2019 Nadene was one of 400 facilitators selected from 10’000 applicants to train with Dr Brené Brown and believes that the four skills sets of building courage in the Dare to Lead™ program is at the cutting edge of leadership thinking. Nadene is part of the IDG Global Coordination Team and a member of the core team of the IDG Lemanic Network. For the past 2 years Nadene has had the privilege to design and co-host monthly IDG Global Practitioner Network sessions, bringing together many of the 700 practitioners to learn, share their challenges, be inspired, and make sustainable impact. 


Charlotte Dufour

CHARLOTTE DUFOUR, Conscious Food Systems Alliance 

Charlotte Dufour works for the Conscious Food Systems Alliance and has been working on food systems and nutrition for over two decades, with NGOs (Action Contre la Faim, Groupe URD), with the UN FAO for 12 years, and with various organisations as a consultant since 2017 (SUN Secretariat; 4SD/Food Systems Summit Dialogue Support Team). She worked primarily in Afghanistan and sub-Saharan Africa, before working at global level. She is also an instructor of Ananda Yoga and meditation and co-founded the NGO Listening Inspires. She presently lives in Burgundy, France, where she and her husband are creating a retreat center.



Plenary 11 July - A more climate-friendly lifestyle (SDG 13)


Laila Martins

LAILA MARTINS, United Nations & IDG Programme Processes Lead - Brazil

Laila Martins' life mission is dedicated to nurturing intersectional sustainable and regenerative practices within businesses, communities, cities, institutions and economies at large. With a solid foundation in International Relations and an MBA focusing on Sustainable Development and Circular Economy, Laila's international experiences across Brazil, the U.S., and Germany have sharpened her skills in crafting processes and solutions for both the Global South and North. For 5+ years, she led large-scale global IT projects at major corporations like DHL. Her notable achievements include leading a program to develop a global IT infrastructure that enabled the capture, calculation, and analysis of data across 5 regions to assess carbon emissions within the global logistics supply chain. Laila's strategy integrates cutting-edge technology with sustainability principles to drive significant change. Believing in the transformative power of personal growth, Laila utilises the Inner Development Goals framework as a communication tool to assist individuals globally in acquiring the necessary skills to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. She is an advocate for youth empowerment since her AIESEC days, supporting Youth for Ecocide Law and mentoring through Brazil's Youth Climate Leaders (YCL). Her work is also focused on creating a network among experts in climate, sustainability, urban planning, public policy, impact investing, corporate strategy, regenerative evaluation, and the arts. This effort is aimed at fostering regenerative projects that not only provide livelihoods but also contribute to the emergence of a regenerative economy.


Elise Buckle

ELISE BUCKLE, President & CEO of Climate & Sustainability, International Gender Champion, Co-chair of the climate impact group

Elise Buckle is a globally recognized expert who has been working in the field of climate and sustainability for over 20 years. She is CEO of Climate & Sustainability, Co-Founder of SHE Changes Climate, Founder and Network Lead of SHE Changes Climate Switzerland. She has been nominated as International Gender Champion (IGC) since early 2023 and is now the Co-Chair of the IGC Climate and Gender Impact Group. Elise has a strong track record of building successful global alliances to deliver positive impacts for climate, people and nature, including the Planetary Emergency Partnership, the Nature-Based Solutions Coalition hosted by the UN, the Leaders Pledge for Nature and the G7/G20 Summit alliances for sustainable finance. She has French and Swiss citizenship and is also a leadership mentor and teaches sustainability and entrepreneurship at the Glion Institute of Excellence in Hospitality.


Lewis Cardinal

LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

Lewis Cardinal comes from the Woodland Cree people in northern Alberta, Canada. His long track record of public service includes founding Board Member of Alberta Aboriginal Arts, Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Commission for Human Rights and Justice, and Trustee of the Parliament of World Religions. He has received QE II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for Public Service, the IndSpire Award for Public Service, the Province of Alberta’s Centennial Medal for his work in Human Rights and Diversity, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Grant MacEwan University, and an Honorary Degree of “Doctor of Sacred Letters” from the University of Alberta.



IGNACIO PACKER, Executive Director, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

Ignacio Packer was appointed as Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation in May 2023. Until March 2023, he served as Executive Director of ICVA, the global consortium of humanitarian NGOs. ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice. Ignacio has over 30 years of experience in humanitarian work and development issues. He served a five-year term as Secretary General of the Terre des Hommes International Federation, and previously worked for the Terre des Hommes Foundation, the Swiss Tropical Institute, the European Association for Development and Health, Medecins Sans Frontieres, KPMG and the European Bank for Latin America. He is an expert on human rights and social issues. He has been strongly engaged in global advocacy on protection frameworks for migrants and refugees with a particular focus on children and youth. Passionate for long-distance challenges, he is also an enthusiastic ultra-trail runner.


Siddharth Sing

SIDDHARTH SINGH (India), Director of the Initiatives of Change centre Asia Plateau

Siddharth Singh is the Director of the Initiatives of Change centre Asia Plateau in Panchgani, India. He is a facilitator, coach, designer and traveler. In 2001, Siddharth co-founded ‘Paradigms Unlimited’, a business leadership-consulting firm, committed to working with people to create personal and organisational transformation. His personal vision is to see a world that works for everyone and not just a privileged few and hopes to use his life working towards this idea. He believes he is a student of life and nature, and believes that most of the important lessons lie in how nature works.



Plenary 12 July: Cultivating Peaceful Societies - Embracing Conscience, Peace and Love (SDG 16)


Elif Kus Saillard

DR ELIF KUS SAILLARD, Sociologist & Methodologist, Founder of NAM

Dr. Elif Kuş Saillard, a sociologist and methodologist, is a scientist of "understanding." With over two decades of expertise in qualitative methodologies and Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS), she founded the NAM Qualitative Research Center in Istanbul in 2013, training many social science researchers globally. Dr. Saillard developed the "Meaningful Experience Model" to help organizations and individuals cultivate meaningful experiences. Her pioneering "Understanding Leadership" program unlocks the superpower of understanding, promoting consensus and overcoming polarization. Through this work, she aims to contribute to a sustainable future by helping people enhance their understanding, fostering a more connected and harmonious world.


Ines Mokdadi 2024

INES MOKDADI (Tunisia), University Professor of English, ISEAH & Creative Leadership Youth Initiative

Ines Mokdadi is a University Agrégée Professor of English at ISEAH in Tunisia and specializes in Applied Linguistics. Her research focuses on critical discourse analysis and power dynamics. She also works as a freelance translator and interpreter and has served as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Alumna at the University of Notre Dame, USA (2020-2021). In addition to her academic and professional pursuits, Ines is deeply passionate about civic engagement, inclusion, and cross-cultural understanding. She volunteers as the Lead Content Strategist for the Creative Leadership team, dedicating her free time to youth-based causes. Furthermore, she recently expanded her involvement by joining the faculty of IofC UK as a trainer for the Refugees for Re-Builders (RRB) programme, demonstrating her commitment to supporting refugees and promoting community rebuilding efforts on a broader scale.


Elizabeth Laskar

ELIZABETH LASKAR, Programme Manager Creators of Peace IofC UK, Facilitator & Trainer

Elizabeth Laskar is a Creators of Peace facilitator and trainer, and a mindfulness practitioner. Elizabeth is a Creators of Peace Circles facilitator and joint National Coordinator of Creators of Peace UK. She began her journey with Creators of Peace in 2010 and since 2021, she has also been working with Initiatives of Change UK. From 2004 to 2014, she advocated for justice in the sustainable fashion sector. She holds a master's in shelter and disaster, led the Oxford Human Rights Festival (2019-2021), and volunteers as Treasurer of the Oxford Fair Trade Coalition. She loves cooking and hospitality.



Letlapa Mphahlele

LETLAPA MPHAHLELE, Former commander of a South African liberation army, Peace Activist, former Member of Parliament

Letlapa Mphahlele is a former commander of a South African liberation army during apartheid times. His passion was such that he ordered high profile retaliatory massacres on white civilians. But after a radical transformation he now sees the whole of humanity as ‘My People’. Letlapa is the main protagonist in the award-winning film ‘Beyond Forgiving’, and was formerly an opposition Member of the South African Parliament.




Sarah Noble no background 2024

SARAH NOBLE (Canada/Switzerland), Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change

Sarah Noble is the Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation. She is passionate about showcasing people's stories about how we build peace with each other and the planet. She brings with her more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. Sarah is co-founder and curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace and also served as Director of External Relations at The New Humanitarian, a non-profit newsroom that puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. In her TEDx talk, Storytelling is Our Real-Life Superpower, she invites us to embrace this ability to take on the existential issues of our time and create a better future.


Plenary 13 July: Partnership Accelerator (SDG 17)


Pontus Holmgren

PONTUS HOLMGREN (Sweden), Psychologist, Facilitator and Global Coordinator of the IDG Hubs and Networks

Pontus Holmgren is a licensed psychologist and a trained UrbanTantra breath guide. He is an organsiational transformation facilitator and an actor, conductor and teacher in improvised Playback theatre. Pontus has worked with leadership, teams, cross collaboration  and transformational processes in a multitude of organisations and communities globally since the mid 1990s. Currently focusing on the need for inner development for individuals and for the collective in order deal with the current and future complex challenges of humanity. Pontus has been part of the IDG journey from the start and is a co-coordinator for the global community of Hubs and networks of the Inner Development Goals.


John Bond

JOHN BOND, Journalist & Author, Initiatives of Change

John Bond lives in Oxford, England, and has worked with Initiatives of Change in over 30 countries. For five years he coordinated the Caux Forum for Human Security. Previously he was the Secretary of Australia’s National Sorry Day Committee, which enlisted a million Australians in initiatives to overcome the harm done to Aboriginal Australians by cruel and misguided past policies. For this he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. He is also a writer. His most-recent book, a biography of Professor Jerzy Zubrzycki, known as 'the father of Australian multiculturalism', has been published in English and Polish.


Mona Calvet

MONA CALVET, Psycho-Sociologist and Transformation Facilitator & HER DAUGHTER

Mona Calvet is dedicated to fostering inner capacities for collective transformation using various methodologies. With a systemic and regenerative approach, she collaborates with change agents, young leaders, and groups to develop awareness-based inner change, break down silos, and cultivate collective intelligence. Her experience spans 9 years in various professional contexts, interdisciplinary studies in psychology, psycho-social intervention, organisational communication, 300+ hours of continuous training, and a 13+ years personal transformational journey. Mona aims to help people connect to self, others, and the living ecosystem, cultivating the soil needed for regenerative systems change.


Grandmother Ejna Jean Fleury

GRANDMOTHER EJNA JEAN FLEURY, Tribal Peace Ambassador Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, Visionary & Ceremonialist

Grandmother Ejna Jean Fleury is an enrolled member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, and is their first Tribal Peace Ambassador. She is a Mystic, Visionary & Ceremonialist. She is the co-founder of Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee and the Wounded Knee Global Ceremonies to heal the multi-generational and multi-lineal effects of massacre, holocaust, and war upon humanity, other species, and our beloved planetary home. Grandmother Ejna has been practicing meditation for more than 40 years and is a certified meditation teacher and spiritual counselor. She is Commissioner at the Global Justice and Healing Commission and International Coordinator of Four Worlds Holistic Health Program for Elders & Leaders. She serves as a minister, healer, priestess, ceremonialist and a pipe carrier in the tradition of While Buffalo Calf Woman.



Rafaela IDG

RAFAELA ROLIM (Brazil), Founder of Brazilian Experience & Facilitator

Rafaela Rolim aims to host safe spaces of exchange and learning that inspires people and organisations to co-create a better world. She is the founder of Brazilian Experience, with 18+ years of experience in program design, facilitating international learning journeys and human development projects. Rafaela is a IDG enthusiast and started the IDG Florianópolis HUB - Experiences in Nature. She is currently part of the Global Coordination Team for HUBs and Networks and also launched the first IDG Immersion, called ID-X I Inner Development Experiences.  Rafaela believes in the power of community to foster collaboration towards common goals, creating transformative impact beyond individual capacity. She is currently also the Co-chair of the Sustainability Interest Group of NAFSA (Association of International Educators) and Vice-President of the CANIE (Climate Action Network for International Educators) America´s Chapter.





Jean-Marc Vignoli is a musician and lives in France. After training as both a violinist and an engineer, and a long career in industry, he (re)discovered the path to his own creative expression. For the last ten years or so, he has been living and sharing the mysteries of sound, improvisation and creativity and has also recorded several CDs. Jean-Marc Vignoli describes himself as a 'tailor-made' violinist. The music he plays is inspired by the message, the mood and the moment in which it takes place. Having become aware of the therapeutic dimension of music, he has turned his attention to the dimension of sound that soothes, relieves and harmonises, helping to transform and heal the human being in intimate contact with nature.



Born in Istanbul, Göksu Sandıkçı's journey is a captivating blend of two worlds: the structured realm of Electronics Engineering and the soul-stirring realm of music. From her earliest days, she found herself drawn to melodies, serving as the lead singer in orchestras during her primary school years. It was there that her passion for music first took root, blossoming into a desire to explore the depths of jazz. In 2014, Göksu's jazz odyssey truly began when she attended Sibel Köse’s Jazz Workshop, marking the inception of a lifelong love affair with the genre. Fueling her ambition, she completed the Jazz Certificate Program at Bahcesehir University, solidifying her commitment and quest for musical excellence. This led her to traverse Europe, studying under the tutelage of esteemed jazz mentors. Each chord progression and improvisation became a brushstroke on the canvas of her artistry, shaping her unique voice and style. Her thirst for knowledge and artistic growth has taken her across the globe, getting various education in Poland, Italy, the UK, and the USA. Göksu had opportunities to showcase her talent not only at prestigious jazz clubs and festivals in Turkey, but also international ones such as Veneto Jazz in Italy, Mau Mau in London, San Diego Art Museum and recently in jazz clubs of Switzerland. Now residing in Switzerland, Göksu brings her eclectic music taste to the forefront, blending jazz standards with elements of funk, blues, R&B, and soul. As she takes the stage in Caux, her music will accompany the softness of the sunset. (photo Göksu: Iremnur Demir Esen)

Göksu (vocals) will be performing together with four talented musicians: Valentin Conus (sax), Pablo Klopfenstein (piano), Latyr Boyle (double bass), Gabriel Deloffre (Drums)

  • 12 July 20:00 CEST : Caux Palace, Main Hall - Bay Window




Sylvie Esquerré


Sylvie Esquerré's motto is: "Life is not as it is portrayed ... it is as you colour it!" After teaching mathematics, Sylvie Esquerré has been passionately devoting herself for over 10 years to wood and stoneware sculpture, two materials she often likes to combine. Various training courses with internationally-renowned ceramists such as Alberto Bustos, Stuart Williamson for modelling, Patrick Buté for research into high-temperature glazes and Anne Le Hénaff for raku have enabled her to develop her knowledge and practices, and choose her own artistic approach. She is particularly passionate about creating pieces that explore both organic and abstract forms, as well as original textures and finishes. In the future she hopes to continue perfecting her skills, to persevere in her experiments with oxides, enamels, engobes and terra sigillata, and to develop her communication skills to be able to better share her passion and her values.

  • 9 July - 27 July: Salle Belle Epoque (4th floor) - Vernissage: 11 July (16:00) - Dining Room



Action-Parrainages and l'association suisse PAIRES work hand in hand to promote encounters and the creation of links between people seeking refuge in Switzerland and people from the host society. When paths cross, friendships are forged and life paths can change. In 2016 and 2017, in response to the growing influx of refugees, projects were launched to link people who had been living in Switzerland for a long time with families, young people, men and women in exile. The aim was to get to know each other, overcome prejudices, support new arrivals in their integration and start to build together this part of the country that we share, be it for a short or a long time.
Action-Parrainages and PAIRES (Projet pour l'Aide à l'Inclusion des Réfugiés-e-s en Suisse) have similar goals and are working together to achieve them. As a tribute to how far they have come, the travelling exhibition "Faire la PAIRES", organised with the support of Fonds lausannois pour l’intégration, unveils some of these pairs - people who have known each other for 3 years, 3 months or... 3 days.

  • 9 July - 27July: Dining Room (2nd floor) - Vernissage: 11 July (16:00) - Dining Room


Caux Palace Terrace Sunset TIP 2019


The Strategic Partnership


The Inner Development Goals Foundation is a non-profit organisation for inner development. The organisation researches, collects and communicates science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives, providing an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development. The Inner Development Goals Framework, open source and free for all to use, is fundamental in the work to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.

The organisation has stimulated the development of over 500 hubs and networks comprising groups of people and/or organisations supporting the Inner Development Goals Initiative.

The Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation is a Swiss private charitable foundation with its center for dialogue, the Caux Palace, in Caux, above Montreux, Switzerland. The Caux Palace has become a historic venue bringing together a diverse range of people to address the world’s political, economic and societal challenges together. 

Caux Initiatives of Change mission is to provide a safe and privileged space to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organisations from around the globe to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security. 

Initiatives of Change International is a voluntary, donation- and grant-funded nonprofit association of national legal bodies (national teams) and international programmes. Registered in Caux, Switzerland, they coordinate the world-wide Initiatives of Change people’s movement, uniting a community of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own.

Initiatives of Change International have special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC), participatory status at the Council of Europe as well as a seat at the International Organization for Migration (IOM).


Conversation discussion



Full Package with accommodation from 9 - 13 July, 2024, including the Opening Ceremony.

  • All inclusive | Accommodation in single occupancy room: CHF 690.- /person
  • All inclusive | Accommodation in shared occupancy room: CHF 570.-/person
  • Children from 6-14 | Accommodation shared with parents: CHF 310.-/person
  • Children from 0-5 | Accommodation shared with parents: CHF 0.-/person


Solidarity Fund

We have created a fund aimed at fostering true diversity of participants by providing support to those from the Global South or those facing economic challenges. Every contribution helps and we appreciate any additional amount you are able to give when paying via the registration form.


Prices mentioned, for single or shared accommodation, include :

  • Accommodation in either shared or single room at the Caux Palace
  • Participation in the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum
  • Transfer after the Opening Ceremony on 9 July from Geneva to Caux
  • Materials provided during the event
  • Interpretation service and technical equipment
  • Coffee and tea breaks as well as refreshments
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • VAT & City taxes


Event Package without accommodation

Full event package but no accommodation at the Caux Palace: CHF 350.- /person 

The package for participants without accommodation does not include breakfast nor the City Tax. It does include transfer from Geneva to Caux after the Opening Ceremony & dinner on 9 July at the Caux Palace


Opening Ceremony

The participation at the Opening Ceremony on 9 July at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva (14:30 - 17:00 CEST) is free! 

If you wish to attend only the Opening Ceremony, please register here on a separate registration form!


Arrival and Departure

The Caux IDG Forum will start with the Opening Ceremony in Geneva on Tuesday, 9 July (14:30 - 17:00 CEST). Attendees who have signed up for the full residential Caux IDG Forum are encouraged go straight to Geneva and travel up to Caux following the Opening Ceremony.

Information on transportation from Geneva to the Caux Palace will be communicated to all confirmed participants prior to the event.

For those who prefer to check in earlier or drop off luggage beforehand at the Caux Palace, our reception in Caux will be available from 10:00 CEST on 9 July, 2024. A safe luggage room will also be available at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

On the day of departure, the forum will end after lunch. For organisational reasons and to prepare our spaces for other events, we kindly request all participants to check out by 10:00 CEST on the day of departure and to leave the site by 14:00 CEST. Please note that a luggage room will be at your disposal until your departure after lunch.


Useful Information 



For any further information, don't hesitate to reach out and contact us by EMAIL.





Initiatives of Change (IofC) is a world-wide movement of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own. Many of the world’s problems – and their solutions – are rooted in human nature. Fear, hate, greed and indifference perpetuate injustice, poverty, conflict and environmental destruction. Yet it is also in human nature to be compassionate, courageous and creative. People can live the change they wish to see. Each person has something unique to contribute to building a just, peaceful and sustainable world. IofC focuses on the vital link between personal change and global change, and aims to inspire, support and equip people to play their part in building a better society.

At their centre for peacebuilding and dialogue, the Caux Palace, the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation prioritizes environmental responsibility and is committed to conscious handling of CO2 emissions, ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly experience.

We also uphold a zero-tolerance policy to foster a safe and respectful environment for all attendees, actively working to prevent and address any inappropriate behavior during our events.



#CauxForum #CauxIDG

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Caux Inner Development Goals Forum 2024 - PROGRAMME

Welcome at the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum in Caux (9 - 13 July 2024). 

Please note that the announced times are based on CEST time and that this programme might be subject to change.

You can find detailed information on the event and our speakers & artists here:

Opening Ceremony Caux IDG Forum - 9 July 2024, 14:30 CEST

Full-residential Caux IDG Forum - 9 - 13 July 2024

Download the programme overview



Tuesday, 09 July

14:30 - 17:00
Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Pétale 1, Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, CH-Geneva

The Opening Ceremony for the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum will be held at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva. Bringing together 200 participants and distinguished speakers drawn from the Inner Development Goals and Initiatives of Change communities, civil society, government, youth movements, academia and business, the ceremony promises to be a vibrant convergence of ideas and perspectives.   

Following the ceremony, attendees will have the opportunity to network and engage further during a coffee break. For those attending the full-residential Caux IDG Forum, transport will be arranged to the Caux Palace afterwards where the evening meal will be served.



Please note that this programme is still subject to change.



  • Sarah Noble, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation



  • Jacqueline Coté, President Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation



  • Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva



  • Ambassador Christian Guillermet Fernández, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violinist



  • Louise Le Gat, Founder and President A Purpose-Led World And School



  • Ignacio Packer, Executive Director Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violinist



  • Jan Artem Henriksson, Executive Director of the IDG Foundation



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violinist



Three youth from three continents sharing testimonies of their day-to-day life and what inner development means to them.

  • Daniel Clements (UK), Teacher & Programme Manager Creative Leadership initiative for young leaders 
  • Asmaa Sleem (Egypt), Educator, Storyteller and Founder of Lifelong Learning Talks
  • Steven Lin (Canada), Community Organizer



  • Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violinist



  • Prof. Rajmohan Gandhi, Historian, Biographer, former Member of India’s Parliament and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi  



Jean-Marc Vignoli, Violinist



  • Jacqueline Coté, President Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
  • Andrew Stallybrass, Caux Palace Historian



  • Sarah Noble, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change







18:30 - 20:00
Dining Room / Caux Palace

20:30 - 21:30
Main Hall / Caux Palace


  • PONTUS HOLMGREN, Psychologist, Facilitator and Global Coordinator of the IDG Hubs and Networks
  • RAFAELA ROLIMFounder of Brazilian Experience and Facilitator

Wednesday, 10 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Terrace & Garden (2nd floor)

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

9:00 - 9:15
Main Hall

Practical information for your stay at the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum

9:15 - 10:30
Main Hall


  • NADENE CANNING (Canada), Facilitator & Coach
  • CHARLOTTE DUFOUR (France), Practice Advisor to the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, UNDP 
  • IGNACIO PACKER (Switzerland), Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation



  • KHULAN BERGER (Mongolia), Regional Director Romandie/Switzerland, MyBluePlanet
  • ETIENNE CAUDAUX (Switzerland), Livestock Farmer, Advocate for Animal and Farmer Welfare, Member of the Initiatives of Change Farmer's Dialogue

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

16:00 - 17:00

17:00 - 18:30
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

18:30 - 19:30
Dining Room

20:00 - 21:30




from Playback-Theater Zürich

Thursday, 11 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

9:15 - 10:30
Main Hall

How can we achieve a more integrated approach to sustainability by connecting inner and outer dimensions to facilitate collective system transformation?





  • LAILA MARTINS (Brazil), United Nations & IDG Programme Processes Lead - Brazil
  • ELISE BUCKLE (France/Switzerland), President/ CEO of Climate & Sustainability, International Gender Champion, Co-chair of the climate impact group
  • LEWIS CARDINAL (Canada), Communicator, Educator & Story Holder, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

16:00 - 17:00
Dining Room & Terrace

We are delighted to invite you to a vernissage, introducing the artists behind two exhibitions which will take place during the Caux IDG Forum:

Where: Dining Room / Caux Palace (2nd floor)

When: 16:00 - 16:15 followed by tea & coffee



17:00 - 18:30
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

18:30 - 19:30
Dining Room

20:00 - 21:30

Friday, 12 July

7:00 - 7:15


LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

9:15 - 10:30
Main Hall

In what ways does inner development contribute to cultivating peaceful societies?


  • SARAH NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement at the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation



  • DR ELIF KUS SAILLARD (Turkey), Sociologist & Methodologist, Founder of NAM
  • INES MOKDADI, University Agrégée Professor of English at ISEAH in Tunisia
  • ELISABETH LASKAR (UK), Creators of Peace Circles facilitator and joint National Coordinator of Creators of Peace, UK
  • LETLAPA MPHAHLELE (South Africa), Former Commander of a South African liberation army, Peace Activist, former Member of Parliament

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

16:00 - 17:00

17:00 - 18:30
Meeting Rooms (to be announced)

18:30 - 19:30
Dining Room

20:00 - 21:30
Main Hall (Bay Window)

Saturday, 13 July

7:00 - 7:15


  • LEWIS CARDINAL, Leader of the Global Indigenous Dialogue

7:30 - 8:00
Main Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Dining Room

Before 10:00 -

On the day of departure, the forum will end after lunch. For organisational reasons and to prepare our spaces for other events, we kindly request all participants to check out of their rooms by 10:00 CEST on the day of departure and to leave the site by 14:00 CEST.

Please note that a luggage room will be at your disposal until your departure after lunch.

9:15 - 10:30
Main Hall


  • RAFAELA ROLIMFounder of Brazilian Experience and Facilitator



  • PONTUS HOLMGREN, Psychologist, Facilitator and Global Coordinator of the IDG Hubs and Networks
  • JOHN BOND, Journalist & Author, Initiatives of Change
  • MONA CALVET, Psycho-Sociologist and Transformation Facilitator & HER DAUGHTER
  • GRANDMOTHER EJNA JEAN FLEURY, Tribal Peace Ambassador Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, Visionary & Ceremonialist

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15
Main Hall

12:30 - 13:30
Dining Room

From 13:30 - 14:00

On the day of departure, the forum will end after lunch. For organisational reasons and to prepare the Caux Palace for the following event, we kindly request all participants to check out of their rooms by 10:00 CEST on the day of departure and to leave the site by 14:00 CEST.

Please note that a luggage room will be at your disposal until your departure after lunch.

Download the programme overview

CIDG 1 pager 4 July